Zydeco! Enjoy the show!

So, in the last post I mentioned a couple called Cindy and Del.

It’s just about as hard to describe zydeco dance moves in words as it is to describe the sounds of the music.

Even though she apologizes for the quality this little Flip camera affords, I still very much appreciate Diane Huhn putting this little clip together for us.

There’s just nothing like hearing and seeing for yourself now, is there?


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yt8pGXNkVI&w=640&h=390]

One of these days, I will have me some fancy dancing boots and be able to scoot those boots just like they do!


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  1. Very nice! The band sounds really good. I would like to have seen some of the faster beat dancing! Is the band from NY or from down here?

    1. The band is from Buffalo, NY and are called Mumbo Gumbo. Really nice guys. I chatted with them while they ate their dinner and made sure they tried the king cake.

  2. I LIKED IT! I don’t think i’ve heard anything but the faster tempo songs before. You can tell Cindy and Del have been dance partners for awhile and that they enjoy it.

  3. Enjoyed the clip! Thanks Diane and a thank you to you for putting it in. I haven’t heard the slower version before either but, it is nice. Lets you catch your breath after the faster music.

  4. Lol, you want the boots, I want a partner that can dance like that! They’re dancing was awesome. I could have watched them all night!

    1. Yes, if it were a true Zydeco band. This was not a zydeco band, though. This was the backup band. The premier band was LeRon Zydeco, and he played an accordion!!!!