
Liquid Ballerina!

Congratulations Choupiquer on your winning entry! It’s perfect! Please email me your mailing address for your prize. Isn’t this a great name for this photo? All the entries were super! It was tough making this decision. I really like Wetland Alien submitted by Kim, and also Heather’s last attempt, of Voyager I to Voyager II….


Wild Hibiscus

This flower is locally called “wild hibiscus”. The book I use as for identification is Wildflowers of Louisiana and Adjoining States (out of print). It says this flower is from the “mallow family”. This Web site calls them “rose mallow” or “swamp mallow”. So, those of you who had any of the above words…


Wild pink what

It’s NAME THIS FLOWER CONTEST time again. I know you’ve been biting your nails and pulling out your gray hair in all your spare time, just waiting for this moment to arrive on your computer screen. So please, don’t be shy. Be brave. Venture a guess. And remember, these are flowers that I come across…


Bayou Bounty

Before we move totally away from Fall and on to the first official day of Winter, I want to show you what abounds here. Unlike the northern part of the country, where I imagine there are pumpkins everywhere, we harvest a few different things . . . . . . like pecans, satsumas, and sugarcane….