Louisiana Outdoor Writers

Thinking of that credit card commercial, “What’s in your wallet”, let me ask you a question:

What clubs do you belong to?  I have never been much of a club joiner, until Termite entered a writing contest a couple years ago.

That contest, Youth Jounalism Contest, was sponsored by a group I didn’t even know existed–Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association (LOWA for short).  He placed third in that competition and was invited to attend their annual banquet in order to receive his $50 prize!

As it turned out, their annual conference and banquet were being held in our nearby city, so it was very convenient for us to attend.

The food was good, the fellowship even better, and I was amazed at the number of professional writers, journalists, photographers, and TV people there.  During the banquet, they awarded cash prizes to these people for their accomplishments in their fields the previous year.

Some of those folks won cash prizes adding up to some pretty good pocket change, which gave me the impression that money grew on trees for this organization.  What it really meant was LOWA is such a well-respected professional organization, companies were more than willing to donate prize money.

Termite was a star that night, as he was asked to draw all the tickets for the door prizes.  And again, those prizes were high-dollar prizes—no junk on that door prize table.  I need to win one of those rod and reel packages tonight!

Before the night was over, the fact I had written a children’s book about the vanishing wetlands had gotten to the right ears, and I was solicited for membership.

That was 2005, just before the horrible hurricane season of that same year.  I did join later that year, and tonight will be my third banquet as a member.

Lil Sis and I will be attending the banquet tonight, and I can tell you this.  Going to this thing will be a post-hurricane high point for me.

This is my second year to judge the junior high level essays for the Youth Journalism Contest, and I get to welcome those kids and their parents to the ceremony, just as Termite and I were welcomed three years ago.  It’s such an honor for me to see these kids receive their recognition and prizes.  And I try in some small way to encourage them to continue writing, which is what the contest was designed to do.

I’m not sure when I’ll be back online, but Lil Sis will be going home Sunday and will be posting from her house about her adventures while here–including our fishing trip with a “local” fisherman!!

As soon as I can get to a computer where I can plug in my external hard drive, I will update you on life on the bayou, post hurricane, and the LOWA Banquet!!!

I can’t wait for tonight!!!

Until then,

I am,

Your excited BW

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  1. Sounds like such a great organization! Does it have sister organizations in other states, or is it unique to Louisiana??? All those years of homeschooling pays off in reading entries, eh? 🙂

    Love you, BW!!!