
Fall Trout Fishing!

Hello,friends!  It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about fishing, since fishing hasn’t been at the forefront of my activities for the past year or so.  Certainly, my oldest son and I have enjoyed a couple of bass fishing trips, but we didn’t catch many–just had an enjoyable time on the water together.

Today, I’m super happy to inform you all that not only did I get to enjoy a fall fishing trip, but also a VERY successful speckled trout trip.

Instead of my being the captain and guide, I was treated to a marsh fishing trip not far from home with a friend we shall call Mr. Fisher. Mr. Fisher is indeed an expert fisher, and he really proved himself this time around. If I can manage to stay on good terms with Mr. Fisher, there will be more fishing posts in 2019 including jug-line fishing and fishing for crawfish, YES!

Mr. Fisher usually likes to get an early start–before daylight if possible, but we didn’t start fishing until around 8 a.m. because I had to wait for Miah to get on the bus for work.  So by the time we arrived at his secret honey hole, at least six boats were lined up on either side, hauling trout in, one after the other.  Somehow, word of those secret honey holes way up in the marsh somehow seems to leak out, as though the GPS coordinates were shared on every social media platform.  Regardless, we quietly trolled our way in among those boats and tried our best, but we weren’t on his exact spot, which was occupied by a guide boat holding five people, which meant they would be there until they caught five limits of trout.  We tried to quietly shift spots several times without muddying the water or disturbing the fish, but other boats were not so courteous, and soon, the trout stopped biting completely.  Before we completely deserted the spot, I managed to land at least one beauty like this, with him catching quite a few more.

Eventually, we pulled up anchor and headed further into the marsh, through shallow waters and across mud flats, upon which larger boats would surely run aground.  We also looked for an area protected from the brutal north winds which howled around us.  Being the intuitive fisher that he is, Mr. Fisher settled on a potential spot and dropped anchor saying that if he were a speckled trout, THIS is where he would be hanging out.  And on his first cast into those somewhat murky waters, his trout-like thinking was affirmed with the landing of this beautiful fat trout.  

Not long after, I began catching trout on almost every catch.  “Are you fishing under the engine?” he asked laughingly.  It seemed like it because almost every fish took the bait right at the stern of the boat.  “I think we’re sitting right on top of the fish”, I replied.  Soon, I was giggling like a delighted little girl, truly I was.  I admit it, without shame!  Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly reel in another monster trout, a fish snatched my line and the fight was on.  I reeled the trout to the boat, and as I slung the line over the gunwale, I said, “This one is a real rod bender!”  Before the words were completely out of my mouth CRACK!!! My rod broke in half. I think that was the fattest trout I’ve ever caught in all my years of fishing. Well, we should have used the net to land it, but I was just way too excited to wait for the net!  At least I landed the fish . . . without worry for the rod.  After I threw the fish in the box, I grabbed my other rod and reel, cut off the popping cork, switched bait with shaking hands, and was right back at it quick as a jiffy!  


For those of you interested in the details, we fished both under a popping cork and tight-lining on the bottom, which he calls “slow rolling”.  When one method of catching seemed to slow down, we would switch to the other.  Once we found hungry trout actively feeding, it really didn’t matter what color bait we threw at the them, either.  We used a blue moon plastic, a pearly white plastic, and a bright blue swim bait that all worked equally well.

It was a long, hard day of fishing, fighting the wind and finding clear water, but it was well worth it.  We fished a full seven hours and ended up with two limits of fine, fat specks, which totals 50 fish.  He already has plenty trout in his freezer, so he gave them all to me, and I spent all day the next day cleaning them and putting them up in the freezer.  I’ll be honest, y’all, it was the best “tired” I’ve felt in a while, but I wouldn’t trade that fishing trip for anything, because there’s nothing like some fishing therapy for what ails you.

Below is a little gallery showing you just how large these fish were.  Twelve inches is the smallest keeper size allowed, but we caught only one fish under 14 inches, and all the rest were between 14 and 19.5 inches long.  I should have measured the girth, because when I say FAT, I mean they were FAT!  Please click on pic to see full size images.

