Someone must’ve said “Let it snow!”

Because way down here in coastal Louisiana, it has been doing so since 8:15 this morning.

It started off slowly, with high winds blowing big flakes across the landscape from the north.

Now, some five hours later, the wind has died down, the flakes are very tiny and drifting quietly straight down rather than sideways.

I am absolutely stunned at how much snow has accumulated on this land so far.

If this article is correct about historical landfall in (at least) Baton Rouge (which is NOT where we are), then we might push the second-place, 6-inch record holder out of its spot, as the predictions are for as much as eight inches before it’s all over this evening.

So far, it’s okay with me because I’m lodged inside with warm clothing and warm slippers and no reason to leave. Most thankfully, we still have electricity and heat.

Miah and I ventured out earlier, and it was just way too cold for us to even form a snowball. Sad, I know but we’ll survive with the memories we have of this almost-unprecedented event.

Enjoy a few photos and stay warm.


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One Comment

  1. Have you ever been in snow like this Wendy? I know from growing up in worse that if you dress warm enough it’s not bad being out in the snow. Especially if you’re moving around. I am so amazed at how much snow fell.