Tropical Storm Lee – Sunday 3:00 p.m. update

Even though the rain has slacked off, the wind continues to blow and the water continues to rise. Termite did something very senseless, and I got a little (read: VERY) upset with him. He was at a friend’s house and text me to please come pick both of them up about 8 miles up the road from our home at the gym, where his friend (17) thought he should leave his car on higher ground for safe-keeping.

As I traveled on that side road to go get him (them), the water was rushing from the bayou over the road, and all I could think about was people in vehicles getting washed away in flash floods. Even though I was in my pickup truck, I do not know how much water force it could withstand before being swept off its wheels, so to speak. I called Termite and kept him on speaker phone while I was inching my way through the rushing waters, at least six inches over the road and fussed at him the whole way. They had passed through there only half an hour before, and there was very little water on the road. And they were in a small Kia, which sits close to the road. They had no clue the water was closing in behind them as they went. Fortunately, we were able to come back via the main highway; and while parts of it were underwater, it was not as bad as the road on the western side of the bayou.

Termite’s friend came home with us, because his family told him to get his car to higher ground, because they were leaving. Huh? Say what? Sure, kid, you can stay at my house and ride out the storm . . . . you should have just brought my son home in your car and stayed here to begin with. BECAUSE, it is so unpredictable what the rising water does down here; but parts 5-8 miles up the road from here are worse off than we are way down here, where you would think our vehicles would already be underwater.

Here are some pics from our trip back home from 8 miles up La. Highway 315 only moments ago:

And the water is still rising . . . . .

while I am trying to just sit tight.

Hard to do.

So, what are YOU doing this Labor Day Weekend?  Please tell me!


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  1. What am I doing this Labor Day weekend? Watching your flood, that’s what. What a mess. I thought for a while it would be lifted out by now, but it’s been a slow mover the whole way. Glad you made the trip safely. Keep us posted.

  2. You wonder sometimes how your kids are going to make it through adulthood–if they ever get there.

    We, of course, never did crazy things while growing up and (supposedly) maturing.

    I know there was at least one thing stupid I must have done, but never got around to mentioning to my parents.

  3. Hope this backs off soon…glad you and the family have some higher ground to stay in! BE SAFE whatever ye do…

    The weather system is all the way up here in the Great Lakes – we’ve had some crackin’ thunderstorms, high winds and lots o’ rain the last few days (and some fallout from Irene prior to that). At least three Tornado watch/warnings in the last few weeks in the immediate vicinity (after the one that ripped through Goderich, off Lake Huron).
    It’s pelting down pretty good right now and there’s the rumble o’ thunder in the air again…

    What a truly weird summer for weather. Makes ye wonder if someone forgot the phrase, “It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature”?

  4. Yesterday it was 103 and today its about 79, the temperature difference is such a blessing! Im sure the relief is related to your tropical storm but Im grateful for the relief in the heat. Softball season has been quite horrible in this heat. Dove season started Wednesday and Bryce has done fairly well. Nat is going with them tomorrow, she hasnt got to go yet.

  5. oh my Wendy- glad U made it- Im so lucky here-Duson doesn’t flood but there are some places around here that do. theres roads closed here and there. Delcambre flooded as usual- most everyone there is 12 ft. up after the last round of storms and I will find out how cousin Alan fared on pecan island and Nanan Beb fared on grand chinere tues. hope it doesnt get up enough to get in your new house. stay safe my friend

    1. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, MM. If the water ever gets 14 feet above sea level and into my new house, we will ALL be outta here, my dear! Stay safe!

  6. I don’t understand it! Even had my 17 yr. old protested LOUDLY, his a** would have been in my vehicle after I followed him to leave his car on higher ground! WHAT ARE THEY THINKING!!!!!!!!! BW, I hope they aren’t close friends of yours, but I think they need their arses kicked too! OK, deep breath…I truly hope everything goes well. Stay safe.

    Feel free to delete…it just ticked me off that they would leave their son behind AND that you had to put yourself in danger to rescue the BOYS!
    They absolutely deserved an earful on the way home!

    1. I’m sure they don’t appreciate my blogging about it, AND I just heard on Houma TV that the electricity was shut off in the area where their house is; which means, if he had stayed home alone, he would be without power. Well, I’m not very close to them, but maybe, like most people, they didn’t realize how bad this would really be? Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.

  7. Well, I’m painting your desk and enjoying the cooler temps. Got second coat on today. Will wax tomorrow along with the music desk. Oh, and will paint drawer insides, too.

    1. Ohhhhh! Can’t wait! I’m so excited! Can’t wait to see before and after pics. Hey, brain fart – would you like to do a guest blog post with pics to introduce business? I see a ROAD TRIP in our near futures!!! Hey, put on some tennies and stop slipping down. Note to self: RAIN MAKES THE CONCRETE WET AND SLIPPERY! Been so long since you’ve had rain, you forgot about that, huh?

  8. We WERE supposed to attend the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival in Morgan City. It was a go in spite of the weather. We pretty much did the same as you – sat tight inside and watched the rain come and go. We watched movies, baked cookies, and that’s about it!

    1. My son-in-law’s band, Voodoo Bayou, WAS supposed to play at the festival which was canceled last minute. Well, these storms do have a way of ruining plans, don’t they? Are y’all okay?

  9. We’re not getting the beating you guys are having. Rain and high surf on the coast here in NW Florida. Be safe BW my prayers are with you all! This has been one wierd, crazy year for weather.

    1. Hey Mamabug, we are fine. I can’t understand why we are still having gusts and rain? I haven’t looked at any radar or news this morning because I’ve had enough of monitoring all that. Will know by the end of the day how much damage low-lying houses suffered. Y’all stay safe, too!

  10. We are planning to clean off the back porch if it actually drops down to the mid 80s as told by the weatherman.

    I do hope the storms move on and give all of you some relief. Maybe they will move this way??? I can hope. We are all scared to death that another person will toss a cigarette out their window and another fire will start. I walked around the house today wearing my garden clogs and the grass is so dry and crispy that it stuck into the sides of my shoes and into my skin! And that used to be St. Augustine!!
    Glad the trip to pickup Termite went ok. Stay dry and safe!

    1. Enjoy the cooler temps, Cammy. I will send y’all rain through my mind and hope it gets there soon! Maybe I’ll even do a rain dance but I fear it will rain here and not there. Take care!

  11. I’ve been checking to see if you had posted. I have been worried about you and yours. Take care and send some of that water our way. No rain here in IL for almost 2 months.

  12. You gave them benefit of doubt before now you got full fledged dogri parents with a full fledge dogri son. Sound like DCFS material to me.

    Of course I got no idea about kids so your on your own.

    I would have told them to swim back though.

    1. You don’t always get the real or full story from teens. He probably told his parents that he wasn’t going anywhere. I did find out, however, that his mom told him EARLY yesterday morning to move his car to higher ground before they left. Still don’t know where they expected him to stay? Maybe I’ll get the whole story today and tell him how dangerous his choice was and not concern myself with the parents. He’s 17, so I don’t think DCFS would do much. Neglect? Maybe so. But they have both grandmothers living with them, whom the parents packed up and hauled out of here; so maybe they were the main concern and not a upwardly mobile rebellious 17 year old? Who knows? It’s all in the details, Blu, all in the details.