Don't bring me down!

It was already 7:45, but if memory served, the reds kept banker’s hours last June and didn’t show up to eat until around 8 or 9, so maybe that would be the case today. Second cast of the H&H gold spoon and WHAM! And then whir, as the voracious red peeled the line off the reel.

“Yea, baby! They’re here!!!!!” my voice bounced off the bank and echoed around the cove.

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Wings of pink

make me think what a wonderful life we live in the Louisiana wetlands. Anchored in a dead-end canal, fishing on the bottom with cut mullet (provided by Bayou Fabio), a Bayou Woman reader, her hubby, and I bird watched while we wet a line. As we left the unproductive fishing spot, the birds were stirred…


Something's Fishy!

I had a potential charter for Saturday morning that never materialized, but with conditions prime, this was the morning to cast care to the wind and go for it. Equipped with a fast boat, two rods, a couple extra plastic baits, and bottled water, I headed out to Lake Decade before daylight in anticipation that…