
PROW Project Day 2

Well, folks, I had every intention of keeping these posts up to the day, but there really aren’t enough hours in the day to get photos uploaded, edited, and into some semblance of a decent post twice a week.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I’m whining, but when I started this blog back in 2007, I was much younger and did so into the late hours while the kiddos were fast asleep.  Well, now I’m pretty much fast asleep at the time the kiddos would have been back then.  BUT in my own defense, I do get up much earlier these days than I did back then.  So, I’m giving myself a pass and decided it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing deal.

I will upload photos, edit them as soon as I’m able and then post them with descriptions where necessary and not berate myself because I don’t have the time, energy, or brain power to write a full length witty and informative blog post about the day’s work.

With this new mindsight in mind, I’ll move forward with PROW Day 2 photos so that you can keep up with the progress.

Day 2 found us visiting the 20 nest boxes we had installed in 2017 in the Mandalay Wildlife Refuge.  We relocated a couple of the non-productive boxes within a few feet of their original placement in hopes of luring the males into adopting the new homes.  The boxes are mounted on long metal poles which require very strong upper body strength to pull from the clay bottom; hence the reason I call Natalie “Wonder Woman”!!   

Here are the photos of this process and please click on them for full effect:

Upon closer inspection of this box, you might see a wasp nest, a huge spider web AND spider, and a snake.  Yep, a snake.  We often find tree frogs sheltering inside the boxes, which we do not remove, but this is the first time in three years we’ve found a snake.  Also, this little guy is the reason for this NEW RULE:

Always check inside the box BEFORE you remove it and bring it in the boat for handling and relocation!!!! 

So, thank you to the little snake for NOT slithering out into the boat with us.  Whew, close call!

The rest of these are unique and/or just beautiful things we observed along the way.  I hope you enjoy these first signs of Spring.

And that wraps up Day 2 of the PROW project.  By now, however, we’re already four days in to the project, and I’ll do my very best to catch up as soon as possible!

I hope you enjoyed the ride-along!


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  1. Beautiful shots. What type of snake was that? I didn’t recognize the colors. And the spider wort is taking over my yard. I think I have 3 different colors.
    I always enjoy your posts.

    1. Thank you, Cammy! I think it’s just called a ribbon snake. It was small in the grand scheme of things; however, it would have startled me had it joined us in the boat, and it would have been a hilarious sight trying to coerce it OUT of the boat!! I’ve learned a new appreciation of all living things over the years, and Nat and I try not to kill anything, including wasps (which is difficult for me because I really don’t like wasps!) so unless it can really harm us, we try to leave it alone or free it to live another day. I’m glad you continue to enjoy the posts. Yep, spiderworts can be a nuisance in the yard, but they’re so pretty in nature.

  2. Capt. Wendy, you have made this one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had in many years! You are not only a wonderful hostess but an outstanding cook. Thank you Herkey “Papoo” to my friends

    1. Good morning, Herkey, and what a wonderful heart-warming message to read with my early morning coffee! You and Billie and Ermon have been a breath of fresh air to this bayou woman! I hate to see y’all leave! I hope you will return for more adventures!!!