
Mock Strawberry Preserves Made with Figs!

Mock Strawberry Preserves using Figs

I’ve been making this recipe for a long time. See the year in the upper right-hand corner of the card?

Now that we have the old recipe, how about a step-by-step pictorial of the recipe? (All you seasoned “canners” out there can just skip all this, because it is intended for those Googlers who are going to start picking figs and doing a search for something different to do with figs this summer.)

Search no more! I am going to teach you how to make the easiest and best tasting fig preserves, and your family and friends will NEVER know they are figs until you tell them. And that is no lie. Any of you on here who’ve had these may confirm via the comment section that this is true.


The blue pot is for pre-boiling the jars and then also for the “hot water bath” after the jars are filled.
The stainless pot is for boiling the preserves.
There is a potato masher, large jar tongs, small lid tongs, a large jar funnel, and canning jars.


Boil the water in the blue pot and place the clean, empty jars in the water. My mother always emphasized that the secret to the lids sealing, is that everything has to be as close to boiling hot as you can get it. Some people run the jars in the dishwasher on a hot rinse and hold cycle, and some people pour boiling water in the jars as they sit in the sink. But I prefer to immerse them in the boiling pot.

In a smaller sauce pan, halfway full of water, bring it to boiling, add the lids and bands and keep on a soft boil. Even the lids and bands have to be boiling hot!


I wash them in cold water, and Katybug adds a little baking soda to make them squeaky clean. I’m sure she does that to get all the bird poop off, right? Just kidding!

Cut off the stems and the bad spots. For a double batch of preserves, which is what I did here, measure 6 heaping cups of whole figs, or you can measure them accurately after they are mashed.

Mash the figs with the potato masher. I’m sorry this looks sort of gross. Mash them as course or as fine as you like. This is six cups of mashed figs. Put them in the cooking pot.

To the mashed figs, add (for a double batch) 6 cups of sugar and two large boxes of strawberry or raspberry Jell-O.


Stir and cook on medium/high heat until boiling.

A light foam will form across the top. Just ignore it. It will dissipate soon. No need to skim it off.
Continue stirring and boiling.

Until it looks a deep, gorgeous shade of red like this. The texture changes and the liquid begins to shine. This takes about 20-25 minutes.

It is done when a drop of the liquid hangs off the edge of the spoon. Look closely, and you will see it. I’m sorry. I took this photo six times, and still could not find a background that would make that droplet show up better than this. I know previously I said, “coat the spoon”, but it’s pretty much the same.


As quickly as you can, remove a few of the jars from the boiling pot with the small tongs and put them on a towel.

Put the canning funnel into the jar. (Can you tell I’ve been using it for 20+ years? Sad. I need a new, bright, shiny stainless one, which I will NEVER go out and buy. Never.)

I wear an oven mit on my left hand to hold the jar, while I fill it with the boiling liquid.

Using a clean dish cloth, wipe the rim clean, so that the rubber lid can make a solid seal.

Put the hot lids and bands on the jars, and screw down tightly.

Immerse the jars into the boiling water bath, making sure they are covered.

Boil them for 15 minutes.

Remove from the boiling pot and place on a towel to cool. Some people turn them upside to make sure the boiling liquid makes that final seal. Turn them over after about ten minutes and as they cool, they will seal and you will hear a ping or a pop. That is the lid sealing tightly to the jar rim. It is the wonderful sound of success.

Here’s the recipe!  Enjoy!


Fig preserves ala Strawberry or Raspberry Jell-O

Print Recipe
Prep Time35 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time50 minutes
Author: Bayou Woman


  • 3 cups of mashed Figs
  • 3 cups of sugar
  • 1 large box of Jell-O any flavor


  • Wash whole figs in sink full of water. Cut off the stems and the bad spots.
  • Mash the figs with the potato masher and add sugar and Jell-O.
  • Stir and cook on medium/high heat until boiling. The mixture will turn deep red. This takes about 20-25 minutes. It is done when a drop of the liquid hangs off the edge of the spoon.
  • Using a funnel, ladle into hot sterile canning jars, top with hot sterile lids, and seal with rings. Process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.


This recipe is great with Strawberry, Raspberry, even Peach Jell-O.

I hope you enjoy making these preserves for your family.

If you’ve ended up here looking for something kid-friendly to do with figs, please come back and leave a comment letting us know how you like it.  And let us know if you used a different flavor of Jello.

Happy preserves!



July 27, 2013:  Folks have been writing me telling me how much they love this recipe and its ease of use and delicious results, so I figured it was about time to bring it back again so that it will be freshly available for those of you who still have beaucoup figs on your trees and want something different to do with them.  IF you like strawberry or raspberry preserves but don’t want to purchase said fruits, then just use your FIGS!!  Really, if you doubt me, just read some of the older comments below and maybe you will be convinced to give it a whirl.  It only takes a couple cups of figs to do a single batch, so you’re not losing much if you don’t like it.  Now, run out, buy some boxes of Jell-O and get your canning groove on!  Good luck and be sure to come back and let us know how you liked it.  Oh, and one more thing–there is actually a group in Lafayette, LA who got together recently and had a fig-preserve making party and used this recipe!  Good for y’all!  I hope you had a blast!  Sorry I couldn’t be there. Maybe next year?    BW

August 7, 2014 – Seems like the figs are a little late this year for some of the readers.  So, here is a tried and true recipe for something different to do with that bumper crop of figs.  As noted in a previous post and comment section, i didn’t get any figs this year, but y’all go ahead and know yourselves out and tell me how great these preserves turn out!   Happy preserving!


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  1. Great recipe! My 12 yo daughter made it this afternoon. I took a few pics of her first canning. We did not hear the pop! They look sealed….are they if it didn’t pop? Husband said best he has ever tasted…

    Oh, wonderful! I’m so proud of your daughter! To check to see if they are sealed, touch the center top of the lid, and see if it dips down. If it goes down and stays down, it is sealed. If it’s already dipped down, then it is sealed. If it goes down and pops right back up, it is not sealed.

    1. This recipe is a lifesaver! Despite my continued neglect of our 3 fig trees, the wretched things have been producing masses of sweet little figgies. Being too frugal for my own good, I decided to turn the bounty into fig preserves and found your brilliant recipe and website.

      Jell-O stock is probably going up tomorrow because I picked 47 pounds of figs today and there is at least twice that still on the trees. I had some strawberries still in the garden so tossed them in with the figs. This is really very yummy.

      The down side to this recipe is that my husband came home and expected to find hot biscuits to go with the preserves. Needless to say, after spending half the day in the garden and the other half in the kitchen, he isn’t getting hot biscuits tonight.

      Now to see if you’ve got a recipe for watermelon rind pickles. Thanks again!

      1. Your post made me smile! That’s a lot of frigs, Jeanne! Oh, and watermelon rind pickles was not something my Great Grandmother or mother ever made, and it’s not something my family eats, so sorry, I don’t have one. Good luck with all those figs! BW

      2. I’ll bet there are lots of your family, friends and neighbors who would be happy to take those figs off your hands. I am frugal, too, and just hate to waste anything. Next time, just make a few calls and you’ll have fig loving people all over the place. Just a suggestion.

    2. Gosh, thank you SO much for this perfect recipe. My wonderful Mom made this back in early 70’s and is now in Heaven. I’m just so happy to have it now. It’s really delicious!!!
      Thanks you for the great work that you do. God Bless You!!

