
From the fishing photo archives . . . indulge me!

These photos make me warm and happy. They don’t have the best composition, balance, or lighting. But that doesn’t matter, because they remind me how boys need to be outdoors, and they need to bond with other boys. They would, of course, never admit it. So, from the archives . . .


Dano teaching Termite to bank fish when he was just past tadpole stage.


Termite, giving it a whirl on his own, without big brother number two at his side.


Termite and Daboo, his number 1 big brother, fishing in the little bateau many miles from home. He did wear his life jacket while the boat was underway, and he should have had it on while fishing, but Daboo gave him a little break from it, which did not happen again. We must follow all safety rules on the water.


What? No dimples for your first redfish ever? What a little man!


There they are! Look at those “proud” dimples. I could just fall right in ’em and be swim around for a while! He caught this speckled trout off our dock, in the bayou in front of the house. This is quite a catch for a little boy, all by himself!!!


This is called a black drum. These last 3 photos are from a day last February. Don’t you wish you could fish in a t-shirt and shorts in February? I remember this being a spectacular day for him as a fisherman.


This is a nice red drum.


This is a smaller red fish. Do you notice something in common in all but one of these pics?

These photos remind me of happy times that take my mind off the events of yesterday, Wednesday, which ended up at the doctor’s. I am now faithfully taking medication.

For those of you keeping track, the root canal did not take place today because of frightening headache episode I had yesterday. I will be undergoing 2 more tests to make sure I’m okay (don’t worry, I know I am) Then Tuesday, the infamous root canal will finally (hopefully) take place. Performed by the specialist in my nearest town, NOT NEW ORLEANS, thank God!

I hope to be here writing again on Wednesday afternoon, because if all goes well with root canal Tuesday, I will be taking 6 inquisitive teens on a wetland tour Wednesday morning, which I do not want to miss. Their minds are still so curious, eager to learn–malleable.

Maybe when it’s all over, I’ll feel more like writing about what I went through. Right now? I’m under doctor’s orders to rest and relax. And to not strain the brain too much!!!!

For your thoughts, prayers, well wishes, and rubbing of lucky rabbits’ feet I thank you.


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  1. Glad you are on the mend. Loved seeing the photos of your boys. Makes me miss “my little boy”. He is now 16, but still my baby. You are so right- they love and need to be outdoors.

    I know you do, too. I’m clinging to these last sweet years as tightly as I dare!

  2. Girl, take the phone off the hook, lower the thermostat, turn off the lights and just rest. Sounds like that HA has set in. Love seeing your photos….My son doesnt know how to function w/o a camera lens stuck in his face….bless his heart…lol. Down side is…I have the single mom’s syndrome in photo albums….All pics of son…only 1 or 2 of us together…lol. Must remember to trust others with my things….such as my camera…lol. Hope you get this all wrapped up soon, We know you don’t do “sick”, so we are rubbing the fur off those dang bunny feet.
    Deb in Tx……rub…rub….rub….rub

    Debbi, I promise when all this is over and I’m back to me again, you’re little guy is gonna get his book. So, don’t let him watch the mail box for the next week or so, okay? I’ll tell you when it hits the box! Thanks to the uni-bomber laws, we cannot put that size envelope in our box and raise the flag. Anything 1 pound or over has to go from my hand to a postal agent’s hand. Did you know that? Means a trip to town! Thanks for the permission to rest!

  3. Wendy, dont worry about it. The last thing you need to do is stress over something like that. We will be tickled whenever it arrives, so please, don’t give it another thought. Now, when you do start feeling better, I am gonna want to know the name of those flowers you were posting about around the water, redberries and the spanish moss…lol. Take care hon.
    Debbi in TX

    About those flowers . . . you’ll get more than a name, you’ll get photos, and that’s why you HAVE TO WAIT!!!

  4. Thanks for posting the great photos of your boys fishing! How I would love to go fishing right now….

    I’ve been following your teeth and head woes, and I’m really concerned! Take care of yourself! There’s only one of you, after all. I’ll keep you in my prayers and hope all goes smoothly on Tuesday.

  5. Thanks, girls. I feel better already! I know you are all so busy and it means a lot to me that you take even 60 seconds to type a well wish for me. You humble me and make me realize I need to do the same for others . . .

  6. Thanks for posting the fishing pictures – it’s been a bitterly cold winter in Canada and those photos almost make me feel the warmth of a summer day.

    And it is lovely here today. Two shorts n t-shirt days in a row! Sorry to brag!!! Thanks for stopping by! I’ll go visit your web sit now! Talk to you soon! How did you find me?

  7. I love these! Funny how one can forget how cute her own brothers were when they were little! (And did everyone see the biceps on that little guy in the first picture? Geez! My own fiance would kill to have muscles like that!)

    Oh, and the thing in common — white tee shirt, except for that one grey one.

    These pics make me nostalgic. Do you remember him wearing white undershirts so frequently? I don’t, but surely he did!

  8. Hope everything is ok….thinking and praying for good things to come. Love those dimples on Termite!

    Thank you, my old friend. Seeing your name reminds me that I need to respond to your last mysterious email. Have to go search for it!!

  9. girl ……..get feeling right you have some work to do on th 15th……wish we could be there but the redfish are calling me..(again)
    take care…

    Are you kidding? I’ve hardly stopped. About to leave on a tour right now! Hey – when and where can I pick up those bags from the bank? Negdu’s tied up during the day.

  10. Your kids are adorable. So true about little boys needing to be outdoors with other little boys. My nephews are never happier than when they have a rod and reel in their hands and tight line leading to the water.
    For that matter, makes me pretty happy, too.
    Take care,