Wade Fishing at Coon Point

First off, I’m going to make my excuses.  I was stuck in the anchored boat, facing the sun, so these pics do not do justice to the beauty of this place on this particular morning.

The boys started fishing around 7 a.m. and started catching trout right away on this bait . . .

It’s a Berkley Power Bait called a Rattle Shrimp in New Penny color.  None of the boats fishing around us were catching like these two boys were catching–even though they had live minnows and market shrimp.  With their homemade floating basket and the big dip net, they finally figured out how to get them off the line and into the floating basket after they lost about the first eight.  Here are pics of that progression!

The Atlas Fishermen!  That cracked me up!

Look at that wing detail!

Mrs. Coach and Crew arrive today!!!


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  1. Do you ever have problems with the pelicans when you’re fishing? I remember watching pelicans try to catch fisherman’s fish when they would reel them in while we were in Florida.

    Have fun with Mrs. Coach!

    1. So far, we have not had that problem. The problem is more with the seagulls. If you’re not paying attention to the sky overhead when you cast, a gull might come from behind and grab your hook, mid-air, and get himself all messed before you can stop it from happening. Not a pretty sight.

  2. I’m jealous! My freezer is getting low on Specks, and I haven’t had a Red since last year!

  3. Pretty nice, wish I was there, no boat issues, looks like you got it all dialed in except for the jumping out and wading part.

      1. I think I’d invest in a boat ladder. At our age(s)…getting your foot on the prop and your butt over the transom can be a real challenge (as well as comical).

        1. Oh, Termite thought it was hilarious when the boat went down, I tried to go over, and the boat went down again on my shin. It STILL hurts!!! Banged it up pretty good. So, then I found climbing in the back by the engine much easier and safer!

  4. Ha ha ha we got to pool our money and get Termite a camera.
    Getting a serious itch to Du the coast.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful! What a gorgeous place to be early in the morning. And quite a catch too!