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Holiday Baking

If you recall, I previously posted the recipe for Gingerbread Bayou People!  This year, I only baked Bayou Boys!  My 21-year-old son asked for a tin of these as a gift.  That’s easy enough! And please don’t be offended that they are all naked this year.  I forgot to buy their clothing! These are the…

Fresh Fig Pie
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Fresh Fig Pie

Terry, one of our readers, is looking for a fig pie recipe. I have not yet made this recipe, but it comes highly recommended from my friend Lynn’s website: Eat Like a Native. This site features real Louisiana cooking by local folks. If you haven’t visited, please feel free. I put out a bulletin over…


Berry Cobbler

What kind of berry, you might ask?  Well, that is the question/debate of the day.  There are two types of wild berries down here, the most common is called the Southern Dewberry.  Dewberries ripen earlier than blackberries.  The fruits are generally smaller, and more tart and grow more vine-like.  Blackberries have a more bushy plant…