Tululu Shuffle

Hello, my name is Tululu
And I will do a dance for you
Scuttle to the left
Scurry to the right
If you get too close
I will dance away

I don’t look like the big blue crab
With two long claws that grab
One claw is very small
The other very big
But if you get too close
I will pinch your toe

We’re not at all like hermits
We have our own shell permits
And travel in large groups
All going the same place
As fast as we can go

We know right where we’re going
Our bodies just keep on flowing
Straight out of the marsh
And out onto your road
We must get across the road

There’s something on the other side
That’s why we do the tululu glide
Scurry to the left
Scuttle to the right
Hope to see you next year
When we cross again

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  1. This is a new one on me. How interesting. Guess we’ll have to wait for the book to find out more about these little critters.

  2. Cute! I sure would hate to drive down a road with them crossing it. I can’t stand to run over anything alive and I know I would be sitting there for some time while they scuttled across.

  3. Ahh Wendy, Bless you. I’d quite forgotten about those little guys. They do that in Fla. too .” Fiddler crabs” crossing the road in a huge herd. Come out of the mangroves and scurry, shuffle as fast as can. I haven’t seen that since I was yery young. Good memory.. God Bless.

  4. Those are what you were pointing out on the road when we were doing the land tour, and I couldn’t see them. What a delight to find them here! They’re cute!