Someone has a birthday this week!

This email arrived in my box recently. I was waiting for the best time to share it with you, but there doesn’t seem to be a best time with so much going on this week. I’ve had company all week and work, work, work on the cypress cottage, and taking my company fishing and out to eat at night, and then every day life. So, here it is:


In the event that you do not have prior obligations, please be notified that you will be kidnapped on Saturday, July 12 at 5:00pm by an agency referred to as RBK Birthday Heists.

This kidnapping requires that you wear your most alluring ensemble, complete with a fetching hairstyle and makeup. If you require a sexy new outfit, please notify RBK immediately and one will be provided for you. Your dress size will be required and can be submitted privately by responding to this notice. We will not disclose your size to any third parties. (Please consult our privacy policy for additional details.) It is imperative that you not be out-dressed by your kidnapper; she will surely be quite stunning. Please do not hesitate to request a new ensemble, but be aware that you need to submit this request by Saturday, July 5. Your request will be forwarded to our purchasing department.

Your destination will be unknown to you until our time of arrival.

Childcare services will be provided at no charge to you in your home from the time of departure until we arrive back at your residence.

For the safety and satisfaction of all parties involved, no questions concerning this heist will be answered by the person responsible for this notice.

Please respond to confirm your submission.


RBK Birthday Heists

I am so excited about this adventure Saturday night! And I am going to turn this into a contest on Sunday. See you then!

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  1. I know you’re going to have a rip-snortin’ good time! ENJOY!! I’ll beg out of the contest.

    I surely hope so! I’ve been up to my neck in work, so I hope I can wind down for this!

  2. YYIPPEE !!! Good for you – hope you have a great time and get away from REAL LIFE for a few hours. A nice meal you don’t have to plan for, dressing up…. yup, sounds like a great shindig!!!! HAVE FUN and relax my friend!!

    I’m just a wee bit nervous about all this talk of dressing up and fetching hair styles and stuff! But I’ll try to have a good time!! If it ain’t fishing clothes, I’m kinda lost!

  3. Be sure to tuck your camera somewhere. AND………make sure someone else with you knows how to use it! We want pics of you “Decked Out”. We’ve seen some of you “Out on the deck” of your boat(in fishing clothes of course). I can definitely relate with you about fashion. I feel like a “fish out of water” when I’m decked out.

    Good idea!