
Mother's Day Fishing Trip!

There is no way in this world I deserve my children.  You know Mother’s Day gifts should not be that important in the grand scheme of things.

When the kids are little, it’s Daddy’s job to make sure the kids know it’s Mother’s Day and the cards get made or purchased and maybe a gift.  When the kids start driving, they can buy their own cards and gifts for Mom.  I have never expected The Captain to buy me a Mother’s Day Gift, because I’m not his mother.

Dotter made these decadent dark chocolate cupcakes with cheesecake topping from scratch for dessert, and she helped me prepare the meal.  She and Muzic Man gave me replacement wind chimes for the ones the storm snatched away.  (Yes, I forgot to take them down in the haste of evacuation.  So many things to remember–so little time.)  Muzic Man brought down Rock Band, and we played our fool hearts out after we stuffed ourselves on a delicious meal.

My first-born son pulled himself back from a cute girlfriend in another state and drove three hours to join us.  Because he came empty handed, he washed the dishes–always a nice gift.

This year, my second-born son was at work out on the boat, so he got his sister to pick up a beautiful bouquet of purple iris, pink tiger lilies, and red roses for me.  I”m sorry he missed all the food and fun, though.

Tiger Lily

Miah presented me with a precious card he made at school.  Since The Captain is out on the boat, he and Termite had no one to take them to buy  a gift, which is fine with me.

But late last night, I heard Termite, the baby of them all, rattling around with a tackle box and fishing poles.  This morning, he was up at six . . .

“Mom, I’m taking you fishing this morning, and I’m going to be your guide.  I’ve got everything ready to go.  You don’t have to do a thing but catch fish. ”

How could a mom refuse an offer like that?

He knew just the spot to take us, and in no time the line was singing off my reel with a big redfish doing the pulling.


The only thing Termite forgot was the net, so about three big reds never made it into the boat.   I guarantee you this one made the box.

That boy definitely put me on the fish.

BassThis is a bass, caught in the same hole as the redfish.  They all ate up the same kind of bait–gold spoons first and then plastic Blue Moons after that.  The tide was falling and the time was right.

Another redfish
Another beautiful redfish hit the box!  The sad truth is that I caught about a dozen reds that were 15.5 inches long and had to be thrown back.

When the tide slowed down, and we headed back in, Termite took a little detour because he knows how much I like flowers.  These are the first of the season . . .

Water Lily
The water lilies are starting to bloom, and what

wild.morning.glorya contrast they are the wild morning glory that vine along the banks.

What a great kid.  He kept his word.  He pulled grass off my hook, changed my lures, boated most of my fish, and took all my fish off the hook.  When it was time leave, he secured everything in its place and even unloaded the boat when we got back.

My CatchHe lined up the fish because he wanted to make sure you could see my catch.   What a kid, huh?  I’m not sure how long he will remember this fishing trip, but I know I’ll take this memory to the grave.

I’ll say it again.  I really don’t deserve such great kids.


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    1. Oh, Deborah, the bass melted in our mouths this evening for supper. I filleted the reds and gave them to a widow friend. She was happy to have them since her hubby’s been gone a year now and she does not fish.

  1. Awwww, how sweet! You do deserve us, betwas you’re an awesome Mommer! And we’re crazy children! I’m glad we have so much fun with you. 🙂

  2. Having a child is easy…but the act of raising children is the greatest and oft most underrated gift in this life.

    It’s beautiful to witness this blessing not squandered…but rather cherished and celebrated.

    Thanks BW=)

      1. Blu: I know, right! No pictures of the cupcakes! I think we were too busy eating them. I’d take a picture and send to her to put up here, but I ate the last leftover cupcake last night. Mmmm!