
Welcome, 2008 and our latest addition!

2008 was ushered in on a howling wind. No boating for us today–just a lazy morning at home, cleaning up after last night’s festivities.

Tonight was spent in the den watching a feel-good movie while letting Baby get acquainted with our latest addition . . .



Jazz–look at that gorgeous tail!!

Jazz, short for Jasmine, was rescued by a small group of ambitious, animal-loving young adults, who recently received her back (for reasons unknown to us). Rach, my daughter, re-adopted her this past Saturday, and Jazz has spent the better part of the past 3 days in Rach’s room, venturing out a little farther each day.

At 7 months old, Jazz is very docile, gentle, and sweet. We’ve had serious discussions with Baby about steering clear of the new feline until she realizes how exceptionally intelligent and friendly Baby is, and Baby has been very obedient.

Tonight, as Baby lay on the den floor with Termite, Jazz slipped into the room, and slid slowly along the rug, closer and closer to the two. Baby held her spot, tail wagging, in hopes of getting a closer look at Jazz. Not to happen, as Jazz quickly jetted under a chair, just teasing Baby.

We will continue to take it slow with these two, until they become accustomed to each other’s presence in the house, and accepting of each other’s place in the family. I look forward to having Jazz accept Baby, just as Baby accepted Chaoui. And Jazz’s tail looks amazingly like a raccoons!

to be continued . . .

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  1. This cat looks just like one I used to own! She looks very content. Happy New Year!!!

    Do dee do do, do dee do do, (mystery music) I was JUST thinking about you. Now I know why!!! Which cat was that, Kim? She really is a beauty, isn’t she? Happy New Year to you, too. I was thinking of you because of the flower contest I just posted!!!