
Cajun Caviar

Cajun Caviar

You know, this little eight-hour-a-week subsistence project job I’ve been doing since last October comes with quite a few unexpected but well worth it surprises.

First, I’ve gotten to meet more bayou folks than I knew before. It seems the more connected to the earth folks are, the more welcoming, genuine, and kind they are.

Second, they like to share, and I don’t dare offend by refusing their generosity. Not only do they share their fresh vegetables, but I’ve been given a fresh venison roast, a live rooster, plant cuttings, seeds, and jars of wonderful things like homemade pickled beets and jellies. The resourcefulness of these bayou people never ceases to amaze, too.

Oh, and recipes. Don’t forget recipes. I’ve collected some new ones, for example, one called ratatouille. It’s a mixture of smothered fresh vegetables: onion, bell pepper, tomato, squash, zucchini, and eggplant. Very hard to describe, but delicious just the same.

At the end of last month, as I visited with my new friend “Lizbeth”, she pulled a dish out of her ice box and said I just had to try her Cajun Caviar on crackers. Before I could say, “Oh my gosh! This is sooooo good”, she was writing the recipe for me from memory. I decided right then and there I would make it for the first Bayou Woman Adventure and see how my guests enjoyed it. And don’t panic, there is no trace of sturgeon roe, either!

It was a winner, so now it’s a keeper, and it’s so easy to make that you have to try it at your next gathering. Because the recipe makes so much and is easily cut in half, that is what I did. My guests ate it all except one little smidgen. So here we go with the easy breezy recipe for your next favorite summertime dip.

Cajun Caviar

Print Recipe
Prep Time15 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Course: Appetizers
Cuisine: Cajun
Author: Bayou Woman


  • 2 Cups Mayonnaise
  • 2 Cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  • 2 Cups Chopped Pecans
  • 1 Cup Finely Chopped Green Onions
  • 1 Small Jar Pepper Jelly


  • Mix together the first four ingredients and spread into a shallow glass dish.
  • Spread the jar of pepper jelly over the top.
  • Chill.
  • Serve with your favorite crackers.


I used a red, five-pepper pepper jelly, but I guess you could use green pepper jelly if you prefer that.

And that, my friends, is all there is to it!  Give it a try for 4th of July and let us know how you liked it!

Happy Independence Day!


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  1. That looks amazing! I love pepper jelly over cream cheese and just eat it with crackers.

  2. This one really surprised me. We have a “Texas Caviar”, but its base is black-eyed peas, along with onion, bell pepper, cilantro, jalapeno and so on.

    This one looks good, but just like pimento cheese spread, there’s too much cheese and mayo for me. I like it, yes – but my arteries are thanking me for giving it a pass!

  3. I’ll have to file this recipe away for later. Hubby is on a bland diet right now (me too since I’m not cooking 2 seperate meals.) The Dr. thinks he has an Ulcer.
    When I first read about the absence of Sturgeon roe, I thought you were going to use Choupique roe. After all, it’s available locally for you to catch and harvest. The best thing about this recipe is that there won’t be that “fishy” taste.

  4. News from blu, signed up to be in Baton Rouge on 28th. Is the drum and hardheads running then? Ladyfish?

    I was almost positive this would be Choupique eggs…

    Where’s the rooster pics?

    I been wearing out cranberry pecan compote on turkey.
    Just been rolling it up. carbs driving me nuttier than usual in the 100 deg heat.

    happy birthday america….

  5. Oh and getting eggplant grilled rounds ready to be mini pizzas.
    lots of good greek eggplant stuff too.

  6. Hey Wendy, just wanted to say hello, it’s been a while since I ve visited your blog. But wanted to tell you how excited I was to wake up and see you on LA sportsman this morning!!!!! Excellent show, and if you were nervous at all I surely couldn’t tell!!!!!!

    1. From your sign-in name, I’m having a hard time recalling when we met!!! But I’m really happy that you have come back to say hey. I’m also so glad you thought the show was excellent. No, I wasn’t nervous. Not at all. Those guys were so much fun to work with, I even forgot the camera was there! So, welcome back to the bayou!!! I hope you stick around! BW

  7. Saw you on LA sportsman this morning. I sent you a querry regarding a trip for a bayou tour and fishing trip soon.

    I will try the Cajoun caviar real soon. Sounds great!

    1. Hey Rick, I’ve been on a very rare mini vacation to visit family back in North Louisiana. I’m back now and will tend to my business today. Thanks for writing! BW

    1. Hi Denais! I have never tried but I’m going to say no because of the pepper jelly involved. I think it was become too watery during thaw process. BW

  8. 5 stars
    So good and so easy. Got great comments on it and recipe requests. I thought the blend of flavors and textures was very interesting. I used a peach jalapeno jam this time. It was a perfect complement.