
Sausage Jambalaya

I posted here about how we liked the Louisiana Fish Fry Shrimp Creole mix.  Today I’ll let you know whether we liked their Jambalaya Mix.

It’s a big help to have mixes like this when I need to “cheat” to get supper on the table.  But hey, when you’re busy, you do what you need to do.  Fortunately, these are a great alternative to cooking from scratch.

Sausage Jambalaya Ingredients

Louisiana Fish Fry Jambalaya Mix
1 1/2 pounds chicken, pork, or sausage (I used smoked sausage)
2 1/4 cups water

The packet instructions recommend cooking your meat first, so I browned the sausage in a pan first.  Then I followed the rest of the packet instructions.

This is another easy meal to prepare and goes well with a fresh green salad or vegetable.  This is what we call a “brown” jambalaya.  Even though this was very tasty, it came in second place behind the shrimp creole.  Next time, I will try adding chicken to it.

I would recommend both mixes to families who like Creole and Cajun cooking.  They are very well seasoned, easy to prepare, and reflect well upon the cooking culture here.

Now, so inspired, I would like to offer a little contest.  If you are so inclined, please visit the above link to the Louisiana Fish Fry web site, take a look at all the mixes, and pick one that you would like me to cook next and blog about.  It does NOT have to be an entree`.

Each suggestion will go into a random drawing, and I will gladly cook the winning submission next week!

Bon apetit!


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  1. I like to add some tomato sauce – it really adds to the taste bringing out the creole flavor

    1. Thanks for sharing your tip!! Do you add this to the mix this post was about?

      When I make this from scratch, it can either be traditional “brown” or if I use Rotel tomatoes, it becomes the “red” version!

  2. I just found you!! I am going to make a bunch of your recipes soon!! Love this!!!
    Barbara from Florida. But, a Texas girl!!!!!

    1. Hi Barbara and welcome! Glad you left a note. Good luck with your bayou recipes and I hope they turn out well for you! BW