Casting New Swamp Peeps!

It all began at Big Al’s Seafood in Houma, Louisiana. It was a muggy hot Saturday afternoon, and with not a whole lot better to do, I decided to drive into town and check out the local casting call for the popular reality TV series Swamp People.

There were a couple of interviews going on when I arrived, with several other

The Adventures Continue!

If you’ve ever seen Cajun Justice, then you have actually seen some of the areas on my Wetland Tour route. So, we headed up to the “haunted swamp” from one episode, which is also the same swamp where the alligator poachers got busted with the help of a big alligator head decoy. I showed them the spot where the poachers jumped out of the boat and took off running. And the idea hit me, “Hey, I could start doing Cajun Justice Tours!”

Swamp People Odds and Ends

Well, it’s that time again. The final episode of Swamp People aired last Thursday night, with R.J. and Troy battling it out for the “King of the Swamp” bragging rights. Although there was never a big to do made over which one actually holds the title, the show would have us believe that both men filled their 500 alligator tag quotas. And if they did, well, good for them.

BW needs your help with her homework!

As promised last week, I have another poll for you. I am doing my homework for this Saturday’s radio show discussion about Louisiana reality TV shows. Once again, I need your help and input. Hey, it’s summer. It’s hot. And if you’re just sitting inside keeping cool at your desktop or I-pad, do me a BIG favor and check out a little reality TV, Louisiana style. If you have a Facebook page, please share this poll with your friends, as I would appreciate as much input as possible–especially from folks outside of Louisiana.