Watch Discovery's Planet Green Saturday!

Last October, Bayou Grace Community Services opened their offices over in Chauvin, LA for Story Corps to set up their audio recording equipment and then invited folks to come do interviews about their families and how the oil spill had affected them.

Now, a year later, Natural Resources Defense Council has teamed up with Discovery Channel to put together a poignant one-hour feature using clips from interviews done last fall across our coastal communities impacted by the oil spill.

I’ll warn you . . . these interviews are heart-felt, open and honest from everyday folks like you and me.  None of us interviewed are actors nor did we have the energy to pretend to be anything other than what and who we are.

It is my hope that you will gather your family, tell them you know of some real folks down here that are real people, affected by a very real tragedy (combined with the previous storm seasons), then turn on your TV’s and take a look into the souls of some of the most hardworking, family-oriented, dedicated people you will ever hope to meet.

Saturday, at 1:30 Central Time, watch Discovery’s Planet Green show:

Stories from the Gulf:  Living with the Oil Disaster”.

Then we will meet back here Saturday night or Sunday morning and talk about what we watched.  I want to hear your reactions to this show.  I want to hear your economic reaction.  I want to hear your political reaction.  I want to hear your human reaction.

As always, you are my connection to the rest of the whole wide world, and I am grateful to all of you who take a minute to give a second thought to the bayou people.

Hopefully, I will have a portion of my family down here to watch this show with me.  And then I will fry them some speckled trout and hope that the chemicals in those trout from the crude oil and dispersant have no negative impact on our bodies.  It is something I have to consider with every piece of seafood I serve my family now–seafood is our staple food.

Be back soon,


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  1. Well…. here’s the deal. I don’t have a television any more. And my mom, who does have a tv, doesn’t get the Discovery Channel. And my best friend, who does have a tv AND the Discovery Channel, has given up tv for Lent, has managed to make it this far and refuses to turn it on for anything.

    What a bunch of party-poopers we are! But I’ll watch the videos you’ve posted, and eventually it will come around again. In the meantime, it will be interesting to read the comments here.

    Happy Easter!

  2. I’ll be checking out the website later. Just wanted to tell you, the beaches are now open at Grand Isle State Park. They opened it this morning as we we’re breaking camp. Had it not been so windy (20mph) and rough, I’m sure hubby would have put off packing up to be the first one in the surf after not having access for 2 yrs.

  3. For those that missed it (if it actually ran – wasn’t in our schedule) the entire set o’ interviews are online at YouTube (better option than the NRDC site) – this link will open a playlist containing the entire series.

    For reference, here’s the direct link to Termite’s interview with his Mom (BW)

    On a lighter note, here’s some lagniappe – Termite demonstrates the use of a “Buck Gardner Firecracker Duck Call” – which apparently attracts Beagles!

    1. Yes, the show did play, according to the folks who were able to see it!!
      Ha ha ha! That’s his retriever’s nose you see!!!
      Thanks for posting the links again!

  4. I just read this and it is too late to watch now. But, I am going to watch the videos that are posted if I can before the storms get here. Lots of nasty weather this way again.