
Contest Giveaway!

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve given anything away.  With more and more bloggers out there vying for free stuff and sponsorship, there’s a lot more competition for those things.  I miss the days that Community Coffee so generously sponsored this blog by allowing me to give away free products to you, my valuable readers.  All good things must come to an end, as they say, and as the young enterprising CC rep moved on to bigger and better things, this poor little blog got left behind in his wake.  His replacement just didn’t see the value in giving away cool stuff here.

Bluefin Logo

But, here we are again, with a La. based company selling a much-needed product for those of us who spend time in the sun.  I’m an avid wearer of sunglasses.  They are a MUST on the water, for sure. A hat and sunglasses are two items I never leave behind when I’m heading out on my boat.  Plus, I’m always losing sunglasses overboard, so it’s great to have such an affordable option close at hand–Blue Fin Eyewear out of Baton Rouge, LA.  I had the pleasure of meeting the owner, Steve McDaniel, last summer at the La. Outdoor Writers Conference.  Steve also owns the franchise for Coastal Angler Magazine-Greater Baton Rouge Area.

I ordered my first pair of sunglasses from their website recently, and I was impressed by three things: 

1) The price.  ($14.99 for the ones I chose.)  

2) They come with a soft pouch that can be used to clean the lenses without scratching.

3) Shipping is free!

I apologize if this sounds like an info-mercial, but I just wanted to fill you in a little on the details before I set up the contest.  And by now, you have guessed what the prize is.  


Sorry about the tag in the photo, but these are the glasses I’m giving away, and I didn’t want to remove the tag for the person who wins them!

Contest Rules:  All you have to do is leave a comment after this post, and I will use Random Integer to select a winner.  Please share this post with friends on you email list who might enjoy reading this blog.  I will choose a winner in about a week, IF we have some new folks coming to visit.  Hopefully, we will have.  The winner will be announced IN THE NEXT BLOG POST!  So check back often!

Spring has definitely sprung down the bayou, and I hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy some of this beautiful weather.  With that in mind, how about sharing with us what you’ve been doing to enjoy the gorgeous days?  My tours have been ramping up, and the camp is booking like crazy and keeping me hopping.

Okay, bring on those comments, folks!


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  1. I never go without eyewear. I’ve always had a problem with the Sun’s glare. Being on the water seems to make it even worse. I’m Going to check out the glasses on the Website when I finish here. Hubby is always breaking or losing his.
    Maybe I’ll be generous and let him borrow (he’d be more careful with a borrowed item) mine when I win this contest.
    I’m really glad to hear that Camp Dularge and the tours are getting steady bookings.

    1. I somehow don’t think that Hubby is going to wear pink cammo sunglasses with bling, but hey, if he does you PROMISE to send me a photo!!!!

  2. It has been a long time since a give-a-way.

    I have been trying to clean out the big flower bed that I grow vegies in along with flowers. It has suffered since I have had so many surgeries that left me unable to work it. But, this year, I am back at it. Got to go buy a new tiller though. My old, pawn shop buy lasted about 10 years and finally gave up. I think that was $75 well spent.

    1. Talk about! I don’t think you can buy a brand new tiller that will last that long these days. Seems everything is designed to last a few years and break down . . . usually a part the replacement of which ends up costing more than a new one. I don’t like the disposability of our society these days . . . .

    1. Thanks, Stew! I certainly will. Seems to be the best way to make a tiny difference around here . . . Lord knows all my ranting and raving hasn’t done much good!

    1. I totally get it, Monica! I was really disappointed when CC stopped the sponsorship, but hey, you know what they say. All good things must come to an end, and I’ve always wondered what that is . . . . I’m happy to have BlueFin as a sponsor, though!

  3. Having good eyewear should be a good sponsor. I will check them out. I enjoyed the outdoor sports with my husband and sons for years and can attest that having good equipment and accessories is a benefit.
    Sorry I did not know about your website sooner. I just recently found it and enjoy reading it. I pray continued blessings on your business!

