Bayou Wedding
A new post from Yours Truly is long overdue. Well, that’s a wee bit of a understatement, isn’t it? Hopefully, between knowing we’ve just been through Christmas and New Year’s, you’ll give me a pass when I say I’ve been in the throes of planning a “down-da-bayou-wedding” for my youngest son, whom we lovingly have referred to here on this blog as Termite. I’ve been writing this blog for almost ten years; and those of you who’ve followed from the beginning, back in 2007, have read all about Termite’s antics. He’s the last of five children; the youngest of four sons, and has put me through more than the other four put together! But yesterday reminded me how it was worth every trial and tribulation–every fishing and hunting trip.
Termite married his best friend and love of his life, CoCo. They exchanged vows and rings underneath our bayou home, in front of a bamboo wall that Termite constructed from our home-grown bamboo crop. A lighted arch served as an additional backdrop for the couple, while suspended white lights twinkled overhead.
CoCo was attended by her best friend, Erica, as Matron of Honor. Her younger sister, Kassie, served as Maid of Honor. Termite was attended by his best friend, Bubba and older brother, Miah. Erica and Bubba’s eight-month-old baby boy, Mason, served as ring bearer while riding in a red wagon pulled by his parents. Pastor Bobby performed the wedding ceremony, witnessed by about forty-two friends and family members, including both my older and younger sisters.
CoCo’s mother, Bev, walked her down the aisle to keyboard and guitar music performed by Termite’s big sister, Dotter, and her husband, MuzicMan. As they approached the arch, Termite broke into tears, as he warned might happen if he locked eyes with her. CoCo looked away, knowing that if their eyes stayed locked, she too would end up a weepy mess!
The vows went off without a hitch, so to speak. And after the exchange of the rings, well, you know what happened next. I thought the bamboo might catch on fire! Pastor Bobby then introduced them as the new happy couple, after which they walked the aisle hand-in-hand as husband and wife to the beautiful lyrics of “Lucky I’m in love with my Best Friend” performed with beautiful harmonies by Dotter and MuzicMan.
After toasts offered up by David, Termite’s oldest brother, and Miah, the live music gave way to DJ music provided by Drew, a close friend of the family. The wedding couple danced together to one of CoCo’s favorite songs, “Down on Main Street”. CoCo’s father passed away in her presence when she was only eleven years old; and as a musician, that was one of his favorite songs to perform. Watching those two dance was a very touching moment.
Their first dance was followed by a dance with the moms, which was a big surprise to me. As we danced to Jason’s Matthew’s “That’s What Mamas Do”, the time just seemed right to share what I’ve always believed to be true about Termite – that he would meet a special girl from somewhere else, fall in love, marry young, have children early on, and be content with family life. Yesterday, he fulfilled that vision, and we both shed a tear as I told him how happy and proud he’d made me.
Drew continued playing dance songs and toe-tappers while supper was served. My middle son, Capt. Dan, prepared chicken and smoked sausage jambalaya, which was a HUGE hit, served with an optional side of white beans. Guests heaped their plates high with shrimp boulette. Folks from the bride’s side had never had them before and thoroughly enjoyed them. My good friend, KK, prepared her famous shrimp dip served with a choice of crostinis or Frito scoops. For meat lovers, KK served slices of delicious home-made summer sausage made from an elk her husband harvested last year, which paired well a side of Little Smokies smothered in a tangy-sweet barbecue sauce put together by Dotter. Bev created a colorful, crispy vegetable platter, accompanied by a flavorful home-made dip. The food was washed down with a choice of soft drinks or bottled water, which were iced down in a pirogue, bayou-style!
A very dear, older friend of mine, who was like an adopted grandmother to my children, baked moist, scrumptious white-cake petite fours, which were displayed beautifully on a clear, four-tier cake stand. For those with more delectable tastes, CoCo’s aunt brought a beautiful double-chocolate cake with chocolate filling from her favorite bakery in Hammond.
And even though the couple had agreed that it was tacky to shove cake in each other’s faces, SOMEBODY decided to break the agreement, much to our entertainment!
After about three hours of music, eating, and visiting, things started to wind down as friends and family from out of town said their goodbyes and left early. The rest of the guests made short work of stacking up all the rented chairs, taking the arches down, and bringing all the food inside while Miah busted moves to Beyonce’s “All the Single Ladies”! Drew played one last dance tune for him and then literally had to pull the plug so Miah would rest his poor aching feet! The remaining men loaded up Drew’s equipment; and just like that – POOF – everyone was gone.
