Oh, the woes!

Oh, the woes!

Of boat ownership. Another term for boat is “open hole into which you pour money”.  Everyone who has owned a boat learns this the hard way.  Seems like something always needs maintaining or replacing or repairing.  You would think by now that I would be able to circumvent these things.  Alas, I still don’t have…

Equal Light and Dark

Equal Light and Dark

Vernal Equinox:  When the sun crosses the plane of Earth’s equator, making night and day, dark and light, of equal lengths all over the planet. Pretty cool. It’s coming. This week.  Whether you’re a purist or you follow the calendar determines whether you recognize this on March 20 or 21 this year, in terms of…


Lawd, Lawd!

Unusual title, I know, but spring has sprung in more ways than one!  I love y’all so much that I’m sitting here trying to keep my word about finishing this post, even though today was the first day of the Prothonotary Warbler Project, and not only did I haul the boat an hour to and…

Hunting and Fishing in Maurepas Swamp:  The Sportsman’s Perspective
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Hunting and Fishing in Maurepas Swamp: The Sportsman’s Perspective

Idling slowly among the cypress knees in a shallow-draft boat, one can only imagine what the Maurepas Swamp would have looked like 100 years ago—before the Great Flood of 1927, before the leveeing of the Mississippi River, and before the virgin cypress were cut down and hauled out to be milled for house and boat…