      1. Hi Karen, and welcome to the bayou. Now you get to carry on your mother’s memory and traditions. Isn’t that wonderful? God blesses me every day, Karen, in good ways and in trials. Thanks for your kindness in coming back by to leave a comment! Come back often- we have a good time here! BW

    3. 5 stars
      My mother-in-love passed December 28, 2018, so I wanted to honor her and make fig preserves for my father-in-love this year. But I’ve never canned anything ever, so I googled fig preserve recipes and came upon yours. As I stand in her kitchen waiting for the jars to cool and (hopefully) pop, I can’t help but get a little choked up. She was diabetic, but she would have loved these preserves.

      They are delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

      In faith (and the kitchen),
      Danielle from Dallas

      1. Hi Danielle. I replied to this while in Alaska, but I see now that my reply did not transmit. Cell service was spotty at best where I was! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a heartfelt comment. and I’m so glad that you took that leap of faith and made fig preserves for your father-in-law. I’m sure his heart was full, as was yours. And it means so much to have you carry on her tradition, and I know you’re happy you did! Thank you again, Danielle, from Dallas!!! BW

    4. I really appreciate the written receipt I made this with my sister from St. James near Convent for years and she is gone now and we made it every year and I forgot the measurements so thank you so now I can keep it for my kids

  2. If Termite hasn’t solved the bird problem, send them my way. I picked 2 more gallons this afternoon and THERE’S STILL MORE! I’m really getting tired of figs! Between cannin, pickin, laundry, cooking supper, grocery run (had to get more sugar and Jello for tomorrow) and the cleaning up, I’m shot! To quote Yogi, tomorrow will be “Deja Vu, all over again”.

    I just need to come get your figs!!!!!

    1. Thanks for the smiles and the great recipes. My mom’s fig trees are brimming and she’s getting to the age (84) that she’s not going to do anything with them … and since I just got back into town and cook, it’s up to me. I didn’t have even one idea of what to do with figs. I always hated the grey looking over sweet stuff my Dad’s mom made, so I always said I hate figs. With these different recipes I know I can do some amazing jars of goodness.

      1. Well, now you an make blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry figs using jello, and I promise you will love them! You really will! And the jello recipe is so easy to make and doesn’t take nearly as long as old-fashioned fig preserves! So, welcome to the bayou and we’d love to have you join us here as a regular reader. Please be sure and come back and let us know how your first attempts turned out, won’t you? BW

          1. Hi Dora and welcome. I’m not sure. There are others in the comment section who may have tried this, but I really don’t know. I just don’t know if Splenda would “set” like sugar does. Good luck! BW

  3. Yummy! So you have fresh preserves now (not that the ones that have been hanging around in the pantry aren’t just as delicious)… when are you having us over for breakfast? 😉

    Any time you decide to come spend the night!

    1. This is a wonderful change from fig preserves. I could not believe they would be so tasty..i may just keep on as long as the fig tree does. Thanks a million for the bright idea.

      1. Welcome, Cynthia! And I’m so glad you made this discovery and that you like it! Thanks for stopping by and come back any time! Good luck canning! BW

  4. Everyone – my internet service has been mostly out for two days. Technician can’t come until Thursday, so if you don’t hear from me, that’s why.

  5. Are you TRYING to get me to short out my keyboard?!?! LOL That looks delicious! It would be so much fun to be able to cook together or can somthing like this! I have not forgotten your gift by the way – I still have to let ‘it’ cure for a few more days! I promise its worth it!! Thanks for sharing this!!

    It has to cure? Now you’ve really got me curious!

  6. The baking soda kills any bugs that the eye missed plus (according to Grandma Orr) it makes the figs a little sweeter. I still have a smidge of your preserves left in the jar you gave me several years back. I had some on a biscuit this morning and they’re still yummy! And do NOT get rid of that canning funnel…Rach wants it when you’re finished with it. Right Rach?

    I can’t believe that jam hasn’t crystallized by now! I’m afraid Rach is not a junker like us, K!

  7. I hereby bequeath the canning funnel to Katy Bug… I have the fortunate circumstance that my mother will live forever to make me jelly! (So, come to think of it, Katy Bug, that probably means you won’t get the funnel either! Sorry! *lol*)

    Maybe I’ll become famous one day and auction it off for thousands of dollars!

  8. Tonight at choir practice, I struck a deal with a couple concerning next year’s figs. They are going to come pick all the figs and we’ll split them between us. They have used Peach Jello as well as the Strawberry and Raspberry Jello. Tomorrow they are coming over to pick and if they make the Peach, I’m due a jar. I’ll let y’all know.

    Mmmmmm. Peach? I love peach preserves and have always bought but never made my own. Please let me know ASAP so I can make some if you say it’s good.

  9. These pictures brought back so many memories about strawberry fig preserves. I had to call my mom and talk about it. I need to move back south although I do love my four seasons here and the snow.

    I’m touched, and so glad you called your mom. Memories of our moms is all some of us have left. Enjoy her while you can, Ellen. Why don’t you come visit us down the bayou? I’m sure I could find you a snake or two!

  10. Oh, I do so love the pictorial instructions! Wonderful job! And I’m going to try these this year. I make a lot of regular fig jam, but there are always those few people in my family that don’t like the figgy taste, so I’m going to make at least one batch of yours and try it! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Well, you better make one batch of each! Because they do taste different from each other. These preserves are loved by those who don’t even like figs! You’re just beginning, and my tree is just about finished!

  11. If a jar doesn’t seal, what do I do next?

    I’m not sure how this question slipped by me, but I am just now seeing it. Well, you can keep the preserves in the frig. for up to a month. How many jars are we talking about? If it’s only a few, go ahead and give them to people who will eat them right away. Or keep in your fridge until you use them yourself.

    1. I have had that problem and I always just clean off the rim and lid and re-boil the jar(S). It seems to work for me. I cut down the amount of time for the boil.

  12. I made the strawberry fig preserves last night and they turned out great. I did add two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice-just because my Mother always did that. I’m making another batch and giving them out in my Christmas baskets to my neighbors. A couple of my jars didn’t “pop”, so I took the rings off and the seals are on there and not coming off. I think they’ll be ok. Thanks for the recipe for the strawberry and the plain old fig preserves. I’ll cook them tomorrow.

  13. I have made my strawberry fig preserves but it seems to liquidy will it thicken as it cools? It smells and looks great though and thank you fo the pictures!!

    Yes it will thicken some, but if you did the spoon test, where the drop hangs off the edge for a second or two before dripping, then it’s good and ready. You’ll know better next time around, right?

  14. Hi! Noticed you had asked me to come back by and leave a comment for you…Your recipe is already a hit with my family & friends. I made 10 pint jars and 5 quart jars last weekend and will be making more this upcoming weekend (all my jars are already gone!) I had some of the preserves left over in the pot, after putting all I could in the jars, and my husband immediately scooped up the leftovers and proceeded to eat it with a spoon! Great recipe! Thanks for sharing it with us. “C’est Si Bon!”
    (I shared your Blog with everyone visiting my Stumbleupon pages, too.)
    Hope you have a great day!

    Thanks for coming back, Mare! That is fantastic! Yep, we eat our extras right away too–it’s just too good not to! Glad you liked and passed it on to your Stumbleupon community!

