Bayou Petite Caillou, Blessing of the Fleet

You can read all about the traditions of the boat blessing here.

Down the bayou, this applies mainly to shrimp boats, but you will see families riding in their crabbing boats and pleasure boats to receive a blessing as well.

This past Sunday was the blessing of the fleet on one of the bayous in Terrebonne Parish, and I was there to take photos to share with you.  I hope you enjoy them.

Now, I will let the photos do the talking.

I learned by observation, that you can tell what kind of interests the boat owner has by the flags that are flown.  So, take notice in the following pics.

Check out the flags!

Shout out the a local university!

This is the Swamp People boat, and my favorite!

You can’t see it, but the green sign on the stern is an alligator saying “CHOOT ‘EM!”

Do you think they are Auburn fans?

Just a nice little family in their pleasure fishing boat.

This is just a sampling of the hour-long boat blessing flotilla.  There was music blasting from the boats, people dancing, and just passing a good time down on the Bayou Petite Caillou in Chauvin.  We were on the banks of the bayou at the Sculpture Garden, as I mentioned before.

Sorry to rush off, but I have a million loose ends to tie up for Saturday’s Fifth Annual Bayou Dularge Trash Bash!  Will I see you there at 7 a.m.?  I hope so.  I need a few good women to get on my boat with me and collect trash.  Game anyone?

Yours truly,


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  1. Spectacular shots…though it appears any Pyrates were flying more regional flags that day!

    A salute to ye as well for the “Bayou Dularge Trash Bash” – a necessary job, though would be less so if everyone would pick up after themselves (and any trash ye see laying/floating around)…astounding what gets into the water…we have mates all over who organize/participate in similar endeavours – in Canada there is something of a National event

    “I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” (Edward Everett Hale)

    1. Capt. Swallow,
      I’m sorry I missed seeing you when you were in Louisiana! We missed each other by just a few days.

  2. Is “The Blessing Of The Fleet” associated with a festival as is the one in Morgan City over the Labor Day weekend (Shrimp and Petroleum Festival)? I KNOW there was a “festival atmosphere”. BTW, the photos are great (as usual).

    1. Well, it is a complete festival atmosphere along the bayou blessing route, with folks and families sitting on their bayou sides, boiling seafood, drinking, music, dancing! And then this was combined with the previous post activity . . . the Folk Art Festival with lots of music, food, etc.

      Bayou Dularge does their boat blessing before the August season . . . .this blessing is for the May season. I hope the priest did a good “dispersant blessing”!

  3. Lovely photos. Made me feel I was right there. Especially when I got to the one that might be an Auburn fan. A train was going thru a few blocks from here and I swear he blew the horn in short blasts that made me think it was a boat horn! I had to double check my speakers.

  4. Wow they really go all out. They have a blessing of the sponge fleet in Tampa FL and the shrimp fleet in Key West fl that I have been to and they are not nearly as festive. Gotta love the Cajuns for all that!. The Delcambre blessing is usually tied to a festival too . We went and had the bass boat blessed one year but EJ wouldnt let me decorate the boat-wanted to go chase redfish after. haha.
    Wish I could come do trash with U on sat but I’ve got a little P/T job going on and I work sat. nites now in some friends pizza rest. lol.mad $$.
    Great photos!

  5. The yacht club where I do most of my work has a blessing of the fleet each year for “new” boats – newly purchased, or new club members. It’s nice, and there are some very tasteful flags flying. Besides, they fire a cannon and have the Aggie Band from Texas A&M and there are lots of white pants and blue blazers.

    I’ll take your fleet every time! Wonderful photos – and best wishes for a successful season!

  6. We are coming to New Orleans on June 16. Are there any boat festivals around that time? We could come early or stay late.