    1. Hi Bonita, well no matter how you found us, we’re really glad you’re here! If you stay with us, you’ll find that we’ve formed a little family of folks who comment and have gotten to know each other that way. I’m always open to knowing what is going on in your neck of the woods, too. Do you live in La.? So glad you’re here, and thanks so much for leaving a comment! BW

      1. Yes, I live very near Cross Lake in Shreveport. The family also fished and hunted the Black Lake area near Campti, LA. The deer gracing my den wall won a Big Buck Contest in Natchitoches Parish some years ago but I do enjoy telling amazed visitors that I killed the big buck. I grew up fishing with my dad in the creeks around Pollack, LA. This state has much natural beauty and resources. I have enjoyed seeing the rest of the nation but am always glad to return home to LA.

        1. Well, Bonita, you know what they say about “six degrees of separation” when you see how many steps to take to see if you know someone in common? Well, I’m about to take step one with you. My older sister’s inlaws were from Verda, and her mother-in-law’s people were from Pollock. I bet you dollars to doughnuts you’ve heard of the “Barron Twins”? Two old maid sister who lived in an old rundown shack without running water or electricity for years? We have evacuated before hurricanes many times to Lake Nantache in Verda, too!

    1. Kim, I really like the pair I ordered for me, and they come in different frame colors, two different lens colors, AND they are lightweight, which is a must for me. I received my order in less than a week, which is GREAT!!!! Just click, order, pay, and done!

  4. I am pleased that spring is here. All the bright shades of green is so wonderful. Makes one happy and blessed just to see. Not sure about me wearing pink sun shades, but hey it would change my image. Maybe I need a change. Bill

    1. Oh yes, Bill, wearing these shades would DEFINITELY change your image, LOL! If you win, you could always give them away to a fisher woman friend!!!

  5. Good morning, I’m new to your blog and have only been in Louisiana 4 years. I LOVE it. I can’t wait to go fishing and see more of this great state. Stay safe and have a great weekend.

    1. Hey there, Suzie! Welcome to this blog! Did you know we have the same name, sort of? Wilson is my maiden name, from north Louisiana. And welcome to Louisiana. So glad you ended up here. How did you find us? You will love the fishing and even being out on a boat in these beautiful wetlands is an experience like no other! Again, welcome and so glad to have you here! Hope you become a regular!

  6. I just got an email from our Washington, D.C. friends who were here visiting just a year ago. They were remembering all the good things we did together, not the least of which was a trip with Capt. Wendy! They are still talking about it! Happy Easter to all the Billiots, Wendy.

    1. Happy Easter to you and Bobby, as well! We did have a good trip! Great folks! Thanks again for bringing them down.

  7. I always enjoy your blog and share on Face book a lot. My husband and I started out in Lake Charles and he is a Louisiana native. I am a Texas native with strong ties to Louisiana and love Cajuns. I have always felt at home there. We are gardening this Spring in Texas, but cannot compare to our first Louisiana garden we had in Lake Charles. Nothing grows tomatoes and cucumbers like that La gumbo!! btw Love the pink cammo glasses and your blog and pics!!

    1. Well, I’m really loving all these new folks posting comments! That makes it more fun for me, since I finally get to hear from those reading–instead of me always doing all the “talking”! Thanks for leaving a comment and for all the kind words!

  8. Hate to see CC go because you/they made a convert of me with my cute little coffee canister. BUT those are the cutest sunglasses and I really need them in Texas. I’m still dreaming of coming back to see you – and bringing friends.

    1. Every time I flip through my Tour photos folder, I see you standing there fishing on the dock in the swamp and linger a moment. As a matter of fact, seeing your photo recently gave me the idea that I should do a Photo page featuring all the folks who came down on tour that I have pics of. Would you allow your photo to be used? Yep, another Community Coffee convert!! If they only knew, right? (Well, if their SEO is any good, or their Google alerts are set, they should get notifications that we’re talking about them right here on this blog!)

  9. I wear $1 sunglasses from the dollar store, but my daughter is all about that camo. She would love pink camo anything. BTW, I bought some $18 reading glasses at the drug store and found the same pair at the dollar store for $1. I’m all about saving those dollars wherever possible. Winning free stuff is good too. Thanks, Wen, for making winners over here.

