
You Can’t Always Get What You Want . . .

But if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need. Oh that these lyrics from a popular Rolling Stones song could become the mantra behind the commercial and recreational fishermen who share the inland and coastal waters of south Louisiana, the fate of which will soon be decided in the House vote for the 2012 State Master Plan for Coastal Restoration and Protection.

Amazing Pink Egret!

These photos were just sent to me by a friend in Placquemine, LA. His family owns Dupont’s Nursery, and his grandfather is the man who developed the gorgeous Cajun Hibiscus you have seen featured in some of my photographs. His name is Rob, and he did me a huge favor by forwarding these photos to me this morning.


Off the Hook!

Spring is full speed ahead on the bayou with summer quickly approaching. With so many other obligations, both paying and non-paying, it seems that my blog posts have been few and far between. Sometimes I put too much pressure on myself to come up with something witty and entertaining, when maybe you are content just to read about what’s going on in everyday bayou life. Like good friends do, we should just share what’s happening on a regular basis, right?

Bayou Frog Symphony for You!

For the past three nights, bayou frogs of all kinds have serenaded us to sleep. It’s important that you know they do not do this every night all spring and summer long. It’s only on occasion, but when they decide to put on a concert, they really belt it out. I don’t know if it’s just the time of year or if they’re just uber-happy because of all the rain we’ve had. Whatever the reason, the frogs have been singing their little hearts out every night.

S U R P R I S E !

It was our oldest son’s 27th birthday, and he absolutely was surprised, as you will see below! But first, what do you think he wanted to do the actual day of his birthday? Yep, he wanted to go fishing with Mom.  I was touched that he wanted to spend the day with me.  We chased…