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Wild yellow what
It’s that time again. The time you’ve all been waiting for since this same time last week. It’s name this flower time! I swear I just heard about 100 of you giggle with glee. OK, well, I was fantasizing again, but it never hurts to dream big. Here is the flower . . . There…

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What in the heck is a French press?
Does it print French books? Is it a special way to iron clothes? Is it a bench press with a French twist? I’m not ashamed to admit that prior to Blufloyd commenting about someone using a “French press”, I had never heard of one. Now, tell the truth, have you? Thanks to Scott of Community…

BW at a loss for words?
Last month was a December for the record books — rainiest ever. The past three days and the weekend to come might be record-breaking cold days. And neither of those facts has contributed positively to the lifestyle of BW. Therefore, BW has almost nothing to write about and finds herself at such a loss that…

We even eat that good claw meat!
I apologize if you are a person who chooses not to eat any kind of living creature. And if you are, it’s best you stop right now and read no further. Because, Crawdaddy was destined to be the star of this tutorial on cracking crawfish claws and eating the meat from them. Here he is,…

Sewage Treatment Plant Finished!
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Wild yellow what
It’s that time again. The time you’ve all been waiting for since this same time last week. It’s name this flower time! I swear I just heard about 100 of you giggle with glee. OK, well, I was fantasizing again, but it never hurts to dream big. Here is the flower . . . There…

A rehearsal, a dinner, a cake, and another sneak peak
All things must be done decently and in order. So first there is the rehearsal of the big event . . . where everyone lets go of their pent-up concerns about how this is going to happen And later, there’s the rehearsal dinner where speeches, roasts, gifts, and toasts take place . . . and…

What in the heck is a French press?
Does it print French books? Is it a special way to iron clothes? Is it a bench press with a French twist? I’m not ashamed to admit that prior to Blufloyd commenting about someone using a “French press”, I had never heard of one. Now, tell the truth, have you? Thanks to Scott of Community…

BW at a loss for words?
Last month was a December for the record books — rainiest ever. The past three days and the weekend to come might be record-breaking cold days. And neither of those facts has contributed positively to the lifestyle of BW. Therefore, BW has almost nothing to write about and finds herself at such a loss that…

We even eat that good claw meat!
I apologize if you are a person who chooses not to eat any kind of living creature. And if you are, it’s best you stop right now and read no further. Because, Crawdaddy was destined to be the star of this tutorial on cracking crawfish claws and eating the meat from them. Here he is,…

Sewage Treatment Plant Finished!
Before I post that, please let me backtrack and post a link to the article Lyle Johnson wrote about the fishing trip he and Gossie made with Termite and me. Now. Let’s install the drain field. The white pipe is from the last photo of the previous post–it drains the “treated water” or “gray water”…

Wild yellow what
It’s that time again. The time you’ve all been waiting for since this same time last week. It’s name this flower time! I swear I just heard about 100 of you giggle with glee. OK, well, I was fantasizing again, but it never hurts to dream big. Here is the flower . . . There…

A rehearsal, a dinner, a cake, and another sneak peak
All things must be done decently and in order. So first there is the rehearsal of the big event . . . where everyone lets go of their pent-up concerns about how this is going to happen And later, there’s the rehearsal dinner where speeches, roasts, gifts, and toasts take place . . . and…

What in the heck is a French press?
Does it print French books? Is it a special way to iron clothes? Is it a bench press with a French twist? I’m not ashamed to admit that prior to Blufloyd commenting about someone using a “French press”, I had never heard of one. Now, tell the truth, have you? Thanks to Scott of Community…

BW at a loss for words?
Last month was a December for the record books — rainiest ever. The past three days and the weekend to come might be record-breaking cold days. And neither of those facts has contributed positively to the lifestyle of BW. Therefore, BW has almost nothing to write about and finds herself at such a loss that…

We even eat that good claw meat!
I apologize if you are a person who chooses not to eat any kind of living creature. And if you are, it’s best you stop right now and read no further. Because, Crawdaddy was destined to be the star of this tutorial on cracking crawfish claws and eating the meat from them. Here he is,…

Sewage Treatment Plant Finished!
Before I post that, please let me backtrack and post a link to the article Lyle Johnson wrote about the fishing trip he and Gossie made with Termite and me. Now. Let’s install the drain field. The white pipe is from the last photo of the previous post–it drains the “treated water” or “gray water”…