    1. I get my readers at the dollar store, too, and have lost my share of dollar store sunglasses, as well. I have about a dozen pair of readers so I don’t have to ever search for a pair!!! Yep, we bread winners must be thrifty, but this time I’m giving my free sunglasses to one of y’all!!!

  10. Those glasses would match my new bracelet perfectly, I think. 😉
    I’m so happy your camp is busy. Have a Happy Easter! Hugs to all of you.

      1. I wear it every day when I’m not at work. It would kill me if I broke it!! Love back to you! <3

  11. As someone who is constantly (1) losing, or (2) sitting on/breaking, or (3) even worse (example: once had a pair fall off my head into a campground toilet……) I can certainly agree with the need for economical sunglasses!!! Or… that Little Ole Band from Texas endorses…..some CHEAP SUNGLASSES. 🙂

    1. Well, I don’t know how cheap these are, but they certainly are cute. And if you win, they are FREE!!!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I just brought some CC home from the grocery store. Their French roast seems to be improving, or perhaps it’s the Star$$$ that’s getting worse!

    No need to put in in the drawing for the sunglasses, because I’m in glasses instead of contacts now, and I don’t have a clue where I’m going to end up after my cataract surgery. I may not need glasses, or I might — who knows. As long as I don’t end up blind, I’ll be happy. (Anxieties, much?) I’m just hating that I can’t get out and “see the spring” this year. I’d been looking forward to the wildflowers, both here and over there, but I can’t see well enough to drive unfamiliar territory comfortably, and I can’t afford it anyway until after I get the surgery paid for. We’ll see how that goes!

    1. Oh, now you’ve almost got ME worried about your eye surgery. All of us here will be thinking of you, rooting for you, and praying for you, too! How’s that? I hope you won’t need glasses when it’s all said and done. You’ll be seeing every streak in the varnish in no time!

    2. Shoreacres, my daughters father-in-law has had cataract surgery on both eyes since the first of the year and he is thrilled with the results. He said he can’t remember when colors were so bright and clear. He knows my husband has eye problems and suggested anyone needs this surgery. Yours should go great.

      1. Cammy, I hope Linda comes back and reads your reassuring words. Having keen eyesight is key in her business of varnishing wooden boats!!!

      2. Thanks, Cammy. We’ve been watching mine for about three years. The eye doc said, “We’ll know when it’s time.” My last appointment, he said, “It’s time.” As he put it, if he can’t see into my eyes, I can’t see out. It’s not quite that bad, but it’s bad enough. Two weeks from Wednesday, if certain complications are sorted by then — but soon, anyhow.

    1. Hi Sharon – well you just entered to WIN a pair!!!!! The camp is booking up for June, so if you girls are coming, y’all better hurry up!!!!

    1. Hi, Wehalf, and thanks for stopping by. I can’t go on the water without them! Not only do they help with glare, they help me see fish under the water and they block the wind during the boat ride!!!! BW

  13. I’m not after winning the glasses but Thanks for the chance to win them. I wanted you to know I LOVE reading your stories.

    1. Hi Charlotte and welcome back to the blog. Thank you SO MUCH for being a committed reader here! I’m so glad you enjoy the stories! Have we met? BW

    1. Well, sorry about that, but I’m not sure you’ll wear the pair I’m giving away . . . but you can certainly visit and order a pair cheap enough, with free shipping and have them in a few days!!!! Check them out!

    1. OH Peyton, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! I think they would make you look at least 15 years younger. Welcome to this blog, and thanks so much for stopping by. Do you recall how you ended up here? I’m trying to figure out which advertising has been the most beneficial!

  14. Okay, to all the NEW people who have never commented before: Please tell me how you came to find this blog. I want to know so I can see what means of spreading the word has worked best! Thanks! BW

  15. ive always been a fan of your site. Love it and I love the glasses you look dang cool in them Cher.

    1. Hi Wanda! It’s great to know you are a fan of the site! Thanks for leaving a comment, but I fear you missed the contest! I did the drawing today, but I will be giving away another pair soon!

  16. CONTEST ENDED April 9 at noon! Please read the next post, Crawfish Haven to see who won!