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Boiled Crawfish Side Item Dip

When I first came to South Louisiana back in 1978, I learned many valuable lessons about food and customs. One of those lessons has to do with all the wonderful goodies that are boiled right in with the crawfish; including potatoes, corn, mushrooms, onions, cauliflower, and smoked sausage. Do you have any idea why they throw in all that extra stuff? It’s so newcomers will eat more of that and the veterans will have more crawfish to eat! To this day, I eat more of the “extras” than I do the actual boiled crawfish.

This sauce is not for dipping crawfish. It’s for dipping the extras, like potatoes, mushrooms, and crackers. Mmmmmm. Mixing those flavors with the spicy boiling seasonings is just amazing. There is nothing else like it around that I know of. Not even a shrimp boil offers the same flavors.

Would you like the recipe? There’s nothing to it, and again, you can make it any way you like. Any proportions will do, depending on whether you like more mayonnaise flavor or more ketchup flavor; whether you like your dipping sauce spicier than the food items is up to you. So I’ll just show you the basics, and you can mix it up any way you like.




Today is the first day of Spring, and in honor of that, I feel a contest coming on with a very springy prize waiting at the end of it!!!!!

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      1. Nope, Mike, horseradish isn’t a common ingredient for plain bayou cooking, but I’m sure you can add it if you like it!!! We make a batch with Siracha nowadays, though!!!

        1. It is good with the creamy horseradish sauce added. I’ve never made it with mustard. I usually do mayo, ketchup, horseradish, Tony’s and Tabasco. No measurements , just to taste.

          1. Thanks for the creamy horseradish suggestion. The mustard isn’t an over-bearing ingredient in this, so to a cereal bowl size, I might add just!! We sometimes add Cajun seasoning/hot sauce/Sriracha!

  1. What is the ingredient in the fourth picture? its very possible that you mentioned this and i skimmed over it and missed it, and if that is the case…sorry!

    Bekah, your questi made me realize the first photo in the series got deleted somehow. I put it back, and you can see that it is Worcestershire sauce!!!! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll go pay you a visit!

  2. I’ll be away from a compute for a couple days. I hope everyone enjoys this crawfish boil and your holiday weekend. I’ll hopefully come back with some good photos!

  3. Think I’ll have to make some tomorrow night. Looks like it would be a great sauce for dipping my homemade onion rings and Fried Shrimp.

    Steph, it would be great for those food items, and remember, if you like more of red dip, just add more ketchup! It’s so good to hear from you! I was beginning to worry! BW.

  4. Can’t wait to try this one…yum….
    Have a great Easter weekend. Tell Termite not to eat too many hard boiled eggs….gives you gas…..won’t make for a pleasant car trip…rotfl…

  5. You should really try adding garlic powder, onion powder, lemon pepper seasoning, a touch of bay seasoning, and parsley to it! The way you do it is really to bland for us true cajuns. Also, we add all the “extras” for flavor and to add more substance for all the beer we drink with it (if you really want to know the truth) 😉

    1. I’m sorry, Lena, but no exact measurements. Start with mayo and go in order of the photos, matching the end color of the dip, then taste for flavor whether you want it spicier or not. Hope this helps.

  6. For Mike……..the ketchup with horseradish is mainly used for boiled shrimp. Apparently she is talking crawfish boil dipping.

    1. Hey Ken . . . . I agree with you about horseradish and “shrimp cocktail” sort of thing, but as the title suggests, this dip is really more for the side items, although some people do dip their crawfish tails in the sauce. We dip the potato, sausage, and/or crackers in it!