  15. I saw where Danielle was asking how to tell if her preserves have cooked long enough and I have a friend who has a tip for seeing if your jelly is ready. She keeps a teaspoon in ice water by the stove. When she thinks the preserves are ready she puts a small amount of the juice from the preserves in the teaspoon and leaves it for a few minutes. When you go back and look and the juice has thickened it’s ready. Not thick enough, cook a while longer and try again.

    I don’t know if that works with this recipe, but for sure the drip off the spoon works for this particular recipe. I think each “stage” of setting is different. Some are thicker than others, but thanks for the tip for future use, Debbie!

    1. Well, the sugar in the Jello is a crucial part of the “jelling” process. I know when I use “Sure Jel” to make jams/preserves, it says not to reduce the sugar. So, there should be some alternatives on the internet because they do sell sugar free jams at the grocery. Good luck and let us know if you will!

      1. SUGAR FREE RECIPE: We made 2 batches with Splenda and sugar free jello. The color is not as deep a red, but I think the consistency was almost the same. Not much to drip on the spool, though. They had a real good taste and is great for the diabetics. I’m not sure how they will keep, but they sealed just like the sugar ones did. We’ll see.

          1. Hey Wendy,
            Thanks for a great recipe. I added about a half cup of chopped jalapeños to give it a little cajun spice.

            1. Hi Joni and great to hear from you again! I’m so glad you enjoy the recipe! Oh, I get that tastes so good! Thanks again for leaving a comment, and if I ever get any figs from my tree again, I’ll have to try this! BW

  16. Just wanted to say we tried the recipe, just got done, can’t wait to try it, I do have a question, we have some figs that we froze from last year, can you use frozen figs for this recipe also? let me know.


    1. Kim, welcome to the bayou! I would say yes you can use them BUT since they do have water content, let them thaw AND drain before cooking. I hope you like the mock strawberry!

      1. Hi: I’m Kims husband, and those frozen figs worked great. In fact after talking with other folks it is really nothing new using frozen figs. Some men I deer hunt with said there wives have done it for years. They brought some peach fig preserves that were very good.
        Thank you
        Mark Yurkon
        Magnolia Texas.

        1. Well, tell us this, Mark. Is there anything we must do or not do in order to freeze figs for future use in preserves? I know they have a lot of water, so I assumed they would thaw out to mush. And also, did you let them thaw before making the jam? Or did you throw them in the pot frozen? Thank you very much for coming back here to report. Lots of folks visit this recipe and learn all they need to know about these delicious preserves. BW

          1. 5 stars
            I’m wondering if you got an answer for this one about the frozen figs??? I have some in my freezer but not sure now if I need to thaw and drain them or not. Thanks!

  17. After looking over the fig tree today in my backyard in Lafayette, my friend and I realized these figs will not be ripe enough to pick for at least 2 and possibly 3 weeks.

    Could it be the weather and temp in Lafayette, Louisiana is that different from lower Terrebonne Parish?

    Or pehaps it is because southwest Louisiana has experienced one of worst droughts since 1930s.

    Southeast Texas grain crops have been dramatically impacted by drought of 2009.

    After re-reading the directions for canning preserves tonight, I realized that my hands and my neck injuries would make real canning an impossible for task for me to do alone.

    However, while searching for Jello and canning supplies at Albertson’s this afternoon, I found something called “Simple Creations”

    No Cook Freezer Jam Fruit Pectin

    Stir 4 cups of fresh fruits (peaches, starwberries, apricots, cherries, grapes, pears, plums or other tender fruit…crushed

    combine in mixing bowl crushed fruit, 1 !/2 cup of sugar, 3 Tbsp lemon joice from fresh lemon. Blend weel.

    Let stand for 10 minutes

    Bring to a boil

    Gradually stir on contents of pectin package. Stir three minutes longer and heat to a boil.

    Ladle and store in Bell Jars.

    Will keep in fridge 3 weeks. in freezer one year.

    So perhaps tomorrow afternoon I will try crushing and boing fresh peaches and see how this experiment works.

  18. I just made a batch of your figs ala strawberry preserves and the 2nd jar just popped as I’m typing this! I has a little extra, not enough to even half fill a pint jar and it’s delicious! Thanks so much for the pictorial directions and recipe. I will share your website with my friends.

    Fran Plauche’
    South Louisiana

    1. Welcome to this bayou, Fran! And thanks so much for taking the time to visit and let us know how this went for you. It is delish, isn’t it? You are very welcome for the pictorial directions. I have been canning since my kids were babies, (and I”m not ancient yet) but I can remember doing this when no one else was . . . and having older ladies make jokes about how cheap it was to just go buy a jar of jam. I find preserving the things you have at hand very rewarding . . . and on this site that is figs, about five different ways, and muscadines, (compliments of LilSis’s in-laws sharing their bounty), so far! If I had had enough fresh peaches given to me from my friend in Alabama who came to visit, I would have done some spiced pickled peaches, too! Again, merci boucoup!!!! BW

      1. Hello again! I love doing things the ‘old fashioned’ way. In fact , the same day I made the figs ala strawberry, I had made my homemade bread dough for pizzas, the way my husband’s grandmother made. She too made the fig/strawberry preserves but no one had her recipe for that. When my husband walked inside, the first thing he said was, “Wow, it smells like mawmaw’s house!” What better compliment could I get? I sent a jar to my sis-n-law and she too had memories of her mawmaw when she tasted your recipe. She had passed about a year ago at the age of 93 so you can imagine the memories that come when you taste something that she would have made. Anyway, as I was waiting for my next harvest of figs to ripen, I spotted your old fashioned fig recipe. I couldn’t wait to try it. Well, today was the day and I had to write you again to tell you how great they came out! I am so pleased that I could do this but it’s only because of your easy directions and pictures. I didn’t double the batch since the birds only left me 4 cups worth but I did use 4 slices of lemon, following the example in the photo, not remembering that you were making double batch, and it taste great w/ 4 slices. Not bitter or over lemony at all. Just perfect! I think I’ve got one more good harvest left….now I have to decide, do I make another batch of strawberry fig or the ol’ fashioned recipe……hmmm. Have to do the family taste test and get back with ya’ to see which one wins!
        Thanks again, Fran

        1. OR Fran, you could make whole figs, which are very delicious in their own way! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience with us. There are many who share the joy of bringing back memories for family and friends. Makes me feel great!!!

  19. I can’t thank you enough for this post! I have never made this before and your pictures and instructions made it sooo easy. I just did 24 1/2 pint jars of strawberry and some of blackberry/rasberry (YUMMY!)
    (new jello flavor blackberry fusion?)
    I am quite proud of my sefl heeeehhheee

    Thanks again!

    1. HI Stacie! Welcome to the bayou! I’m glad you were brave enough to try these preserves. They really are good! And the black fusion is a new jello flavor, as far as I know. Let me know if the blackberry was sticky, will you? BW

  20. My dad has lots of figs every year, so make lots of preserves. Last year, for a change, I used blackberry Jello instead of strawberry and it was wonderful. My family loves everything blackberry and couldnt tell the difference.

    1. Hi Margaret . . . I am searching for the reader who commented on this very question. I think you have to get some Sure Jell to use along with it s the sugar helps the fruit to “gel”. I think she found her information on the Splenda website that told her how to substitute it.

      1. 4 stars
        I followed your recipe but used sugar free jello, cut the sugar to 3 cups with 3 cups of Splenda, a pack of Sure Jell low sugar formula and because my previous attempts always came out runny, about 1/8th of a cup of Chia seeds.
        I ended up with the 1st set jam I have ever made!
        Plus, the black Chia seeds added realistic coloring and Omega3 goodness. I plan on a batch of raspberry jam tomorrow after a jello run.

