
Zombie and Soldier Arrested!

A zombie was seen roaming the streets in a local subdivision, frightening everyone in his path.

Witnesses say he was doing something akin to the “Thriller Dance”.

When asked what he was doing, he groaned something about a soldier and a gun.

This image was captured on hidden camera . . .

It appears the Zombie was attacking this Soldier in camouflage.

The Soldier fled the scene, and on closer inspection . . .

the Zombie appeared injured and bleeding.

Authorities were called, and immediately set out on a search for the armed soldier, who was found . . .

hunkered down in the corner of the back yard.

The Soldier was carrying a very heavy, camouflaged bag.  Being careful not to disturb the contents, the authorities searched the bag and found

copious amounts of confectioneries, which were assumed stolen.

Both suspicious characters were taken into custody for further questioning and offered their full cooperation with the authorities.

After a rigorous interrogation, the authorities finally got to the bottom of the story.  They returned to the scene of the crime to gather further evidence to validate the claims of the Zombie and the Soldier.

They found very convincing evidence that the subjects were telling the truth.  From the looks of things, there was a third person involved.  The surroundings looked as though the perpetrator was about to strike again!

They uncovered this complete array of character makeup . . .

another set of camouflage clothing and a weapon . . .

and from the looks of this knife thrown into the fence, it appears the crazed owner of this home fled right in the middle of preparing her next Zombie costume.

Also at the scene, was this innocent creature who proved to be a key witness  . . .

Begging not to be taken into custody, The Cat claimed it was her Master who committed these acts of costuming and that they were only having fun.

The Cat’s confession led to the quick arrest of this woman . . .

who has since been named “The Costume Criminal”.  She was released on probation, with the promise that she would never hold children hostage again and submit them to such cruel acts of costuming.

Authorities issued a warning to the neighborhood to beware next October while this person searches for innocent and unsuspecting costuming victims.  She is ruthless and will stop at nothing.

The suspects were treated to a meal at Sonic and released to go home and enjoy their bags of Halloween Candy!

Better late than never, right?


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  1. Yep, looks as though everyone had a good time. About Sonic, I would have opted for a Foot long Cheese Coney w/mustard and onions. I may just have to take a short ride tomorrow at lunch time. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Sonic for a “Dog”. Got to get a Root Beer too!

  2. Darn, no one confiscated the sweets?
    The guys looked like they were having a great time. Oh, I remember those days. So much fun.

  3. LOL… you guys read my mind, Footlong with cheese, onions, and mustard, (don’t forget the tater-tots w/cheese).

    My first thought while reading was the confectioneries should have been confiscated for further investigation by the authorities.

    Looks like fun though.

  4. LOVE IT!!! Thank you! This made a bad day MUCH better! 🙂

    And guys, what can I say… Sonic corn dogs were only 99 cents that night! They were really good, too! And much less ant fodder left in my back seat, to boot!

  5. I fell asleep in Sleepy Hollow and woke up in Bayou DuLarge?

    6 days till 11 days off.

    And folks, Look closely it sez Gel Blood not what it first looks like.