
Berry Cobbler

What kind of berry, you might ask?  Well, that is the question/debate of the day.  There are two types of wild berries down here, the most common is called the Southern Dewberry.  Dewberries ripen earlier than blackberries.  The fruits are generally smaller, and more tart and grow more vine-like.  Blackberries have a more bushy plant…


Boiled Crawfish

During a busy weekend like this one, you have to start calling a day in advance to find nice crawfish, and then hope they will reserve you a couple sacks. That’s about 70 pounds. This isn’t the weekend the price will be low, either. Remember, it’s still during Lent, and the price won’t really go…


Homemade Cornbread

Or how I decided to bake some cornbread from scratch! While my internet is intermittent, I am forced to do things that otherwise pretty much go undone around here–like laundry, dishes, cooking, and baking. Besides the other things mentioned, here’s what I was forced to do today . . . Good old-fashioned cornbread in the…