Welcome to a fun page all about “raising Raccoons”; we’ve had a little experience, raising two Raccoons over the years!

The Adventures of Chaoui – Coon baby
This is the first in the series of 14 little stories about the true, but short, life of our raccoon. Each installment should be ready at 8 each morning if you want to make plans to read a story a day throughout the holidays! I hope so much that you and your children enjoy this…

Adventures of Chaoui – Coon chow
What does a healthy toddler coon eat–besides Oreos? Well, Baby begrudgingly shares her dogfood with Chaoui. The funny thing is, Chaoui must have a bowl of water to wet the food in. We’d always heard that coons “wash” their food before they eat it. It’s really more like she “soaks” it to make it easier…

Adventures of Chaoui – Coon naps
It has been a wonderful experience as we watch the development of this wild creature – who doesn’t know she’s a wild creature. When we first found her, she was very wobbly. Now she walks, romps, and climbs. Her little palms feel like leather, and her sharp claws help her cling to anything. After a…

Coon chores
Mommy, I can fold the clothes, too! Without photos, most of you would not believe the things this little coon is capable of. She always wants to be where I am–whether it’s folding clothes or cleaning windows tending the plants . . . hanging clothes on the line . . . or just helping me…

Coon identity
“Mommy, what am I? Am I a dog? Am I a cat? Am I a human?” We’ve learned that raccoons exhibit behaviors similar to dogs and cats, but somehow unique. She seems to be a special blend of the two, with a little human toddler mixed in. Those little paws get her into more stuff….

Chaoui goes to Grand Isle – Part 1
Would anyone in their right mind take a toddler coon on vacation? I don’t know if we have right minds, but we did. Chaoui accompanied us to Grand Isle, Louisiana. We bought her a pet taxi to travel in and a doggie cage to stay in once we arrived. With no time to waste, Chaoui…

Chaoui goes to Grand Isle – Part 2
They say a picture paints a thousand words, and I think this is one chapter a boy will remember forever . . . to be continued . . . Have a peaceful day with family, everyone.

Chaoui goes to Grand Isle – Part 3
Chaoui found plenty to keep herself busy at Grand Isle. I watched, took photos, and just enjoyed the heck out of watching my kids enjoy themselves! Mommy? What is this spraying water on me? Mommy? What is this smelly thing? Can I eat it? Look Mommy, I can see really far across the water from…

Chaoui goes to Grand Isle – Part 4
After all the fishing, exploring, climbing, swimming, and playing, there’s nothing better to do on Grand Isle, than take an island nap . . . One second she was playing around with my camera bag (again) and the next thing I knew, she had literally CRASHED! Just like you see her in the photo. Taking…

Coon antics – Part 1
There is nothing outstanding about these photos. I just want to share with you some of Chaoui’s antics. She is always into something. A friend of mine who has raised wild coons told me she would be a “perpetual toddler” and that I should photograph her while I can, because eventually, she will hear the…

Coon antics – Part 2
Chaoui is a teencoon now and doesn’t think it’s cool to spend a lot of time with Mommy and the family. She is spending more and more time exploring the great outdoors—even staying out all night at times. She has broken curfew and just refuses to accept being “grounded”!!! Here are the rare indoor photos…

Chaoui and Baby
Just as our children grow older, and the photo ops happen less often, the same holds true for raccoons. Again, who would believe that this young adult coon and elderly doggie would play together? This is their morning ritual in my room while I check my email . . . before I have to put…

Excuse me, ma'am, is that a raccoon on your desk?
Well, I do believe it is a raccoon!!! And a youngun at that! Can it be? Are we once again blessed with a baby coon to replace our precious Chaoui? It would be so grand to be an animal mother. They don’t have to wait years to get another chance to “raise a child”. Chaoui…

CooNee is still a baby . . .
We’ve been trying to get CooNee to start eating cat food, softened in milk, but she just doesn’t know what to do yet. Even putting a little piece in her mouth doesn’t work. She just spits it out. Her hunger is getting more demanding, though. She used to sleep between every feeding, but now she…

Adventures of CooNee, the toddler coon
I am soooooo happy to announce that CooNee has gone from the bottle to finger foods – Cheerios, and next on to watermelon, and now she is eating her solids like a big girl – CAT CHOW! Having been raised inside the house, it can be a rather daunting experience for her to go outside…

CooNee Returns!
I didn’t tell you that CooNee was gone, because I was too sad about it and I was hoping she would return. Last Monday while we were gone all day, something happened to The Big Yellow Dog and CooNee. They disappeared. KatyBug sent me a hilarious story of how she imagined the two of them…

CooNee does the laundry!
CooNee: “Hey Mommy, whatcha doin’?” Me: “I’m doing the laundry, CooNee.” CooNee: “Pewee! This laundry is stinky like me!” Me: “Well, this is how we give the laundry a bath , CooNee” CooNee: “May I take my bath with the stinky laundry?” Me: “No, CooNee! The washing machine is a dangerous place for little raccoons.”…