Busy, busy, busy!

Rosa Flores of WBRZ – Baton Rouge News 2 came out and took a wetland tour with me recently and did a little piece on bayou life.  I hope you enjoy it!


I’m back out on the water tomorrow in these cold temps with two retired couples who came all the way from Montana to see the beauty here.  Maybe I’ll get some good pics to share with you.

Until then, I know you’re busy making T-day preparations.  I’m hoping to bake a new pie for the occasion for you and post it here later this week.



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  1. I just watched. No problems. It was fantastic!!! It was a great story. What I really want to know is do you bring your computer out to your boat and type your posts from there??? 🙂

    1. Ha ha, Kim! Good question! They wanted me typing at the camp, but they ran out of time AND the camp was booked with customers, so we had to fake it. Hope nobody else notices. Oops, the secret’s out!!

  2. I wish I had waited a day. I watched it real time (I missed the first 10 seconds), then watched it on the link. I had to watch the whole news cast again. I thought I could skip over everything till I got to your place in the show. WRONG! BTW, I thought you did just as good the second time. LOL

  3. This is so impressive and great on many levels! Wonderful job. You’re furthering the cause and getting info to the public, you’re getting good free marketing for your business, and you’re showing what an appealing life style there can be there, if things are environmentally healthy.And you look
    great, too! I really enjoyed this and hope there are more of these to come. Keep it up!

    1. Usually the focus is on the wetlands, which I’m more than happy to do, it’s my forte`, but she wanted to feature this blog, and I like the “one mouse click at a time” reference!

  4. So what time is dinner? Looks like probably stuck in Illinois for T Day boxing in back porch. Bleak day here tummy is mad about sea salt rosemary flatbread and fake crab salad.

    Hey, have a great week. Oh and I want to know about these Montana people? Tennis shoes or boots?

    1. Tennis shoes/boat shoes. They camp. They hike. They fish. They bird. Wife Life list of Birds. Hubby life list of fish caught, sorta like Choup. From Bozeman. Very cool people. Key words: FAKE CRAB. Nuff said.

  5. OK–It’s time you get some recogntion for your work. That made my day watching you talk about our bayous. PW has nothing on BW.

    1. I stayed up just to see if maybe she did two pieces because she didn’t personally tell me about the 10:00 one. But, it was the same piece. I missed sleep for nothing : )

  6. Nothing? I had acquaintance that was on TV commercial. He got up to watch it every time on. You got to be your own number one fan or go bust.

  7. Like you, I’ll bet there has been a lot of busy readers this week. I know I have. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!