As the last vehicle drove away and quiet fell over me like a heavy blanket, I felt a fleeting moment of sadness that my little Termite, so full of energy and mischief, had grown up so quickly and left the nest. But it was just that–fleeting. Their happiness and my hope for their bright future pushed out the sadness, replacing it with a heart full to bursting with the love those two share and with, I must confess, the hope of more grandchildren.

The fullness of yesterday reminds me that time is fleeting, and we only have today. In spite of the daily struggles in this life, I want to do more to make every day count and live it to the fullest. Now, with my youngest child married, I’m turning my focus and excitement toward the impending birth of my first granddaughter, who will be born to my oldest child, Dotter, and her husband, MuzicMan, in late April. That is when Bayou Woman will become Winnie, a grandmother.
So, for Today, for New Love, and New Life, I am your humbly grateful,
Absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I’ll admit, I’m a little teary-eyed at the moment. I can’t WAIT to hear what you have to say (feel) about being a Grandma <3
You softy, you! I’m amazed that I didn’t totally lose it when Termite broke down. He’s such a softy, too! But sometimes that’s a good thing, right? My life is slowly changing . . . as is my focus. I have a feeling more work-related changes are on the horizon. I can’t wait to meet the little darlin’, which is what my mother used to call my Dotter when she was tiny.
Congratulations! You have a beautiful family!
Thank you so much, Paulette! Great hearing from you again!
Aw, congratulations to the happy couple!
Thanks so much, Melanie!
Loved the story and the tradition of a true Bayou Wedding. My very best wishes to the young couple and to you, BW, as you await the birth of new life.
Good hearing from you again, Cynthia! Hope all is well in your world. Do you still miss the camp? Thanks for the wishes, and I’m looking forward to finally being a grandmother!
I am so happy for all of you and wish them the every happiness.
Thank you so much, Louise!
It was a beautiful wedding per the photos. I really can’t believe Termite has grown up so fast. You didn’t lose a son, you gained another daughter. I pray your in-laws are as great as mine. We have been so blessed and I want everyone to be that happy. Really great to see the entire family together. Congratulations on the new and coming new family members.
It was down-home, and still beautiful to me! He HAS grown up so fast! And you were here the whole time! It’s always nice having them all together, isn’t it? Lots of work, but well worth the effort. Thanks so much!
So sweet! Congratulations all around. I know Donna and Bill were looking down and smiling.
It was pretty special, Kaye, if I must say so myself. I’m really happy for them! Ah, young love!
What a beautiful wedding! Thanks for posting this joyous event. Congratulations to CoCo and Termite!
Thank you, Kim! It was a lot of fun, too. Lots of joy and laughter!
Congratulations to the newlyweds! Where will they be living?
This is the 3rd time posting. I keep getting “error” try again. This is the shorter version of my comment and the “error” message.
I’m sorry you had trouble. Not sure why that happened. They want to stay on the bayou. They’ve both lived in town at some point, and they don’t like it, although she works in town. She doesn’t seem to mind the drive, but she’s a country girl, and he’s a bayou boy, so it makes sense that they want to be down here! She fishes with him AND duck hunts, too! Camo is part of her wardrobe, LOL!! They are like “peas and carrots”!
I’ll bet Termite will have his duck calls when they go out hunting! I’ll NEVER forget that post you wrote! I’m laughing now just thinking about it! ???
I told that story on the radio show a couple months ago when we were asked to share a memorable hunting or fishing trip! Those men laughed just as hard! As a matter of fact, there was a lanyard of duck calls decorating the cake table, LOL!!!
Now that’s how I remember weddings should be not all that fancy catered stuff!!
Amen, Maxine! I think it makes for more work, but if everybody takes a task, well you know what they say about many hands making short work!! It truly was special. I just can’t say it enough. And the fact that he loves her to pieces, and you could see it drippping from his face, made it that much more special! Thanks for stopping by! BW
My gosh. I came over to see what was up, because I was sure the wedding was close, and I hadn’t gotten notice of a new post from you. Well, phooey on the system. Looks like it’s decided I’m not worth an email again!