Wild yellow what
It’s that time again. The time you’ve all been waiting for since this same time last week. It’s name this flower time! I swear I just heard about 100 of you giggle with glee. OK, well, I was fantasizing again, but it never hurts to dream big. Here is the flower . . . There…

A rehearsal, a dinner, a cake, and another sneak peak
All things must be done decently and in order. So first there is the rehearsal of the big event . . . where everyone lets go of their pent-up concerns about how this is going to happen And later, there’s the rehearsal dinner where speeches, roasts, gifts, and toasts take place . . . and…

What in the heck is a French press?
Does it print French books? Is it a special way to iron clothes? Is it a bench press with a French twist? I’m not ashamed to admit that prior to Blufloyd commenting about someone using a “French press”, I had never heard of one. Now, tell the truth, have you? Thanks to Scott of Community…

BW at a loss for words?
Last month was a December for the record books — rainiest ever. The past three days and the weekend to come might be record-breaking cold days. And neither of those facts has contributed positively to the lifestyle of BW. Therefore, BW has almost nothing to write about and finds herself at such a loss that…
BW here – yes, DS, you had it right, but I am deleting your comment in hopes of drawing out our Cajun-speaking friends. Hellooooo?? Roxie? Carl? Rocky????? Others??????
I call them rain frogs too. And I don’t have a clue to the meaning of your words!
I just love frogs and all their songs. I used to live in Florida. I loved all the frog songs.
Hi Sheryl, and welcome to the Bayou. How did you find us? Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Sometimes at night here, the air is just FULL of their summer symphony. It’s a pretty amazing sound, with all the different frogs chiming in.
OH!! tree frogs are SO much fun!!! We get them before rain also and I LOVE to hear the singing. That reminds me of a Lispy post dealing with a tree frog – happened a couple weeks ago just before a storm…. I will have to write this one in a couple days! How are things going? did you get my last email?
Busy working on the cypress house still! The last email was June 27th. If there is a newer one, I did not receive it!
We often find them suctioned to our glass sliding doors. Drives our house cat batty. She pats them and jumps at them. Fun for her and no harm to the little froggies.
Their little suction feet are the cutest.
I often find them suctioned to my face, because they wait and jump on me when I walk out the door!
It means “It’s hot!”
Welcome to the blog, Kendra. First time here? What brings you here? And you are absolutely correct! Are you Cajun, by chance? And do you speak the language? I know, lots of questions, but please come back and answer because inquiring minds must know!
No, this isn’t my first time here. I like to read blogs, and am always on the lookout for blogs in Louisiana. I don’t remember how I came across your blog the first time. But today I saw a link to your blog at “The Milkman’s Wife” and remembered about you. Yes, I guess you could say that I am cajun, my maiden name is Breaux. But I don’t speak the language, only a few phrases. My grand parents on both sides could speak French, but my parents don’t. Some of my great-grandparents only spoke French. I live in Southwest Louisiana. I saw your post about canning figs. My mother was canning figs a couple of days ago, and I asked her if she was going to do the strawberry ones. She wasn’t, she was only canning whole figs. I think she got 17 quarts canned. I’ll be back often to read your blog.
Wonderful! I love reading where others come from and what you’re up to! I have about 3 gallons of figs to deal with. I ran out of jars, so I had to freeze them until I can get to town and get more! A friend brought by a dozen of the small ones today! Great surprise gift!
“C’est Chaud” means “it’s hot,” doesn’t it? Relying on my 40+ years ago French class for this one…
Give Granny Sue an A+ in Cajun French! Yep, it sure does. All together now, let’s chant like frogs, “c’est chaud, c’est chaud, c’est chaud”!! Because, baby it is hot outside in bayou country! Great hearing from you, Sue!
Hi, Just love your web-site. I’m cajun, born in Plaquemine, raised in Norco, now residing in Lafayette. My maiden name is “Fryoux”, pronounced “Free-you”. I love tree frogs. My daughter used to hold them by the “handfulls” when she was a toddler. Sorry, I don’t speak French. My mother was raised speaking French, but when she went to school, was forced to stop. What a shame.
Hey Susie! I recognize that email address, I do believe!! I’m so sorry you and hubby had to cancel. I was really looking forward to meeting y’all. I’m off right now to PayPal to see what I can do about this situation!!! Welcome to the blog, and I’m so glad you left a comment. Come back often, there’s plenty to see here!