        1. Hi Alexx and welcome to the bayou! Wow! You did some creative thinking with your preserves, and I love that! Please let us know how they turned out and thanks so much for sharing your ideas with all of us here! BW

    2. I’ve never attempted to make jelly or jams, my grandmother always did all the canning and preserving the garden. Wish now that I had payed attention. ! I made this recipe today and it was awesome. I did cut back on the sugar to 2 cups and used suger free jello. I also added some cinnamon . Next time I’ll cut the sugar to 1 cup. The figs were really sweet

      1. This all sounds great! So glad that you decided to take on your grandmother’s mantle of putting up preserves! I posted these step-by-step instructions and photos in hopes that folks like you, who wanted to carry on the legacy of canning, could do so without intimidation. and isn’t it rewarding? Good for you!!! Thanks so much for coming back to let us know your adjustments to the recipe, and I hope you will subscribe to follow this blog about Life in the Louisiana Wetlands! Great having you here, Debbie! BW

  21. Awesome! never knew how much I liked fresh figs until the other day. Then I decided to look at canning them and found this recipe! My goodness! Strawberry Jam is my favorite, but now I’m not so sure!

    1. Woo hoo! Candy! I hope you become another fan of this wonderfully easy recipe!!! Also, the old fashioned fig preserves is divine, as you will read in the comments section below the photo step by step recipe! Good luck!

      1. Now I have my mother-in-law and all of her friends at Lake Tansi, Holiday Out campsite in Crossville, TN hooked on this jam. Guess we’re gonna have to “gear up” for next year’s harvest. Even planting more trees! Thanks again, Candy.

  22. We make a similar version to your recipe and it’s wonderful. We also save the excess juice and can just like the preserves. We put the juice in the jars and the fig chunks that’s left in the juice. It is a wonderful syrup. This keeps you from having wasted juice and gives you some good syrup to put on pancakes.

  23. I forgot to mention that we just cut our figs in half rather than mash them. That probably has a lot to do with why we have so much juice. We just did a triple batch the other day and had 5 pints of fig preserves and
    6 1/2 pints of syrup. Which is ok with us because we love the syrup.

  24. Thanks for the pictures!!
    I first discovered fig-strawberry preserves last year. A relative gave me a jar that was made in ol’south Georgia. It was absolutely fabulous. I had never had figs before ( except Fig newtons, of course). I have been searching for figs ever since. I live in Florida- sadly, they are not plentiful down here. Finally, I found some in the supermarket- $6 a pound!!!! But they were on sale–for $3/lb. So I bought some and some jello – now I have to track down small jars! I can’t wait to try it out!

  25. Wow- I followed the recipe and now I have 7 jars of fabulous fig-strawberry jam. It took two pounds of store bought figs to make 3cups of mashed figs. I had 4 lbs but not enough jello.

    So after 2 days of being at work I now have time to try some more– today, I am trying blueberry/fig jam and more strawberry/fig jam. I bought 6 more lbs of figs while they were on sale…. Thanks so much for having this blog with the photos – it really helps the novice like me. I come from a long line of “canners” but now they are either to far away or have passed on ….

    well, have to get busy !!!! ( oh, and I will be looking to plant some fig trees for the future!)

    Thanks again —
    Tammy in Fl.

    1. Super, Tammy! This is what REALLY excites me about canning and sharing recipes . . . handing things down and keeping traditions alive. And now YOU, way down in Florida have joined the club! We do lots of fun things here at Bayou Woman, and I’d like to invite you to become a regular reader and you might win a gift from Community Coffee of Louisiana. They give away a gift each week by random drawing from folks who read daily and comment! So, come on down the bayou with us, cher! Thanks for the great comment!

  26. Have you ever made FROG jam? It is a combination of figs, raspberry, orange and ginger. If you have, would you please share the recipe? Thanks!

    1. Hi Renee! That sounds very interesting. I have never made it nor have I even heard of it before! Maybe one of the readers here has made it and will leave us a recipe soon! Good luck with your fig preserves! BW

  27. Interesting my mom has been making that recipe long before you were born. Im the youngest of 13, and i can remember my mom making that exact recipe when i was just 5 years old, that was in 1969. I asked how long she had been making strawberry fig preserves and she said since the early fifties, so my moms recipe was first, and some how got copied and passed on many times. Sadly my mom passed away in 2004, taking with her many more great recipes.

    1. Hi Camille, and welcome to this bayou! Long before I was born? Thank you for the compliment! I was in 8th grade that same year!! Anyway, your beloved mom was on the cutting edge, was she not? Sorry for your loss. My mom has been gone since 1991, and I really miss her, so I know how you feel. BW

  28. My mother used to make this when I was a child. This has always been my favorite recipe. I can’t wait to make it. I don’t have any jars or canning stuff yet but I will go and get it. I check my figs everyday just waiting for them to be ripe. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. You are most welcome, Tama, and I hope it goes well for you. Be sure and check your local “free cycle” yahoo group for free jars and also garage sales!!! BW

  29. Hello again BW,love that name. I went to visit my aunt and took her more preserves; she told me that she would love to make some before she died(she’s 91),so here we are in my kitchen making a batch of the easiest fig(aka) moke strawberry fig jelly.Thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us.Just made 12 -1/2 pints of the strawberry,now she wants raspberry.Oh,by the way,on the back burner there’s a big pot of venison stew(your recipe),she has invited several of her friends for supper.Good friends,good food, what more can a guy ask for.Love everything about your site.God bless you and your family.

    1. Hey C ( is it Charley?) anyway, this comment has really touched my soul today. We are on the fringes of approaching oil in the marshes I love (and live in), due to strong south winds and waves created by Alex, even though it’s hundreds of miles SW of us. I just picked figs off my tree for the second day in a row. They are a week early for us. I am not prepared to cook them, as I had not yet purchased my Jello or sugar or lids. Oh my! It has rained here for four days after a long dry spell, and all we want to do is stay indoors. Guess I’ll be going into town after all. Tell you Aunt that she inspires me! Thanks again for great conversation! BW (PS, if you click on HOME you will always see my most current post. Today it is hand-made jewelry from gar scales harvested by my neighbor.)

      1. Came across the recipe, who should know more about cooking than a bayou lady. Tried it, beautiful jars and taste is awesome. Give away for Christmas presents. Thank you for sharing, used this recipe for 3 years.
        BL Alabama

        1. Hi Becky and welcome to this bayou blog! Thanks so much for leaving a comment and for trying the recipe. Great to know you like it! The jars ARE beautiful and make great gifts any time of the year! Come back soon! BW

  30. We went to celebrate July 4th at my mom’s along the coast of Texas and her fig trees were full! It has been a few years since they have produced this much. My husband and I picked a lot and brought them back with us. I asked mom for her old fig jam recipe but she couldn’t find it. Boy was I glad to find yours! Just finished a double batch and think I’ll call mom and have her bring more figs when she comes next week. Thanks for making the process easy to follow and successful!

