
Chaoui and Baby

Just as our children grow older, and the photo ops happen less often, the same holds true for raccoons. Again, who would believe that this young adult coon and elderly doggie would play together? This is their morning ritual in my room while I check my email . . . before I have to put…


Coon antics – Part 2

Chaoui is a teencoon now and doesn’t think it’s cool to spend a lot of time with Mommy and the family. She is spending more and more time exploring the great outdoors—even staying out all night at times. She has broken curfew and just refuses to accept being “grounded”!!! Here are the rare indoor photos…


Coon antics – Part 1

There is nothing outstanding about these photos. I just want to share with you some of Chaoui’s antics. She is always into something. A friend of mine who has raised wild coons told me she would be a “perpetual toddler” and that I should photograph her while I can, because eventually, she will hear the…