
Hurricane Ike – The Humans

On that first Sunday that Lil Sis and I took our adventure by boat and then by truck down the bayou to get our first glance at the damage, our truck driver, Mechanic, said something very interesting.  I’m noting it here so I remember it for future reference.

“When you evacuate, you can become a responder.  When you stay behind, you become a victim.”

But for me, with my home flooding for the second time, after not having fully recovered from Rita three years prior, I felt more like a victim even though I evacuated.  If I had been able to elevate my home to the required 12 feet, it would not have flooded, and I could have been a responder helping people less fortunate than I.

But I found myself reeling from the damage–not just for me, but for all those like me who knew this would happen again if the barrier islands and marsh were not restored.  And my mind raced, being faced with decisions that would affect whether I could stay knowing this truth–with no promise of said restoration in site.

Lil Sis ran interference for me as much as she could, realizing that I was fairly numb, (to be honest, I felt more like a zombie feeling almost nothing because feeling was too painful).  She helped make immediate decisions for me that I could not make for myself.

And on Day 4 after the storm, after getting the kitchen floor cleaned up, my daughter called.

“Mom, remember that email about this couple in town who started this non-profit to directly help people affected by the storms?  Well, I called and asked him what one had to do to get aid for a family, and Mom, is it ok if he calls you?  Do you need anything?”

And quite honestly, I can’t tell you what happened after that.  Maybe LilSis can fill in the gaps, but somehow the non-profit, Windstrong, got the word that we could use a refrigerator . . .

and that same day, Mike, the owner of a local steakhouse and co-founder of Windstrong, along with his sidekick, Phil, took out the smelly old refrigerator for us . . .

and put it on the trash pile . . .

and brought in the new one.  LilSis and I thought they would put it in place and that would be that . . .

but we were wrong.  They levelled it, installed the handles, put it properly in place, plugged it in and made sure it was running before they left.

Mike was so excited as he shared with us the vision he and his wife had for taking donations and passing the help directly to the people who needed it most and this was their first big act of giving!!!  And we were so blessed to see their dedication and care for those struck by the storms.

If you know of anyone in the Houma area who needs help, please email Windstrong from their website and let them know.  Or if you would like to donate to a local group KNOWING that the money will go directly to help individuals and not toward administration, then this is the place–including designated donations to help families anonymously.

We were both humbled at their generous, giving spirits and honored that we were the first recipients of their acts of service.  Blessings to Mike, Theresa, Phil, and all those who donated to Windstrong to help the Bayou People.  Thank you all from the bottom of our bayou hearts.


To be continued . . . . .

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  1. Posted these guys up on the MOD site. Check headed their way Monday.
    Hope you remember to fish once and awhile.

  2. Wish I’d known about Windstrong earlier. I’ve made contibutions to UMCOR for “Flood Buckets” recently. I’ll have to remember Windstrong after we get our home repairs done.
    Are you still having to post from your neighbors home or did your internet get fixed earlier than expected?

  3. This was truly one of the bright spots in the whole week. These guys (who call each other Harold), were so excited. We were so excited to have someone else hauling the shrimpy fridge to the street. It was all good. And every day after that when they would pass by the cottage taking another delivery of some type of aid down the bayou, they would honk and wave.

    Can’t wait to go eat at one of Mike’s restaurants!

  4. That is the best example of love they neighbor isnt it? Does he own any places outside your state? I would patron them if they are where I am from… So glad that they could help you baby – miss you and saying prayers. BTW is the mail being delivered there???

  5. Stephanie…….His restaurant is Mike’s Steak House. BW put a link to his information (underlined in blue) just below the first picture.

  6. Real quick everyone, I am still stopping in at friends’ to use internet quickly and hoping not to wear out my welcome, so I don’t have regular access yet.

    Sorry I did not post this sooner, Steph, but I just couldn’t. It’s a big deal editing photos and taking them with me to someone else’s computer!!

    Hardhat – thanks for the link–don’t have time today, but I will visit your blog and looking forward to comunicating with you.

    Heidi, you are a sweetheart. I am getting mail at the old address. And no, Mike’s Steakhouse is local!!!

    Blu, thanks for posting on MOD. Haven’t had time to visit the guys there lately. Hope you let them know what’s going on down here. Maybe post a link to my blog?

    Deloutre Switch – Miss you girl!