Wild dark yellow what contest – TIME'S UP!
Thanks, everyone for playing again, and wow, you are getting smarter and smarter about these aquatics, aren’t you?
Kim, Trish, and Stephanie are correct. This is just a plain, yet very beautiful “water lily”.
Therefore, I will put your names in a hat and let Miah draw the winner. Stand by for the winner . . . and the winner is . . . yippee . . . this makes me soooooo happy . . . STEPHANIE!!!!!!
One of the reasons this makes me very happy is because I met Steph on a ladies fishing forum and I’ve been trying to get her down here. Now she has no reason not to and a trip to Turtle Bayou reason to come!!!
Of course, I would have been just as thrilled to have Kim or Trish onboard. Hey – you girls wanna come, too?!! The more the merrier!!!
OK, things have been a little slow in my blogging world during the holidays, so let’s spice things up a bit with a new year challenge.
Here is the flower . . .
Now I’m being very, very tricky. Don’t confuse this flower with the last one! This flower photo was taken on the gorgeous Turtle Bayou on the day Termite and I spent 10 hours on the water. (Note to self: How about a photolog of that trip? Maybe I’ll put that together in my spare time and share it with you soon.)
In the meantime, pull out your field guides do an internet search for images of this beautiful aquatic. Please submit only one guess per person. You have until Wednesday evening at 9:00 Central to come up with something. The prize is a FREE TRIP TO TURTLE BAYOU!!
Yellow water lily or another name – mexican water lily Nymphaea mexicana
Um, stepping out on a limb here, but is it a yellow water lily? Or are you looking for something a bit more scientific…?
Beautiful photo!
Looks like a Yellow Water Lily to me.
I knew what this was, and I was going to enter. Then I got distracted….:?
Got distracted? Hah! Imagine that!