Well, that’s it for now from the Louisiana wetlands.  For the foreseeable future, I will be baking Christmas goodies for the family, shopping for gifts, and doing the things a bayou granny should be doing!  Now, it’s your turn to tell me what you’re planning this Christmas.  Where are you going?  Who’s coming over?  And what will you be serving?  Let me know!

Happy Holidays, friend,


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  1. Oh my hubby would go nuts with those trout. He loves it. Christmas this year is not going too great. I’m scheduled for surgery at 7:30 am tomorrow and my daughter has been in two hospitals in 10 days. She overdoes it and her blood pressure soars then drops in minutes to a level that causes her to pass out. They did discover she has Crohns Disease. Hopefully she will quit burning the candle at both ends like a lady on here does. Or has been doing??? I do hope all is well with you.
    I have no gifts for the kids at all, no menu, nothing but some cookie dough. Santa might be coming to town but, it’s going to be quiet here. Hopefully we will all be okay by the New Year.

    Now, fry some of that trout up and eat it for me since I can’t have fried foods any longer. 🙂

    1. Actually, I’ve been pacing myself since the bird project ended in July. Sorry to hear about surgeries and hospital stays. Hopefully, as you say, all will be well in the New Year. You have enough family to fill in the gaps for you during Christmas festivities so that you can enjoy, and they can carry on traditions for you! Not sure what we’re doing, either, but we will do something. Merry Christmas anyway!!!

  2. Wow! What a great trip you had. Glad you got in some good fishing and some food for awhile! I hope you get another chance and a new rod!

  3. Well needless to say, I’m jealous! Nuff said, I’ll move on.
    Christmas will be here with all my children, their spouses, 10 grandchildren, my dad, my brother and sister-in-law and 2 friends.
    A house full! We’ll be feasting on Turkey and Andouille Gumbo, potato salad, homemade bread/rolls, and a variety of desserts.
    Last year was the second time (since 1979) that I’ve made gumbo for Christmas and it went so well I decided to make it a new tradition. I save my smoked turkey breast carcasses throughout the year for Gumbo.
    Hope y’all have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. AHHHH Steffi, I’m jealous. I would love some gumbo. Going to be months before I can have it though. I always make tamales for Christmas but,DR told me today NO WAY! I think my kids are going to come here and do a sandwich buffet. I used to do it but, started going to their homes to visit so the kids could be in their home for Christmas.

      Sounds like all are going to have a great day. Wendy, keep pacing yourself. Please don’t overdo it and you have a fantastic holiday spoiling those babes.

      1. I made a big pot of chicken/andouille gumbo yesterday because the temp dropped to low 40s, which is cold, cold her with a north wind. Man, it hit the spot!!!

    2. I know you’re jealous. I feel for ya! I’m hoping to get my boat out soon and start scouting Lake Decade. have not yet had a trout report from there, but that is the easiest trip for me to make alone. Lord knows, I don’t need trout for the freezer now, but I can certainly bless some widows and folks! Oh, your idea of turkey and andouille gumbo gave me an envie for some so I made a big pot of chicken/andouille yesterday! Man, it was so so good. Gumbo made from leftover Thanksgiving turkey carcass is a traditional idea to begin with, so it makes since that it become a Christmas tradition at your house! Not sure what we’re doing for Christmas since the boys will all be out at work, but I know I have Gingerbread Bayou People to bake, pralines to make, sweet potatoes to bake, and Satsuma marmalade to also conquer very soon! Later gator!

  4. I live in Los Angeles. Louisiana weighs heavy on my heart at this time of the year. I try to keep up as many of the old ways as possible. Looking forward to making oyster dressing and shrimp gumbo for Christmas dinner. Make pralines for friends and family. Getting pretty pricey as COSTCO is my pecan tree. Happy holidays to all. Love this site.

    1. Welcome to this bayou, Dottie! Well, while La. weighs heavy on your heart, I hope finding this site has helped lift the heaviness a wee bit! So happy to have you here and to remind you of home. Nothing more south La. original than pecan pralines, oyster dressing, and shrimp gumbo!! If you were closer, I would have shared my pecans with you in return for a few pralines! Maybe next year? Stay in touch, friend! BW