    1. I’ve been cooking and jarring figs for days and I just add it to the other things I’m doing. It really is SO EASY, and if you get interrupted, just put the pot in the frig. and finish cooking them tomorrow. It’s better to start the cooking process and STOP the ripening process rather than let them sit and rot, right? So glad you took the time to leave a comment and I hope they turn out great, J’Lee! BW

  31. Hello! Like all the other responses, Thank you for your wonderful recipe with detail instructions and pictures! I am making my first batch (double batch) as we speak and was wondering a couple of things. First, I have ALOT of figs already (yeay!). I have about 14 cups of mashed figs right now. I wasn’t sure if I could more than double the recipe; how big can you go? Also, if I don’t have enough jars tonight to finish the other mashed figs I have here, what is the best way to keep them? Should I go ahead and cook the recipe and put it in the fridge, or just put the mashed figs in the fridge, or freeze them? And 1 more question, can I make a “lower” suger batch…1/2 the sugar, or sugar substitue…? What are your thoughts on that? I am trying to make them diabetes friendly for my grandpa.
    Thanks! 🙂

    1. Hi B. Thanks for the sweet words. You can make as big a batch as your pot can bring to a rolling boil, but just remember, you must have a big enough pot to boil all those jars in immediately after filling. Figs do not do well frozen–too much water when they thaw. They will stay in the frig maybe one day mashed. You might try partially cooking a batch, refrigerate overnight, and then finish cooking next day and jar. I’m still not sure about reduced sugar, because it is needed to “set” the jam. But you sure could try and let us know!!!! Good luck! BW

  32. Please help me.My husband is so proud of our abundant fig crop this year and I am afraid I have ruined the final batch of preserves.
    After I washed the figs( my 4th large batch of preserves) I forgot to soak them in baking soda .Figs are now in the fridge with total amount of sugar .What can I do?
    Is baking soda vital ?

    1. No, ma’am. Baking soda is not vital. Honestly? I never use. I think my cuz, KatyBug says it’s to kill the bugs. So, never fear. Your figs are fine. Go ahead and cook away! Good luck! BW

  33. My Mom use to make this jam and I have been searching everywhere for this recipe . Thanks and I hope it is the same as hers.

  34. I am new to canning. Mine are a little runny comming out of pot. I did’t hear jars pop! Will the jam turn out ok

    1. They might be runny because of too much water or not cooking them down long enough. Check the top of each jar like this to see if they “sealed”. Look at the center of the lid, does it look concave? Now, touch the center with your finger. If you can depress it with your finger, then it did not seal. They will not have a very long shelf life because they are not airtight. If all of them did not seal, and you don’t plan to eat the jam quickly, you might want to put them back in a pot, cook them down more, clean the jars, put them in boiling hot water, use NEW LIDS, keep the lids and bands in a pot of boiling water. Remember: Everything must be HOT HOT HOT in order for the jars to seal. Then they have to boil for ten minutes, totally immersed. I’m sorry you had trouble, but hang in there. You will get it right, okay? BW

  35. Hi bayou woman, thank you so much for such and easy recipe. I did not know what to do with the figs, so I went on line and found your recipe and I am so pleased. I saved it on my computer so that I will never have to wonder what to do with figs again. Most of all they are delicious.

  36. Thanks for this recipe. I have been searching online almost all night to find a recipe for fig preserves since all my recipe books are at my home ( I am visiting my sister). We have been given about 3 gallons of figs and we needed a recipe .

    1. All night long? I’m so sorry that this recipe was SO FAR DOWN the search engine list! With a couple hundred views a day, I thought it would be way up at the top of the list. Oh wait, I can go do a google check for myself, lol!!! Hope the recipe works well for you! BW

  37. hi ya BW just finished my strawberry figs. They sure look pretty. I’m dsone withe the figs now! whatever is still on the tree the neighbors and the birds can enjoy. your pics look good enough to eat.
    fingers crossed about well cap!!!
    God Bless

  38. I remember my mother making these and I have been wanting to try this recipe! While I was on a trip my husband picked me some figs, so it looks like I am going to be busy tomorrow! Thanks for the great pictures!

  39. I was born in Tallahassee, FL and split my childhood years between Concord, FL (more affectionately known as Coon Bottom) and Slidell, LA. I spent every summer with my Grandma in Coon Bottom helping her can everything from pickles to strawberry fig preserves. Those are some of the best memories of my life. Grandma passed away several years ago, and finding this recipe brought back so many of those wonderful memories! I am forced to live in upstate New York right now due to my husband’s job, but I am desperate to get back home to the south! Thank you so much for the trip down memory lane and the wonderful recipe….they turned out just like Grandma’s!

    1. It gives me great joy to read your letter. Continuing to do the things our grandmothers and mothers did forms what I call a “continuum”. It keeps us connected, especially when we have a canning tool, or bowl, or spoon, or piece of furniture in the house that adds a visual dimension to our memories. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a blessing comment. So, the figs are ripe in upstate New York? Mine are completely finished for about a week now. I love those two weeks of knowing somewhere in my day I will pick and put up fresh figs. Please come back often. We have a great group here and an interactive time. BW

  40. I made the strawberry fig preserves yesterday with my sister. We lost our Mama in June and she had always made these for us. I picked them 4 times last year and told her to call me so she could teach me how to make them. Everytime I’d go see if she was ready, she would have them all done! I never got the opportunity to learn. I was so worried that I’d never have them again and I kept watching and waiting for the figs to get ripe. Thanks so much for your step-by-step instructions with pictures! They were so helpful and mine actually tasted and looked like hers. It was a very bittersweet experience for us and we enjoyed making them in her kitchen.

    1. Oh, Susan, your comment really blesses me. Makes taking the time to do the photos well worth the effort. LilSis and I lost our mom back in 1996, and making preserves is one way we honor her and keep her memory alive. Thank you for taking the time to share your story. My heart is warmed, sincerely warmed. BW

  41. Hi Bayou Woman,

    I was born in Monroe and lived in new orleans and Luling early in my life. I now live in Lake Jackson, tx

    I’ve been canning regular fig preserves for a long time.
    My strawberry figs always turn out thin or runny..

    Now, I know to keep boiling and cook then down, so to speak.

    I love blackberries. Have you ever tried the blackberry Jello that some one mentioned?

    I would hate to ruin a batch of figs if they did not taste good.

    What are your thoughts.
    love reading through all of these posts.


    1. Hi Jim and welcome to the bayou. Thanks for the brief history! Yes, if you read enough of the comments, you will see that I did a batch of them last year. They were just OK because the blackberry fusion jello didn’t have a deep, deep blackberry flavor. It’s worth a one-time try, though. You might LOVE it!!!

  42. Alice,
    Luling looks a lot different today than when I lived there in 1964. I worked at the Monsanto Plant.
    Wish I had read your reply to me on the Blackberry fusion Jello about 45 minutes ago. I could not find any just straight Blackberry, so I took a chance and bought the Blackberrry fusion. I am making it now as I type.

    I better love it or it will top my priority list for giving away!

    Right now, I am waiting for the drop to stick to the spoon.

    1. Oh, please don’t be mad at me, Jim! The blackberry will still be delicious because it’s still home made!!! Oh, and my friends either call me Wend or BW or Captain Wendy, but never Alice!!! (Even though I often seem to be in my own Wonderland!) BW

  43. OK Wend,
    I’ve been boiling another batch today for at least 2 hours. Yours have to be pretty thin after only boing for 20/25 minutes.

    Still waiting for the drop to hang on the spoon.

