
Scarlet Sage

Ladies and Gentlemen (say like the Ring Leader), presenting the winner of Bayou Woman’s first Name that Flower Contest: Kim

Congratulations, Kim! You were the early bird that caught this worm. Since Kim is traveling the US right now, she has nowhere to plant the seeds, so now what do I do with these seeds I just harvested for her? Any ideas?!

Here is a little closer look at the seeds, petals, and leaves of the Scarlet Sage. It is considered an indigenous wildflower. (Really nice try, Rachel!)


Here is the site that Kim used to help in her Final Answer:
and a fine site it is, I might add.

To everyone else, thank you so very much for taking a stab at this. I was privately told the photo did not give enough detail for a “fair” contest. So, the next flower will be a little easier (if you are from South Louisiana, that is!).

Stay tuned for our next Name that Flower Contest . . .

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