Name the Bird Contest WINNER!
This is an appeal to all the faithful Bayou Woman readers, and even those lurkers who are always here behind the scenes but never step out into the light of the commenting world: Please tell us what kind of bird this is!
My birding expert, using the internet, has now made a positive ID of this little cutie. Because NO ONE has guessed correctly, this contest must continue, much to your dismay, I’m sure.
When making a bird ID, there are several things to look for between the photos I’ve provided and a drawing or photo and description in a field guide or an online field guide.
They are:
Special markings around the eyes
Bands or edges on the wings
A different shade of color during breeding season
Leg color
Beak color and shape
Stripes or spots on the body
These are the most obvious things to look for.
Now, I’m going to help you out. I’ve blown these images up for you.
Using the tips above, do you think this might be easier now?
My plea, again, is to all of you who tried so hard the first go round, to not give up and PLEASE try again. I’m going to make it EVEN easier. I’m going to give you a website address that will help you, using the ID tips, correctly identify this bird.
Since I’m certain many of you will be able to do this, the rules for the contest will stay the same: EVERYONE WHO CORRECTLY NAMES THIS BIRD WILL BE ENTERED INTO AN OLD-FASHIONED DRAWING FOR THIS ENGRAVED COFFEE SCOOP.

I’ve also heard that Scott at Community Coffee in Baton Rouge has been known to throw in a bag of wonderfully rich coffee to go with the gifts. Maybe he’s feeling really generous this week?
On your mark, get set, HERE’S THE LINK!
You must read this explanation: The prothonotary warbler is very common here in the marshes and swamps. They have a beautiful song, and I call them swamp canaries. They look very similar to this bird; but in real life, they are a little smaller than this one and a brighter yellow, with some white on them, too. This bird was very hard to identify because it is VERY similar to several other warblers and other small yellow bird species, as we all now know. Our birding expert, Kim, was able to make a positive ID from the closeups I sent her based on the color and shape of the bill as the final deal breaker. This is, indeed, a yellow warbler. And yes, Tar Baby, you were right about something else, too. That last photo was taken from the web site, as X-teacher Diane pointed out to us. I pretty much led you all right to it and made it easy as pie for those who were willing to click the link and take the time to look at the photos closely. So, please email me your mailing address TB, and that will go out to you soon!
Its a Prothonatary Warbler
I’m late for the contest, but I think it’s an immature female hooded warbler.
You obviously did not read my answer the first time. It’s a Yellow Bird high up in a bayou tree… Now you’ve done it. I’m going to have that song in my head all day. Maybe I’ll check out the link later to find the scientific name .
I’ll be without service for most of the day though. Unplugging the PC (still scraping the popcorn ceilings). Hoping to pick up the wi-fi capabilities on the laptop.
I was ignoring you!
Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) Did they post your picture on the website you linked? It looks like the same bird!!!
Tricky little birds, aren’t they?
Yes, but I didn’t know they could fly from Theriot to cyberspace!!
I agree with Tar Baby, it is a Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia). If not then, it is it’s twin!!
Hey, I am back home from surgery and now recuperating. Missed the all the posts but should get caught up now. I only have about 6 weeks to go.
Your tour is fantastic and so are the photos. Does the newspapers in other areas of LA not post links to your blog? If not, someone should give them a hint, jab or something.
I say its an ivory billed canary. I agree with Mark but that is the wrong answer.
O well cranking out pizza for lunch. Homemade of course.
Funny, Blu! Choup put that guess without looking at all the closeups or going to the web site. He thought he knew based on the previous blog post. That’s what happens when you don’t read the fine print. But I know that hard head well enough to know that he will insist he is correct!
I think it’s a Tweety bird!!!
I will not be guilted in to this contest.
Awwwwww. Come on!
Fine. Damn you! It’s a Yellow Warbler, or as we bird experts like to call it, the Dendroica Petechia.
Now I know how my students felt when I essentially had to give them the answer and then pretend like they knew it all along.
Did you cheat? Shame on you!
I still think it’s a prothonotary – but you say it isn’t – so I’ll go with yellow warbler.
You and Choup!!!!!
pretty yellow tweety bird!
Welcome to the bayou, Kay! Cute answer!!!
Is that IT? Is everybody finished guessing and griping and complaining and joking? Did you have ANY idea there were SO MANY different warblers? I wanted you to see what magnificent little birds they are. Aren’t they amazing? LOL!
BW (bird woman)
Is it an Orchard Oriole?
Anybody else? Contest is still open!!!!
Its a Wendy Wilson’s Warbler
Yellow Warbler?
CD – you forgot that I was supposed to meet you at the landing and give you those seeds! Didn’t you?
Honest to goodness, I’ll email or call you next trip out! I need the seeds. Love those trees and hope the seeds germinate easily.
Could it be Chairman Mao? Ho Chi Mihn? That Lao Tse guy?