    1. I’m sorry, Jim, but you’re the first person who has seemed to have this problem. I did open a jar of the batch that I only cooked 25 minutes, and they come easily out of the jar, but they are thick enough for us to slather on toast and biscuits. After two hours, yours are going to be so sticky, they won’t spread. The liquid will drop “off” the spoon but it hangs before it drops. This is not a “precise” art, Jim, so hang in there and maybe just settle for 45 minutes! A happy medium!

  44. Thank you for the wonderful instructions, my question is if i do not have access to fresh figs can i use the dried figs to make this.

  45. You are very correct.. Cooking for 2 hours makes it thick. However: remember the old M&M candy theme!
    It melts in your mouth and not in your hand.

    Well, After 2 hours,, It spreads on the bread and not on the plate.

    Also, the Blackberry Fusion is good; however, it is not blackbery. The rasberry flavor is dominant. Not my favorite, but still sweet and good. Wish there was a pure blackberry jello.

    bye, Jim

  46. Hi
    I just wanted to tell you how wonderful it was to come across your site and your recipe. I had just picked a mess of Raspberries and was canning them with a combo of pectin and raspberry jell-o (tastes good), but then I noticed that someone on another site said that if you use jell-o you should not use reg. canning jars for fear of botulism. I started searching for second opinons more or less and came across your site. I got so intrigued by your wonderful recipes I forgot why I was there…LOL Would you happen to know about raspberry preserves and raspberry jell-o and canning jars being a bad combo? I never heard of it, but now I’m curious.
    Keep up the beautiful work!
    God bless’

    1. Hi Ann! You have fresh raspberries? I’m jealous!!! Your question intrigues me. I’ve been using Jell-O and fresh figs to make these preserves for almost 30 years and NEVER have I had a jar spoil. I think I can safely say there is no connection between using Jell-O and botulism. What I CAN say, however, is that someone’s jars didn’t seal one year and it happened to be a Jell-O recipe, so they’re blaming it on the Jell-O. I’m sure you know this, but just remember that all elements must be BOILING hot: the jars, the liquid, the lids, and bands, AND the boiling bath in order to get a good seal on those jars.

      I’m so glad you found me, and I welcome you back. We’ve built a great readership here of great folks from all over, AND we do contests and give away some cool stuff once in a while. Most recently, I gave away some jewelry made by one of my readers. So, please come back often! BW

  47. This is my second time doing this recipe. It is so easy and the jam is so good. The first recipe I did I used strawberry jello, the second recipe I did I used raspberry jello, so good.

  48. Hey, Bayou Woman! Been searching the web for this recipe, and wow did I find a good one!! You are fantastic, your instructions are great, and the pictures (including the fingernail) are sooo much help. I don’t do a lot of cooking, but came out with only one towel on fire, a burned thumb, and only two broken jars. For me…. an excellent day!! Just made 21 jars for Christmas gifts and plan to make more. Thank you so much for your help!!!!!!!!! luv, Wild Waco Woman

  49. Good Morning, BW. I have a question and it sounds like from reviewing the threads that you would be the perfect person to ask. I made some fig preserves last year and have not been thrilled with them. They sealed perfectly and there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with them; however, I recently tried the Strawberry Fig Jam recipe and love it. Can I take the fig preserves out of the jars, mash them, put them on the stove and add Strawberry Jello, cook them down, and have them turn out like the ones done from scratch? I believe the recipe that I used called for the same amount of sugar as the Strawberry Fig preserve recipe uses.

    1. What I fear, Sandra, is that you will end up with a gooey sticky mess. HOWEVER, since you don’t care of the way they taste as they are, what do you have to lose? I would do this: Pour them in a strainer, and strain the syrup off. Now, mash them and pour off any excess liquid. Next Measure them by the cup following the rest of this recipe. And THEN, come back here and let us know how this worked out for you!! Good luck! BW

      1. Thanks, BW. I will surely let you know how it turns out. It hadn’t occurred to me to strain the syrup off. I see that doing so would increase my chances. Thank you so much for your advice.

  50. i did the receipe from another person cooked on 4 minutes put in jars and open a jar its like soft taffy what did i do wrong

    1. Hi Brenda! I’m not sure what you did wrong because soft taffy seems sticky to me, like overcooking. But 4 minutes is not overcooked for this recipe. Why don’t you try it this way and see what happens? Good luck! Sorry your first batch was not a success. We’ve had great success with this recipe! BW

  51. Hi, Bayou Woman. I tried the experiment we discussed above and it appears you were pretty much correct in your analysis. I strained all the syrup from the fig preserves, mashed them and followed the recipe from that step forward, except that I only added two cups of sugar to three cups of figs and 6 oz. Strawberry Jello and cooked for 20 minutes. It may have been better if I had stopped the cooking at 15 minutes but I don’t think it would have made a lot of difference. After the jars are sealed, the preserves appear to be very thick and stick to the bottom of the jar when I turn them upside down. It was definitely worth the try but not worth taking a chance on ruining the remainder of my fig preserves, which are good — just not as good as the strawberry fig preserves made from scratch by your recipe. Thank you for your advice.

    1. So, basically, we can deduce from this that the preserves “crystallized” because there was no “pectin” left in the fruit since it was no longer fresh. That makes sense. So thanks for coming back and sharing this valuable lesson with the rest of us, Sandra! BW

  52. I am from new zealand and really want to try the strawberry recipe but not sure what our equivalent to your jello is? We have jelly crystals in 85g boxes that makes 2 cups of jelly so what is a large box of jello equivalent?

    1. A small box of flavored gelatin dessert called “Jell-O” is 85 grams, so a large box is twice that much. So, you could use two small boxes for one batch. When you say jelly crystals, is that the same thing as our flavored Jell-O? If so, then this should work just fine. Let me know how it goes, shall you? And by the way, you are not the first from New Zealand/Australia to make this recipe! Good luck! BW

  53. I can’t wait to try this recipe. I’ve never canned anything sweet because I’ve been afraid of food born illness. But I think with your detailed instructions I’ll give it a try. Thanks!

  54. Can you leave the figs whole? ?? And add orange or lemon slices? My grandmother made a red fig preserve but the figs were whole and it had big slices of citris and I’m thinking this is like hers….thanks

    1. I think it would be a WONDERFUL thing if you experimented with this and came back and let us know what you did and how it worked for you. We love new things to do with figs, so please come back and tell us, okay? The only reason we mash them in this recipe is to make them resemble berries, aka “Mock Strawberry Preserves” is the real name. I would use lemon, but I’m not sure about the orange. You might have to combine both of my recipes in order to do this. One question, was the liquid in her preserves thick or thin? The Jell-O is going to make it very thick. Good luck!

  55. Hi,

    I have just finished my mock strawberry preserves. I hope I cooked them long enough. I did the spoon test, and they seemed ready to can, but as I was putting them in jars they seemed runny.

    I was wondering, if they are still runny after they are cooled down do you think that they can be recooked and canned again?

    Im new to canning, and really just experimenting. By the way, thanks for the great site.

    1. Well the jars have sealed, and look to be thick. Cant wait to open a jar tommorow morning, and see how the turned out.

        1. Well the jars have sealed, and look to be thick. Cant wait to open a jar tommorow morning, and see how the turned out.

          Well I opened my mock preserves today with some fresh biscuits. It is wonderful. It set up perfectly, so apparently I did the spoon test correct. I cant wait for my children to wake up and get a taste.

