
Do you eat mudbugs?

Well, we do, and it’s that time of year again. Signs have cropped up all over town touting “Live Crawfish $1.50 per pound”, which is very much a first-of-the-season price. Near the end of the season, the price will go down to as low as $.49 a pound. You must understand the culture, though. Predominantly…


Isn't she lovely?

I played Jo the plumber today. Remember her from that old TV show, “Green Acres”? And it works! I don’t think I was ever so happy to see fire in my life! Go girl power! Oh, and the muscles of my 20-year-old-son, who helped me hoist it into the closet and manhandle all the other…

A meme from me to you!

Disjointed.  That’s how I have felt since January 29th.  I believe that is a whole month.  And today is that special day that no child really wants to be born.  Wonder how many have been born since midnight last night? I’m off to appointments in town and am trusting the water heater will magically appear…