
The Lonely Little Nasturtium

Lonely Nasturtium

From LilSis:  Here ya go, BW. It’s not a story, but it’s the best I can do on short notice.


Where did the lonely little nasturtium
Come from
By hurrican’ winds blown
To a new home
Gone are the friends of yore
… Rooted at a new door
Who will see my beauty now?
Who will watch me sway and bow
Under the umbrella leaves
Caressed by the breeze
By the wind – Wendy.

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  1. wow, that is a true talent. I agree with Steffi, I would never have come up with that given all the creative writting classes and a tutor. My hats off to you lilsis!

  2. Nice poem. here’s more about nasturtium than you probably want to know:

    They are orginally from Peru, but are grown everywhere now. They like full sun but will tolerate shade. many organic gardeners will tell you that nasturtium will repel bugs; i plant them with my veggies for that reason. Does it work? who knows? but they sure are pretty!

    Nasturtiums are an annual but the seeds can self-sow, as yours apparently did.

    You can use the leaves and flowers in salads, as others have said, and you can pickle the seeds to use as a substitute for capers, those pickled sees from the caper plant that my mother loved in potato salad. I don’t think she ever tried to use nasturtium seeds though.

    Supposedly nasturtium leaves contain vitamin C and iron; the seeds are used in medications for bronchitis and urinary infections. An herbal medicinal tea (called a tisane) can be made with leaves and flowers and is used by some people as a home remedy for those disorders.

    Another folk remedy made from nasturtium is supposed to be able to cure or prevent baldness, but somehow I just don’t think it would work. Imagine a man walking around with a green paste smeared on his head. I think he’d rather just be bald!