    2. Hi Rhoda, and welcome to the bayou. Thanks for the kind words. No, I would not try to cook them again. Just boil longer next time. They will still set some and will still be very, very good to eat on toast and biscuits. I have friends who use it as ice cream topping when it is kind of thin. Also, if you over cook it, it gets gummy and then not good for much of anything!!! Thanks for leaving feedback! BW

    1. Hi Jeanne. Welcome to the bayou. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. You cooked them too long. Remember when you are cooking sugar, it is the base for candy making, so it can be cooked to many stages. You cooked it long enough to become like caramel!! Also, maybe your heat was too high also? I hope you can try again, and good luck ! BW

  56. im soooo excited ive always been told ur not a true southern woman till u can can something… here i am a first timer…ur instructions were very easy to follow and now im not just feeding the birds my figs 🙂 cant wait to get some more tomorow

    1. Well then, Deb, let me be the first to welcome you to the Bayou Woman Canning Club! You truly are a southern woman now! I am so excited, too! It’s just beginning for you! Please come back soon and join the readers here! BW

  57. I can still taste those figs! They were yummy…..thanks for sharing them. I brought a few in a ziploc home with me to enjoy for a couple of days.

    1. Good, at least somebody got some! I just went and checked the tree, thinking I could make one batch of whole fig preserves, but the trip is STRIPPED BARE. I mean not one fig left.!

      1. Oh man, I bet it was that guy who tried it before we got there! Whoever it was, I hope they get sick from eating stolen figs.

  58. Bw I made your old fashioned fig preserves last year and also the blackberry fusion ones this year. I quarter my figs and don’t mash them. I am going to do strawberry when I get my next batch as my tree is loaded with green figs. My tree makes a large purple fig and puts on very big figs that ripen about a month before the more normal size does. Also I don’t do the hot water boil after the jars are filled and have had no problem with sealing but you are right that everything has to be boiling hot at the time of filling the jars. You may want to try that sometimes.

    I truly enjoy your site. Judy

    1. Hi Judy, thanks for sharing your tips. Quartering the figs sounds like a good idea. As I said, I don’t care to have another bad experience with having jars not seal. It’s just too much hard work to waste. Boiling isn’t a big deal to me, so I’ll just keep on doing it! And thanks for the kind words, too, Judy! BW

  59. Sounds like Judy has “Turk” figs. That is what my mom has and a large tree that is drooping with sugar figs! They are small and very sweet. My neighbors tree is getting ripe and I have permission to help myself to all I want. They don’t like them.

    I’ll let all of you have the preserves. I never could make myself like it. But, I love fresh picked figs and give me homemade plum jelly and I am very happy!

  60. My tree didn’t produce enough this year to cook down. So we just ate them raw. I guess it was a good thing. I’ve been so busy caring for Daddy, I don’t think I would have had the time, not to mention the energy. I’ve averaged 3 hrs. of broken sleep for the last week.

  61. Pretty sweet still. I can’t figure out fresh figs up here at store. Just like inside of raw eggplant. Yucko.

    Muddy river wading today and flat tire on bike. Grrrrrrr.

  62. I get fig preserves from some far off mid eastern place at Fresh Market.
    Pretty good but fresh figs up here are not sweet at all.

    Heat Index was 115 for a bit today here. You would of loved it.

  63. Let’s try this.
    As these weren’t too ugly bad.


    Feel free to edit as required.

  64. Thank you so much for posting this!! My grandmother always made this and she pasted away before I thought to get her recipe. So, I searched and found you!! I can quite a bit but didn’t know this recipe!! So, far today I’ve done about half the figs and put up 29 jars. I always freeze them until I’m ready to deal with them- so I’ve had them in the freezer for about two weeks. I was busy canning tomatoes!! Today I’ve done a mix of both Strawberry and Raspberry and I think I’m going to make a store run and try a blackberry and see how that turns out!! I already put up two bushells of peaches so I’ll skip that one.Again, thank you so much!! Kyla from Mobile,AL

    1. Whew, Kyla! I’m tired just reading about all your canning experiences. Tell me something . . . there have been several questions in the comment section of my “Plain Old Fashioned Fig Preserve” recipe about how to freeze figs. Can you tell us exactly what you do to keep them from turning mushy or gray? I wish I lived closer to you because I would come BEG you for some peaches and tomatoes!!!! Keep up the great canning work. I am very honored to have this mock berry recipe sitting in jars alongside your others. I like the blackberry, although it was a little sticky for some odd reason. I hope you have great luck with it! Would you come back and let us know and answer my question? Thanks! BW

  65. Hello Again, Just finished ALL the figs- 65 jars! I gonna sound like Forest Gump- Plain Ole’ Figs, Strawberry Figs, Raspberry Figs, Grape Figs, And My Own Creation- Harverst Fig. Skip the Grape- it’s just ok and looks pretty gross.I’m about 20 minutes to a Walmart or a grocery store so I just ran up to the local market and they didn’t have the blackberry. So that’s why I tried the grape and came up with the “harvest”. It turned out well- I used Orange Jello, 2 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of nutmeg. It starts out a funny color and the color deepens and looks more like pumpkin. As for the question you asked me- I don’t wash my figs in baking soda- never even heard of that. I promptly pick them and wash them, then cut the stems off and throw them into a freezer bag. I put about 12 cups into a bag. (or whatever I have from the day) and throw into the freezer. I get a couple of bags before I can. I don’t normally leave them in the freezer more than a couple of weeks. During canning season I spend about 4 days a week in the kitchen canning all day!! Where are you in La?? Have friends in Covington. Just teaching me friend to can.
    Kyla in Mobile

    1. Whew, girl, that is a CANNING MARATHON!!! And thanks for the tips on how you freeze your figs. I think the problem my reader had is that they tried to keep them way too long in the freezer. Some things just don’t freeze well forever! I’m going to type this out to make it easy for those looking for how to do this . . . . and the orange sounds very, very interesting. Hey, why not experiment when you have more than enough?

      HOW TO FREEZE FIGS: Pick, wash, cut stems, throw into freezer bag and freeze. Use within one month.

  66. Hiya Wend!

    We bought a house in NC four years ago that had been a rental for about a decade. There was a root system by the western wall that had been mowed over every single summer. We didn’t know what it was, but we left it be, and it took only three years to grow tall and start producing figs! I didn’t know what to do with ’em last year, but this year I got two crops from it, and the tree is now about nine feet tall and twelve feet wide!

    Thank you so much for these recipes! I’ve made cinnamon fig jam, mock strawberry jam, and am planning on peach for tomorrow!

    Now the only thing I have to worry about is how long it will take us — and all our friends — to eat through it all!

    1. Give it away in Christmas gifts to teachers, co-workers, etc. Wrap a pretty ribbon around the top and print out a cute card saying what the ingredients are! People LOVE getting homemade things made with love! Who would have thought that root would turn out to be a beautiful tree? And so great for y’all saving it. Another reader, Beth, said they saved some fig trees in NC and the tree thanked them by producing mass quantities of the sumptuous fruits! To me, that is just such a great story—-BOTH STORIES!!! I hope the recipes here have been helpful! Thanks for stopping by and come back any time. BW

      1. Hey BW, I wanted to drop back in with an update and show you a little bit more of my wonderful tree! It’s now been growing upwards of five years and I’m looking to properly take care of the tree. (Don’t feel obliged to offer advice if you don’t care to, this was filmed to show a gardening group I’m a part of.) This year for my first harvest I created about thirty half-pint jars of strawberry fig jam, as well as six jars of lemon fig (using lemon jello) and eight jars of a low-sugar cinnamon fig using ground cinnamon and pectin.

