Now, I'm excited!

My “TO DO ” list is about a half mile shorter than it was a month ago, but as I sat at my desk this morning looking for comments from you and deleting junk mail, and generally avoiding what needed to be done, a red truck drove past my bedroom window headed back toward the…

Louisiana Migratory Birds!

Among the migratory birds we saw and/or heard were the following birds:

white eyed vireo, painted and indigo bunting, rose-breasted gross beak, swamp sparrow, tree swallow, swamp canary, parula, barred owls, grackles, blue jays, cardinals, starlings, great and little blue heron, green and Louisiana heron, great and snowy egret, white and glossy ibis, black and turkey vulture, black crowned night heron, roseate spoonbill, cormorant, osprey, barn swallow, red bellied and pyleated woodpecker, eastern king bird, cat bird, Kentucky warbler (my first), kingfisher, Carolina chickadee, Carolina wren, laughing gull, ring-billed gull, black-neck stilts, common moorhen, purple martin, crow, red-winged black bird, morning dove

Way Past Due!

I know I’m way past due for a blog post, but now you can add baseball games to my already jam-packed waking hours.  As of now, I get about six hours of shut eye a night.  I just can’t pack any more into 18 hours than I do. So, as soon as I can, I…

Desperate Design!

Candice Olsen, I’m not.  I can watch hours and hours of design show reruns and still not have an ounce of design sense in this old brain.  I mean, Candice would NEVER wait until the walls were painted to pick her cabinet color, would she?  Or the counter top color?  Or the back splash color? …