Wait its Yoko isn’t it? You can tell by the singing.
My back needs meds.
Dendroica Petechia didn’t she get kicked out of Miss Universe thing?
Ok I am guessing Diane the Huhn’s 7th avatar?
Wow! This is exciting!
This is getting better, much, much better! All I’m waiting for to end this contest is for a couple more lurkers to come out of hiding and take a guess! BW
Come on people. We know you’re out there. Just give her what see wants. She can be relentless about this. I’m ready for a fishing post. Specifically, a fishing post about me catching a whole mess o’ reds minus the concussion I got on the last trip.
Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) !!!
I’m with Diane, it’s time to see something Red… as in fish! If I can’t see one on MY grill, I’d like to see one on yours.
Whatever it is, it’s very pretty.
I thought Yellow Warbler at first too, but that seemed too easy so I went with my second best guess.
It could be a cowardly blue bird…or the Freedom Bird (from a story about a yellow bird that symbolizes Freedom).
I think that it is a chickadee
Welcome to the bayou, Sandy, and please excuse my readership! The thought of winning an engraved scoop from Community Coffee has them drooling all over themselves! Thanks for the guess!
Well, I’m not a lurker, but the contest is still open, and I WANT that scoop. It beats all heck outta my black plastic one.
So my guess, after intently studying the thousand different colors of warblers on your so generously provided link is: either a Yellow Warbler or a Prothonotary Warbler. Ha!
My only guess is Big Bird from Sesame Street but I know that’s not right. I can’t identify any other bird but that one (Ok, I could pick the Anheuser Busch Eagle out of a line up if I had too!).
Pine Warbler
Thanks for taking a guess, PJ!
Okay, that’s more like it. Now, it’s time to go do the old-fashioned drawing. Be back later with the WINNER!
Where are the breast markings that a yellow warbler typically have?
Now, Choup, you know I forgot to say this was a female? But Kim got my back. You know the males are always prettier then the females! Are you saying you disagree with my official ID on this bird? Huh? Are you? I guess if you had heard the song, you would have known for sure, right? LOL!
Let me add that this was a female yellow warbler. They do not have the red streaks on the breast like the male does. Also, this time of year, the male’s streaks are more faded and don’t stand out like during breeding season.
Thank you people! Now maybe BW will take me fishing. Right BW? I’m all geared and lured up!
Well, let’s see, hmmmmm. Do we change the oil in the foot first or do we change the oil in the engine first? I even bought a new oil filter strap tool. The one maintenance thing I forgot to buy was a new water separator. Uh oh. Guess we can’t go.
Oh well. We have too much work to do anyway. Not really time to fish.
While you’re buying supplies for the boat, don’t forget …Ethanol FREE gas! Won’t get out of the “slip” without it.
Ok, I’ll take the bait. Am I supposed to know what you’re talking about? Because I for sure have no clue right now.
No joke. If you’re using gas with Ethanol in it, you could do real damage to your outboard motor over time. Ethanol will also damage the gas tanks, with the exception of aluminum? (may be stainless, I’ll have to check) tanks. Now to decode… “Won’t get out of the slip without it”, “Slip” , dock or pier…basically the same thing. No gasoline…no go fishing, touring, birding, planting, etc.
It’s a good thing my local station owner is so stubborn and won’t buy fuel with ethanol! But if he did, my Honda would be good to go as long as its 10% or less ethanol!!! Wasn’t sure where you were going with that!!!
Basic problem with ethanol is it sucks water out of air. Best part of 4 cycles is after your done fishing pour the fuel in the tow vehicle. Hey I never got the invite to this not going fishing trip.
Kinda hard to do with a built-in tank! I didn’t get invited either. Darn it.
Hey, what happened to that part about taking Diane fishing? I like comments that encourage you to take me fishing.
Hey D – Not sure but tandem kayaking where there are sharks just might give me nightmares!!!!! Is it gonna rain today?
Yeah, sharks are not good. Gators from the safety of the tooner sounds better to me. Forecast doesn’t look too promising though.
BW, are you sure your Honda is exempt? I’m going to read up some more on the topic. I understood they would all be affected.
Steffi – as long as it’s not more than 10%. But I don’t use gas with ethanol. The problem with ethanol comes into play when you have a 2 cycle engine, because you have to mix your oil in the gas tank. The ethanol prevents the oil from mixing with the gas, thereby preventing the engine from getting all the lubricant it needs, and it will eventually take its toll. And as Blu pointed out, ethanol attracts water, and hopefully we all have a good water separator on the fuel line. And as you already pointed out, ethanol is heck on fuel lines and plastic gas tanks. If you have a four stroke engine, check with your manufacturer to see what they say about burning fuel with 10% ethanol.
I got the scoop yesterday and a package of meduim roast coffee beans to boot. Thanks Wendy, Community Coffe and a special kudos to the Yellow Warbler!!