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From the fishing photo archives . . . indulge me!
These photos make me warm and happy. They don’t have the best composition, balance, or lighting. But that doesn’t matter, because they remind me how boys need to be outdoors, and they need to bond with other boys. They would, of course, never admit it. So, from the archives . . . Dano teaching Termite…
The fruits of my labor
Remember a few weekends ago I played roving reporter down at three coastal communities southeast of my home bayou? Well, you can read the fruits of my labor in the Travel section of the Baton Rouge Advocate. I wrote the article sitting at the kitchen bar in a gorgeous camp while I was down there…
Berry Cobbler
What kind of berry, you might ask? Well, that is the question/debate of the day. There are two types of wild berries down here, the most common is called the Southern Dewberry. Dewberries ripen earlier than blackberries. The fruits are generally smaller, and more tart and grow more vine-like. Blackberries have a more bushy plant…
Spring News!
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Another day on the bayou . . .
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A contest just for you! CONTEST OVER
What are you playing for? Well, SusieCR has very generously donated her prize BACK to the readers of BW. She can’t redeem it and doesn’t want it to vanish into thin air. I would be less than an honest bayou hostess if I didn’t pass this re-gift on to you, the few, the faithful BW…
CooNee watching over Termite. Just too sweet!
Oh my goodness! I want to swaddle up that little guy and call him mine…how cute is that! And your boy…why he looks so darn cute too! Kids always look so peaceful and serene when sleeping…
I have a lot of catching up to do, being new to the blog and all…but I need to learn who all these people are! Thanks for dropping me a line..and leading me back here…I LOVE you blog!
Welcome back to the bayou, Harmony. We are very glad to have you. The cast of players seems to be growing by the day! I hope you enjoy browsing through the old posts. By the way, this is our second coon. The older coon posts are from last summer’s baby coon. Have fun!
2 of the sweetest faces I have ever seen BW!!!
Thank ya, ma’am! And do you feel like telling these fine folks how you like the “marsh honey” you won?