A winner and a broken lens!

First, the winner of the Community Coffee Canister.  This goes back to the two fishing posts from last week.   There were 25 comments, not counting mine.

And the winner is:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-07-06 00:23:58 UTC

Going back to last week’s first fishing post, the third comment is KATY BUG!!!  Whom we hadn’t heard from in a while!   I guess it’s lucky to take a little vacation from posting on BW and come back and comment!!!!!   Congratulations, KatyBug!!   Please email me your mailing address and Scott at Community Coffee will get that to you this week!!!

Now about my lens.  Okay.  I have two lenses for my camera.  One for all purpose which I use most of the time, and then I have my zoom lens.  My all purpose lens broke today.  I’m not sure if it’s still under warranty, but they are not cheap to  replace and I doubt they are cheap to repair.  It is a real Nikon lens–not a knockoff, so I’m hoping for the best.

The second part of the problem is I have to find time to drive to New Orleans where my kids bought the camera.

Third part of the problem is, how can I blog without my camera?  I am about to make a new recipe and I need to take photos.

Meanwhile, I have enough photos for a couple posts, so I’ll do  the best I can.

If you have a lens to loan me, let me know!  I’ll be having withdrawals by the end of the week, I’m sure.

Stay tuned from this week’s Community Coffee giveaway!

Now, what did you do for the 4th?  Do tell in great detail so I can enjoy your lives!   We visited friends, ate good food, including more Wilson Peach Ice Cream, and then we watched a locally-done tremendous fireworks display.  It was a great evening.


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  1. Our 4th is on my blog with more photos coming for tomorrow. In a nutshell–family, time with one of my 7 sisters, 2K Run (not me! I took the photos), cookout, rain, fun, relaxation. A really, really good weekend.

  2. Hope your camera is working again really soon! We had a party for the 4th. Family, friends, lots to eat and drink of course. We do it every year and it seems to keep getting bigger and better each time.

  3. I bet it is a digital camera isn’t it? I have an older Nikon with the regular lens and a 200X that I never use anymore. Wish it would work for you. I used it in the 80s while working for a newspaper. I used to do interviews with some of the stars who appeared at a big club.
    Hope you get it fixed soon and it doesn’t take an arm and a leg.

  4. Hey, just a suggestion, but I’d call Nikon about it first before trekking all the way to N.O. RenRed does this with his various types of equipment all the time and it seems to work well in getting things fixed/replaced. Sometimes for free – not sure about warranties.

  5. Oh my gosh! So sorry about your lens. That bites the big weenie. The 4th was a good time with family, the 35 annual Elmwood Beach parade, fireworks on the lake, a little tubing, a little waterskiing, not enough fishing, and way too much food.

  6. Here’s to a quick recovery for your lens. We rode the motorcycle from Durango to Silverton (Colo) in time for the parade, got wet from the water fight between the volunteer fire depts, then rode on to Ouray for more 4th of July fun & shopping. Then rode back down the mountain, gathered up our wine, fresh cherries and baked Goldfish and watched fireworks from the hotel patio. I’m ready to go back!

  7. Visited friends on Friday evening and watched the fireworks show at the nearby military installation. Saturday afternoon we attended a gathering of friends at a country farm … lots of good food and activities. Saturday evening we were back home for a family gathering (more good food) … and then we hid indoors away from the mosquitoes! Sunday we napped and recuperated from having eaten too much the day before.

  8. Jeez, that was 3 days ago, I don’t know if I can remember that far back (remember, I suffer with C.R.S.) Thinking, thinking…..Ok, I remember. We went to my daughter’s house for supper. My favorite son-in-law threw some chicken, wieners, deer sausage and some boudin on the grill. Then of course everyone brought a dish. Potato salad, baked beans, homemade Choc. chip cookies, watermelon and various chips and dips. We stuck around and watched the kids set off some fireworks, but headed home early. Hubby had a sinus headache (started before we went) and he wasn’t feeling too chipper. All I have to say is…The economy must not be too bad in our area judging by the amount of fireworks I watched from our house. BIG MONEY fireworks that were still lighting up the sky at midnight.

  9. Nothing much to report fished and avoided most of the oooo and aahhhhh crowds. 87 year old woman rammed car into crowd west of me. I dodged drunks deer and coon all weekend.

    Next year I am going to Steffi’s with a big bowl of antipasto. Bean and olive salad.