It's Contest Prize-Drawing Time!

Back in September, I wrote a post about this blog being five years old and asked you to share your stories of how you came to be here.  You did so in great fashion, and I thoroughly enjoyed each of your stories.  The comments seemed to have stopped now, so it’s time for me to keep my end of the bargain and do the drawing.

September 2012 Contest Names

We will do this one the old-fashioned way–names on tiny slips of paper.  They are all ready to go in the old Tupperware bowl, and I will get my best buddy and next-to-youngest son to do the honors.  Here we go.

September 2012 Contest Names

And the winner is . . . .

9.2012. Contest Winner

Congratulations, TERESA! Now,  please click the “ABOUT” tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, fill in the Contact box that you are the winner, and we will go from there via email.

We’ve had a cool front come through on the bayou.  The weather is really nice, and I hear the trout are moving inland.  As soon as this finger completely heals, I will be fishing again!  Can’t wait!

On the mend,


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  1. I have shared your fig preserve recipe with my mom and neighbors. WOW! They want more. My mom put in on her pork cutlet. Thank you so very much for sharing.

    1. That’s fantastic, Lili! What part of the country are you from? Putting fig preserves on pork cutlets? Mmmm, that is an interesting and tasty idea!!! Thanks so much for leaving a comment, and I hope you become a regular reader. I am scheming up another contest where everyone can enter!!! Soon! BW

  2. It has been just down right cold here. We had the earliest “in the 30s temps” on record since weather records have been kept. I have had the oven going too. I had all these plans to do lots and lots of baking and was going to bbq ribs but, hubby came down with a nasty stomach virus and odors of food cooking nearly did him in.:( I did manage to get some cornbread done, potatoes baked and a yummy, caramel apple flavored bread pudding. Not too bad for two days.:)

    Congrats to Teresa on the win. And hope the finger is close to being back to normal.
    So the trout is running huh? I saw trout fillets at the grocery store yesterday at $7.99 lb!! I will have to pass.

    1. Hey Cammy, wow 30’s is super cold for this time of year. Sorry hubby was ill. Nothing like a tummy bug for misery. The finger is well, yucky. It’s peeling like a bad burn that should have been debrided, but I’m not complaining. At least I have my finger, hand, life and I will keep on saying that for a while. I wonder what kind of trout you saw? I know we are not allowed to sell our trout down here. I should do some homework to see if commercial fishing boats are allowed to seine for and sell trout. There’s still so much to learn. If you were closer, I would give you a pack of trout fillets!!!