Fishing, fishing, fishing!

That’s what I”ve been up to.  On a borrowed computer right now, so time is short.  As soon as I can, I will post up a combined report from the last week hopefully complete with a couple interesting photos!

What have y’all been up to?

Report soon,


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  1. I’ve been busy making new jewelry. Check out my Etsy shop. I have lots of stuff made I haven’t posted yet but will in the weeks to come.

      1. :0 I love the alligator earrings!!! You really have been busy and creative! I really like the gemstones matched with the gar scales! They are so pretty. I might have to get me some of those for dressup!

  2. I did some fish research today. I called Marberger’s Sporting Goods in Seabrook and said, “Hey. What are all those jumping little fish that are around by the hundreds of thousands that make it sound like it’s raining?”

    Glass minnows. AKA anchovies. Who knew?

    Looking forward to your pics and etc.

  3. Sorry about the comp crash. I thought mine had tonight but, left it off for about an hour and rebooted and so far (fingers, toes and everthing else crossed), it is working. My niece will get it if it keeps acting up. She is a computer technician.

    We, ummm I mean I, have been running errands and trying to keep hubby comfy while his back heals. Had to pick a few peppers today too. My plants are loaded with jalepenos. I did fix up some cod filets for dinner tonight. They were pretty good too.

    1. Cammy, I’m not sure how this happened, but someone put an external link on your words computer tech. I sure hope this computer I borrowed from my son didn’t get a virus. Does anyone know how a link like that could just happen? I didn’t put it there. When I read your comment, the words comp. tech. are underlined in green and highlighted green. Do ya’ll see that?

      1. I have no idea what happened. I can’t see it here. Nothing is safe anymore. I have several security programs on my system and it is still showing your site as safe with no issues. Can you delete the post? Probably someone trying to get free advertisement.

  4. Ça va, cherie…

    Nothing much going on in my neck of the woods except work, work and more work. By the time I get home, I haven’t even wanted to look at a computer. Hence, my infrequent appearances online, lately.

    Was gifted with some venison burger and steaks a week or two ago, with offers of more, if I want them.

    I’ve fixed venison roast before but I’ve never had my hands on burger or steaks. The burger was processed with no added fat.

    Could use some suggestions for recipes. Esp. since Hubby really isn’t a big fan of venison. Or so he says. Something other than just the usual grilled hamburgers and steaks.

    1. Bug, I’m sure BW will chime in here, but thought I’d try to give you a few ideas since we eat venison almost exclusively. The burger can be used in anything that you would use ground beef in – tacos, spaghetti, chili etc. Just grilling as burgers is good with a sprinkling of Tony Chachere’s on top.

      Steaks we eat just that way – grilled.

      Try to get your hands on some backstraps, chicken fry them, and your hubby will be hooked

      1. Just wondering, tho, if I need to add any fat to the burger. My cousin had it processed without added fat. (His processor will do more fat, less fat and no fat, depending on what the customer wants.)

        I was thinking meatloaf with a bit of ground veal or ground round for fat.

        I’ve fixed venison roasts before, which I marinated overnight in an oil based marinade. I bunged it in the oven, wrapped in foil with a couple of bacon strips on top, opening it up the last 5-10 minutes to brown a bit.

        The steaks I have are cube steak, so chicken fried would be the way to go on those! Should I marinate those first?

        If it was just me, I probably wouldn’t be all that bothered about it. Hubby, however, is not a big venison fan, so I need to disguise it a little bit. He’s an incredibly picky eater. 🙁

        1. Just a suggestion, Venison is nearly always tuff and if its already tenderized I am guessing they knew it. To tenderize game I always put the game in a ziplock and let it soak in milk for about two days on the counter. Yes the milk sours, the lactic acid breaks down some of the connective tissues in the meat making it more tender. Just rinse it and cook it then as as usual. Don’t be afraid of it. The down side is it removes a lot of the gamey taste.

          Ground venison I usually spice for sausage then use in Italian sauces like lasagna or spaghetti. “IF” you want to do burgers and doubt the fat content, add ground bacon. Adds flavor as well as fat. Freeze bacon and use a box grinder if you don’t have a fancy meat grinder. You’ll like the out come.

          I now use cheap beef to make my own hamburger. No chance of e-coli, better beef quality and I control the fat.

          1. Thanks for the tips, Heather and Foamheart.

            I know vension can be tough and dry, if you don’t prepare it right. Mama’s first attempt at a roast was a disaster. It was like chewing twenty year old jerky. It was Dad’s fault. Someone gave him the roast. He just handed Mama the thing and didn’t say anything about how to prepare it. At the time, she didn’t know any better. He did. She did a few after that with much better results.

            Losing the ‘game’ taste will be no issue with us. I’ve got to sneak it past Hubby, anyway. All I need are some marinade, seasoning tricks and recipes that will disguise the fact that it’s venison. What he don’t know, won’t hurt him!

  5. DCCDC’s and DCCDCherries.

    re: computer. Any interest in a stark white eMac? I’ll erase the drive.

    Glass minnows is time to start throwing panfish assassins in silver minnow.

    Cajun white beans sorta on stove.

    Looks like next Friday arrival at Du.

  6. I am missing the exciting first day at the blind stories this year….. having DT’s…. must wait for decoy tales…… must hang in for the transporting of the reeds……… building the blind……the licensing trip…….. Flashlights ….. boat motor…….. need stories…….. having serious withdrawal………………………………

  7. I’ve been REALLY taking it easy around here since Thurs. afternoon. Hubby and number 2 son left at 2:30 drove to New Iberia, La. to pick up a Crew boat then they headed north to (just pass) Seattle for delivery. Now they’re headed to Spokane for a few days to visit with relatives. Which translates to…taking it easy till at least next Friday when I’ll do a bit of housework!

    About that Venison…if you’re doing a steak or roast (works with cheap cuts of beef too) coat it in Baking Soda, stick it in the fridge 4-6 hrs., rinse and cook. It will be nice and tender.

  8. It’s still football season here! We are 11-0 and in the play offs! Headed to the state championship, 3 games til the big one! It’s seasons like this that make this coaches wife proud to be worn out, stressed out and footballed out!!!