That’s all right. I can cope. I’m just glad to see everything came together so beautifully. It looks like a wonderful day — and of course you’re happy beyond words. And with a grandbaby coming along, too? What blessings. The “kids” all look so happy. It’s going to be fun to watch the families grow.
I hope all’s well for you, too. How are things looking over there, flora and fauna-wise? It’s looking like an early spring here. I saw a redbud in full bloom yesterday, and some of our wildflowers, like crow poison, are everywhere. This spring I’d love to get over there, especially to see the wild irises and the other swamp flowers, etc. What do you think about timing? Early spring for you, too?
Again, congrats to the newlyweds, and to you for getting through it all!
No clue why you didn’t get the email notification. Sorry about that. I promise I’ve not de-listed you!
As far as the false early spring, I noticed some dewberry flowers yesterday, and man oh man, this is really early for them! Also, my trees looked like a spring migration filled with warblers of all types this past weekend. Do the birds know something we don’t know?
My boat hadn’t run for a couple of months, so I tackled that yesterday and took it for a short spin. Wind too high to cross the lake to go up into the swamp, but first chance I get, I’m going to see what the wild iris look like. If this spring-like weather continues, they might bloom early. So, possibly mid-to-late March would be your best bet to catch them in bloom, which only lasts about two weeks or so. Oh, and yesterday there was a 10-foot gator hanging out in the canal where I keep my boat. I don’t think I’ve EVER seen gators out in February before. The water is just that warm. I have a Bayou Woman Adventure advertised for the weekend of March 24th, but if it doesn’t book up, the camp will be available that weekend. Let me know when you want to come down.
The geese and ducks have been going over for a month here. A resting place is just east of town on a massive ranch and when they are on the ground there, it looks like a sea of white. I know one night I heard them for about 5 minutes solid as they flew over. And our yard needs mowed already!!
Just like the hunters said, as soon as the season closes, the ducks and geese would be thick as ticks on a hound dog!!!!!
So happy for you and the entire family.
Thank you, Lillian! We love our new family addition!
Everyone in that direction safe? I’ve been watching news and it looks bad for lots of folks in the SE area of LA.
Thanks for asking. Tornadoes didn’t make it this far south, so we were more fortunate than others. Never heard off five at once down here. We’re not known for tornadoes!
I saw on the news today that there were 7 that blew thru. Glad to hear all of you are ok. Sure did a number on parts of New Orleans. And isn’t it Mardi Gras time?
I just went to recipes and checked the white bean recipe. I have the bag laying on the counter along with the makings of a big pan of cornbread. That’s where I put the ingredients for tomorrow nights meal so I don’t forget what we are having. Going to be poor mans steak (salisbury steak), brown gravy, white beans, glazed carrots and cornbread. Will be thinking of you and your late mother in law while I fix them.
Yes, do think of her. That’s what makes the continuum I talk about so often!! How did they turn out? The ones I made for the wedding (four pounds at once!!) were delicious and creamy goodness!
Creamy and darned good!! I have 4 yellow onions that decided to grow in the onion bin so, I put them in a window in the back porch/laundry room and now I have fresh green onions. Good thing too, I forgot to buy them. The poor mans steak was my moms old recipe. Hubby told me sure was a good meal tonight. I did have to sub some canned, buttered beets for the carrots though. I ran out of prep time.
This weekend I have to make more tamales. I have several requests for them and only 1 doz left frozen and 2 tamales left from grandsons lunch today. Wish you lived nearby, I’d drop you some off.
Such a beautiful story. How quickly the years pass! I’ve been following since 2007 so it feels like I’ve seen these boys grow up. Congratulations to all!
I know! It’s crazy how time flies, isn’t it? He was just a little punk when I started this blog! Hope all is well up in your neck of the U.S.!
Wendy I was so moved by your blog and the love that poured from your pen. I am so happy for the blessed couple and your entire family…what a beautiful wedding. You could see the love on all the faces and I could feel the excitement that was in everyone, what a exhilarating feeling of the happiness in store for the couple
Termite and CoCo are just a very happy and beautiful couple. You are truly blessed. Congratulations on the wedding, it was awesome, and all the future grandbabies that will be coming….I’m gonna start on the baby blankets and knitting some hats! I’m excited for all of you. Much love my dear friend.
Thank you for your sweet words, Sharon. Well they already have a four-year-old daughter and you made her some things for Christmas! But I’ll let you know when the next baby is on its way!