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Gingerbread Cookies
It’s that time again–time for holiday baking, and what screams “HOLIDAYS” louder than Gingerbread Bayou People cookies?
It's Contest Prize-Drawing Time!
Back in September, I wrote a post about this blog being five years old and asked you to share your stories with us. You did so in great fashion, and I thoroughly enjoyed each one of them. The comments seemed to have stopped now, so it’s time for me to keep my end of the bargain and do the drawing.

Chaoui and Baby
Just as our children grow older, and the photo ops happen less often, the same holds true for raccoons. Again, who would believe that this young adult coon and elderly doggie would play together? This is their morning ritual in my room while I check my email . . . before I have to put…

He's growing up way too fast . . . or Making family history
When you have many children spread out over a number of years, something happens to the last-born child. Namely, he gets to do more things earlier in the timeline of childhood than the older siblings. The reason? The older siblings. I don’t remember my oldest two sons having their own shotgun at the age of…
How about a nice big slab of concrete?
As many of you know, we have been inhabiting the Miracle Bayou Tree House since fall of last year and waiting for the land to get dry enough to haul dirt and river sand, and for these heavy trucks to get back here without bogging axle deep in the process. While waiting, our builder was…
Swamp People Surprise!
This post was originally planned to be abour Mardi Gras, but things changed when I received a call last night from Bayou Fabio saying, “I’m on the Internet now! With my picture and all.”
Creepy! But, it’s a good photo.
Food Chain. Momma Nature’s sacred circle of life.
I luv the coming autumn season when spider webs dripping jewels of dew sparkles in the early morning sun.
So the banana spiders are out already? Must be time for fall!
Yes, Kim, isn’t it amazing? One morning this week I walked outside to the absence of humidity and the sky had a green aura like after a hurricane. I sensed the earth had tilted slightly; and now sunrise is after 6 a.m., not before.
Ooooh, I know they are necessary in the great scheme of things – but I HATE spiders! My sympathies are all with the locust. They have such a short life anyway, seems terrible to shorten it further!
I look forward to the first song of the cicada high in the live oak trees signaling the onslaught of summer; and then before you know it, the banana spider webs extend between the branches of the same oak trees, trapping the beautiful cicadas for food.
Noisy little buggers !!
One of my lovely memories of my indoor Siamese centers around a locust. She was sitting on the second floor balcony (which fronted a small, tree-lined creek) outside the kitchen, when she suddenly darted back in. You could almost hear her saying, “See, Momma, I told you I could catch a bird!” A locust had literally flown head first into her mouth and its wings were flapping on each side of her jaws. She was so upset with me when I took it away and released it!
Great story, Joan!