
Sweet 16 and Sweet 22 Sunday!

Sounds like a couple of birthdays, does it not?

Well, you’re right on one count–the Sweet 16.

But first let me tell you about the Sweet 22.

As you all know, we had a cold snap with a little ice and snow–unheard of down here in the tropics, especially before the first day of winter even arrives.

And you also know, if you read the previous fishing post, that the cold water gave the speckled trout a good case of lock jaw on Friday.

Saturday got gradually warmer, though I didn’t fish because of family duties (wink wink, and extremely high winds and white caps on the lake).

But late in the evening I got a tip that the trout might be holed up in the  middle of the bayou in certain places near my old house down the bayou.

First thing this morning, while all the rest of the bayou was either duck hunting or sleeping in, I sneaked down the bayou to see if I could find those sneaky trout.  And that I did.

I caught over 30 trout this morning before 9 a.m. on . . .


this.  And let me tell you, it was sweeeeet!  Even though the limit of keeper trout is 25,  I only brought home 22.  Five of the 30 were under 12 inches and went back into the bayou to grow bigger, which left 25.


Here are the 22 I brought home.  I just couldn’t bear to post one more box shot, so I laid them on the cleaning table.  I’m sorry they look so dead.

Would anyone like to guess what happened to the other three fish?

After lunch, those of  the family who were not out working on the water had a very special party for a very special young man . . .


who happens to be a New Orleans Saints fan.


While Termite lit the candles, it did my heart good to see such great joysweet16

over such a simple pleasure like a birthday cake, candles, and . . .


the singing of the birthday song.  Oh that we could all be so happy, huh?


And when I see the awe and wonder of a child in this teenager, it makes me think that I am the less fortunate and he is the more blessed.

Miah’s birth was difficult, with a last-minute section becoming necessary.  My friend Vance, who comments here, was at the hospital praying during the labor and delivery.

It truly was a memorable time of silent nights, calm and bright . .

Afterward, she and her family visited with us through the Christmas holidays.

Together we marveled at the miracle of life, as another friend, Sue, helped me see the “perfection in the imperfection”.

From fishing to birthdays, life and blessings abound on the bayou!

Bayou Woman

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  1. Sounds like you’ve had a good day. We were outside most of the day gettin’ ready for the big ice storm that is suppose to be headin’ our way. I’m sittin’ here now and it’s started to rain, and the wind is blowin’ somethin’ fierce. I’m glad I’m in where it’s nice and warm and I know we are truly blessed. Thank you for a nice post.

  2. Happy Birthday BIG GUY!!! hope your sweet 16 is as sweet as you are to your family. God bless you and keep you safe – your are blessed to have the family that you do!!!!

  3. I’m glad Dotter and MusicMan were able to help celebrate. I love the expressions on Miah’s face. Such peace and joy.

    When is his big TV debut?

  4. Appears to me that 16 and 22 were lucky numbers for you today. It certainly was a Happy day for the family by the facial expressions.

  5. Happy Birthday, 16! What a great age to be. And what a guy. I loved the pics of his beautiful face.

    The fish–well, they gotta be dead if you’re going to eat them. Living in the country and providing for yourself isn’t always pretty, but it’s truthful.

  6. I know it’s truthful, Sue, but it’s just that some folks who don’t “harvest” their own food have a little trouble seeing the truth in living color, ya know?!! And that is not said in any form of disrespect to anyone. When I first saw a live shrimp and had to break the head off (back in 1978) I was the biggest baby about looking at their beady, black eyes!!! Now, I don’t even notice them.

  7. Good call on the candles. Termite better remember that for your birthday .
    Less need for fire extinguisher. You weren’t feeding the fauna with trout, were you?

  8. Blu – that’s a really good guess! But not correct – it had more to do with operator error and a bucket!

    Hey – are you saying I’m old?

    And even though you weren’t here, you were the topic of discussion among the du.commers at the Sharon Chalet this weekend!

    “who is that guy that we can’t understand?”

  9. I had a moment of shock…could it be that our precious Miah is 16?! Wow! His facial expressions capture it all – such a joyfulness in the simplicity! He is a genuine gift. I still count his birth as one of the most incredible wonders in my life, and I remember Russell’s response to the doctor’s announcement that he was Down’s…Russell’s , “So?” was truly one of the most pro-life declarations ever made. What a testimony!

    I hate to keep bugging you, but what time is dinner??? 🙂 With all the fish being caught and prepared, are you going to share???

    You’re the best!

    Love you, and Merry, merry Christmas!!! xxx

    1. Yes, Vance, I surely do share—and I give away fish that have been cleaned and filleted!! I like to give fish to widows and folks who don’t fish any more but still love to eat fresh fish. We catch way more fish than we can consume.

  10. A good bucket person keeps the bucket upright. Unless they are about to be checked… No your not old just entitled to bigger cake so there is more room for the inferno. I mean candles. Shoot looks like we are going to have ice so Xmas tripping will be on the ice but might figure out how to get down before trout madness stops.

    Btw. Camellia beans are way better than junk up here.

    1. Ok, Blu. The bucket was upright–but maybe just a little too close to the water when it got full of fish . . . . glad to know all white beans are not created equal! Good to hear coming from an alien, I mean visitor! And I’m not sure if the tooner will be fishing during Christmas Holidays.

  11. He’s looks so happy. I love pictures capturing moments when the little things delight people. I’m firm believer in find the extraordinary in the ordinary. That’s the key to happiness.

    The cake looks great too.

    Thanks for sharing. I’ll check back often.


  12. Okay, I just want to give props to blufloyd for that whole BFF crack! THAT, my friend, was hilarious! Also, weren’t your fish snagged by a certain kitty? Oh how I would have loved to see that! Maybe not though, but that would have made a fabulous blog post, could you have caught it in a photo… those crazy bayou kitties are “fass fass”! 😉