
T-day special

Do you have a special Thanksgiving dish that you prepare only this time of year? And perhaps it’s not included in the “traditional” meals of most American households? It’s too late for me to share recipes, step by step with you for this year. But I plan to do it anyway, so you will have…

Frog Friday

Ok, as much as I want to call LilSis right now, I can’t call her one more time today. We worked on our blogs a big chunk of the morning via the air waves and finally had to hang up. But only after learning some new things — two heads are better than one when…


Location Scout

If you’ve been keeping up, you know that we’ve been down with the creeping crud this week. I went back to bed this morning but jumped out of bed at the ringing of the land line around 8:30 a.m. It was the head of tourism wanting to know if I could help a “film location…


Decade Trout

We pulled into the lake about 7 a.m. looking for clean water and it looked pretty decent so we began to drift and cast. Termite commented that the boats looked like they were all on anchor, and there was not much wind action. We watched them for a minute and once in a while they…