Winter-time Reading Scavenger Hunt

This one takes a little more reading, plus a little more thinking.  And these questions are not quite in chronological order with the posts.  You can thank Steffi, because she solved the other one in 15 minutes with one eye closed.  Or maybe both, I’m not sure.

Here’s the easiest way to do this:

Open these questions in one tab.

Then open BW again in another tab.  On the left hand menu, in the Posts by Month box, scroll down and select November 2007.

From there:

Click Next over and over again until you get to the very last post, which is the first one in November, by date.  Read it, go to other tab and read questions and answer.  After you have finished reading this one, USE YOUR BROWSER BACK BUTTON to take you back one page.

Now, scroll down, and click previous page.

Click on the next post, read, answer questions, click browser back button, scroll, click previous page.

Continue this process until you have read ALL 15 POSTS!

All correct posts will be entered in random drawing to win an 8 x 10 color photo of your choice!

I will be draw the winner either Sunday night or Monday morning!

Get your reading glasses, your cup of tea, coffee, cocoa, and hop to it!

Good luck everyone and happy reading!


1) What is a pogeaux pop?  Looking for two-word answer.

2) In Lake Decade, did we anchor or drift?

3) According to BW, what brings in cold germs?

4) What was the  “ugliest frog” BW had to eat?

5) What network did BW find a film location for?

6) What appliance created a bad smell?

7) What do we eat for Thanksgiving?

8 ) Who is Silvy?

9) Did the two guys from Chicago get skunked fishing with BW?

10) What was the winning prize for BW’s first Name the Flower Contest?

11) How many shrimp dishes did BW mention in the post about “Bayou Life”?  It’s tricky  . . . . .

12) What was the prize for the “Name This Photo Contest?

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  1. 1) What is a pogeaux pop? Looking for two-word answer. fishing lure, bayoubuck lure

    2) In Lake Decade, did we anchor or drift? drift

    3) According to BW, what brings in cold germs? the cold wind from the north

    4) What was the “ugliest frog” BW had to eat? finishing up loose ends on the blog

    5) What network did BW find a film location for? Discovery Channel

    6) What appliance created a bad smell? freezer

    7) What do we eat for Thanksgiving? white beans and fried oysters

    8 ) Who is Silvy? your old truck

    9) Did the two guys from Chicago get skunked fishing with BW? yes they did

    10) What was the winning prize for BW’s first Name the Flower Contest? ME! (Kim)

    11) How many shrimp dishes did BW mention in the post about “Bayou Life”? It’s tricky . . . . .

    12) What was the prize for the “Name This Photo Contest? Rach

  2. Well, looks like everybody is having a busy weekend living real life. If nobody else wants to play, Kim will win by default! Which is fine with me! I wonder if I changed the prize, would more folks play?

  3. I’m reading today on my Blackberry, the contest would take me forever,lol. I have to start bringing home my laptop on the weekends. Hope your having a great day.

  4. Been sick…my brain still isn’t working right. I’ll check back in when I’m up to par. AND no, I didn’t drink the water while in Mexico.

    1. It’s okay, Steffi. I still haven’t finished choosing your proofs. There are just so many to choose from. Hope you’re feeling 100% soon enough. This contest died a very painful, slow death! 🙂