Come sail away with me . . .
Grand Isle has the friendliest people. First off, a very nice couple let us use their beach- front camp for our weekend on Grand Isle. I’d say that was pretty friendly, wouldn’t you?
On Friday morning, Termite and I headed to the center of the island to eat our traditional meal at the Starfish Diner. We always eat there at least once during our stay, but this was our first time to do breakfast. The food was just edible, but the “people watching” was great.
At a table within earshot of ours, I heard two men and a woman talking about wetland issues. I recognized the woman and one of the men but could not remember exactly where I’d seen them before. The man I did not recognize soon walked past our table, and I could read his name on his shirt: Captain Andy “Happy Ours” Sailing.
I introduced myself as he walked by, and he greeted me as though we were already friends–a handshake and peck on the cheek. I told him that I was there gathering information for a little article on vacationing on the island. After asking him who the couple was, he instantly called them over and introduced us all.
As it turns out, the woman recognized me from the first Grand Isle Ladies’ Fishing Rodeo that I participated in last October. I then recognized her as the woman who signed me in that day and gave me my pink hat. After the usual business card exchange, Andy and Sue invited us to go sailing with them an hour later, and of course we accepted the invite.
And just like that, Termite and I were on our way to sail among the dolphins in the emerald green waters of Barataria Bay on this 41 foot Irwin ketch sailboat.
The dolphins came very close to the boat, and glided alongside. They often surfaced and looked up to see who was visiting them.
And if you keep your camera ready, you can get a good shot of their smiling faces!
It was a gorgeous afternoon for sailing. Captain Andy and Mate Sue were gracious hosts, and this was definitely an adventure to remember.
As I lay on the front deck, I was inspired by all the colors of nature to just take a ton of photos. Should I bore you with them all? I think I’ll spare you this time. But, hey, just a few more, ok?
This guy came really close to the sailboat to get a gander at us.
And then someone on board noticed a stranded dolphin. Can you see its dorsal fin barely sticking out of the water? Andy and Sue know the Coast Guard Commander on a first-name basis, and just so happens she’s a marine biologist, too. Of course, a dolphin is a marine mammal, not a marine creature like a fish, but they knew she’d be sympathetic, and they were right.
Talk about good timing. LT. J.G. NATALIA HOY – COMMANDING OFFICER – USCGC STURGEON was there almost immediately. They dropped anchor, and then the most amazing thing happened . . .
The Coast Guard cutter gave birth to a baby boat whose crew was instrumental in helping the dolphin.
To be continued. . .
You “must” have been worn out if you went to Grand Isle and didn’t fish! I know it’s a little early for a good bite, but I would have wet a line anyway ” to relax”.
Actually, I did wet a line. And when I didn’t get a bite, I decided to just relax while Termite fished, and that’s exactly what I did. Later that night, he and I fished under some lights, and I got to see a squid biting my shrimp; and then I caught a pin fish. Do you feel better now?!!!!
Well, Hector’s pup! You have some adventures where ever you go. Sounds like a great trip and great pics too. Thanks for sharing and can’t wait for the next installment.
You funny Cuz! Hector’s pup? LOL! Glad to see your sense of humor hasn’t left you, fuzzy cuzzy!
great photos!!! Your adventure looks and sounds so exciting, I love it. Glad you got to relax and just take in the beauty around you. The dolphins are amazing, I could watch them forever……and I for one would LOVE to see more photos from your weekend.!!! Welcome back home…
Thanks for the great comment, Deb. Did you get the book? It went out of Houma last Thursday, priority mail, so you should have it by now!
Looks like you had a great time. The pics are great, too. Wish I had been with you – maybe next time!
Hi, I am Chuck, I am owner of Sea Breeze Cottages. We are still rebuilding from Katrina and Rita.
If you know anything about the conditions, pics, or when we cen return please notify me by email provided.
P.S. your photographs are beautiful , I know my website is horrible. I was done by a friend. I would love for you to take some images for our new website.
Chuck Boone
I am very sorry about your loss from K and R and I will be crossing my fingers for your cottages. I will email you as soon as I know something. Maybe Thurs. night.