The promise of spring . . .
I’ll enjoy these buds while waiting for my snowbells and narcissus to bloom. They are looking very shy this winter . . .
I’ll enjoy these buds while waiting for my snowbells and narcissus to bloom. They are looking very shy this winter . . .
UPDATE: I don’t know how long this connection will last, but the problem lies in the main cable, not within my house or modem. So, I’m waiting impatiently for Charter to take care of the major problem. I’m hoping the ability to get online is an indication that things are fixed. I apologize for not…
As promised, here are more photos of the little orphan opossum . . . And here she is again, a little Cajun Kitty. This title submitted by Lauri M. is the winner, but I never even mentioned what the prize would be! So, in order to offer an incentive to get her down here, the…
Or how I decided to bake some cornbread from scratch! While my internet is intermittent, I am forced to do things that otherwise pretty much go undone around here–like laundry, dishes, cooking, and baking. Besides the other things mentioned, here’s what I was forced to do today . . . Good old-fashioned cornbread in the…
It took a while but we finally have a WINNER! The son of Debbi from Texas wins a signed copy of Before the Saltwater Came. Please email me your mailing address so I can send you the book. And what does Chaoui (pronounced shawee) mean? It means raccoon in the local dialect of he Houma…