        I can’t thank you enough for your original recipe! You’ve helped me think up so many variations and use them all to thank friends and family with the marvelous gift of good food. I feel like I’ve contributed to my family and community in greater ways because I was able to give a gift of sweetness and home.

        Thank you so much!

        1. What a GORGEOUS tree! And thanks so much for the update. I wonder what type of fig is it that you get two distinct crops? I’ve never heard of that before. I’m sorry, but I’m not much on pruning. If you gardening group has some pruning advice, please come back and share that with us. My tree is ancient, and two years ago split down the middle, losing half of the tree. Sad, really. Your words are music to my soul about creating a sweet taste of home to share with family and friends. I mean, who can say that truly? Keep it up, Amanda, and carry on our traditions!!!

  67. Wow… Thank you for your informative site. I am trying to find interesting recipes to make tasty treats out of our figs. So far, it has been not so good chutney, really tasty fresh strawberry and fig preserves and some decent tasting chutney that I need to rest for 30 days. I am going to try your fig preserves with the lemon slices. It looks delicious. Thanks for your website it is really interesting and I love your humor. Dorothy

    1. Hi Dorothy, and welcome to the bayou. Well, my figs are ripening a month early this summer and I’m not happy about it, as the starlings are having a field day at the top of the tree while I watch helpless to stop them. Usually, I am preserving figs around my birthday in early July. Sheesh, I hope I have time to pick and preserve some before the critters get them all. I’m glad you like the site and thanks for taking your time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoy the old fashioned figs with lemon, we surely do! Happy canning! BW

  68. This was AWESOME you explain so wonderful. I have md this for yrs but i always used surejel. It ture out i think better using your way. Thank you so very much for sharing

    1. Hi, Margaret and welcome to the bayou. Well, it’s just a great way to diversify your figs and get more use out of them! I mean, who doesn’t love a good strawberry preserve? But now, you don’t have to buy strawberries!! You can use your figs! Glad you liked it. There are several more fig preserve recipes on here if you care to take a look. The Old Fashioned Fig preserves seem to be everyone’s favorite, with no Sure-Jel used at all. Just lots of cooking and love! BW

  69. Ms. Billiot,

    Can’t tell you the number of people I’ve sent to this website. I just hope they came.

    Got a question for you. My fig tree is laden and I don’t have the time to work with the figs at the moment, I’m wondering if I can freeze them after I’ve cleaned and snipped off the tips of the ends? I’m thinking that I can freeze them in 3 cup sized baggies till I can get around to making this recipe later. I sure hope you can answer soon as I’m proceeding ahead with doing this very thing.

    1. Welcome to the bayou, Crystal, and you can call me BW or Capt. Wendy!!! I hate to tell you but figs don’t freeze well because they have so much water content. However, if you want to try this, turn your freezer up to coldest setting, place whole figs on trays and freeze them individually. Then put into zip lock bags. If you have a little time, go ahead and make a double batch of your ripest figs using this recipe(or any of my others). Also, your less ripe figs will last in the refrigerator a few days and still be good for making preserves. Sorry I didn’t see this last night, but I went to bed kinda early. Thanks for referring folks to this blog, and where are you from? If you ever want to write more extensively, please use the contact box at the bottom of any other page on the blog, and it will come straight to my email where I can answer you more fully. Happy preserving! BW

  70. I love your recipe for fig/strawberry jam ,I have been giveing to a lots of friends and relativesand everyone is makeing it

    1. Well, thanks Harry! Glad to be of service!!! So do this, be sure and tell them about the blog so we can get more down to earth folks reading and commenting here on a regular basis. There’s a whole lot more to this bayou blog than fig preserves : ) Thanks again! BW

    1. Susan, one recipe is 3cups of mashed figs. I’m not sure how many cups of whole figs that would be. The mashing first just makes this so easy to cook. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have good luck with your preserves! BW

      1. Thanks for your quick reply. My figs are coming in faster than I can give them away or put them up. Alternating putting up grape leaf pickles and figs!

    1. Yes you can but they might take longer to cook to the setting point OR they just might end up a little runny! It’s the sugar and jello that make them gel up. But try it and see. It’s only 3 cups of figs you might waste! BW

  71. Great website. Love these preserves because stawberries are so expensive and my husband loves these just as well.

  72. I’ve been drowning in figs this week, so I’ve made several batches of this jam, using both strawberry and raspberry Jello. I tried to find the Blackberry Fusion, but the grocery stores out here in the boondocks don’t carry it. We like both of them, but we really like the raspberry! It doesn’t seem as sweet as the strawberry. I may be making more of this week, because the figs just keep on comin’. Thanks so much for an easy recipe!

    1. I didn’t blog about it, but the peach is good, too!!! Peach Jello!! Thanks for letting us know how much you like it. I love the raspberry, too! Had it just this morning on my biscuits!

  73. I found your site when I googled for Strawberry Jello Fig Preserves. I liked a recipe in my Paula Deen cookbook and needed to verify if it was accurate. (sorry, Miss Paula, there could have been a typo!) I pulsed my figs in the blender (instead of mashing), used the 3 cups sugar and the Jello. Her recipe said to cook 4 minutes at a rolling boil, while stirring. I tried this and they turned out great.

    1. Wonderful! I never thought to experiment with anything else since this is how I learned and it’s always worked well for me! Thanks for sharing this alternative cooking time, Linda! BW

  74. So glad I found your page!!! My neighbor brought me a bucket full of figs last week and I really wanted to put up some strawberry fig preserves. I froze the figs when my neighbor brought them over because I was headed out of town for a week the next day and knew I couldn’t get them put up. I went ahead and mashed them and added a little sugar and cooked them for about ten minutes, then put them in the freezer in gallon bags. Got my jars and sugar and Jello today and can’t wait to try your recipe tomorrow. Thanks for the great pictures and clear instructions!!! This will be my first time doing preserves!! I will let you know how it turns out. Thanks again!!

    1. Hi Teresa, and welcome to this bayou. I’m glad you found us, too! If you would be so kind, after you’ve made your mock strawberry preserves with frozen figs, would you please come back and let us know how that worked for you? And how did you know to cook the figs a little before you froze them? I have discouraged folks from freezing whole, raw figs, as they get so mushy due to the high water content. When you cook them, you release that water, and stop the ripening enzymes, of course. So, I’ll be waiting to hear how it goes!!! Thanks! BW

      1. Woo-hoo!!! First batch is in the jars and happily boiling away! I’m so excited to taste these tomorrow. Guess I’ll have to make some biscuits in the morning. My neighbor who gave me the figs actually suggested mashing and cooking them a little before freezing, kind of like blanching peas I guess. So far so good. I’ll let you know how they set up tomorrow. Gotta run get some more Jello for the second batch. (didn’t pick up enough yesterday) Thinking about trying peach for second batch. Thanks again for posting such clear instructions. Neighbor just said boil figs sugar and jello and put into jars. (Nothing about sterilizing jars first or putting back in boiling water after) Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Best instructions I’ve found!!!

  75. I made these last night, had to cook a little longer than 20-25 minutes, doubled the batch, the preserves are WONDERFUL!!! Just had my first taste and it tastes just like strawberry jam!!! I will be making these again and again, or at least as long as I am getting figs off of my trees! Thanks for the great, easy recipe and great instructions!

    1. Woo hoo! Another satisfied customer! Seriously, though, Denise, I’m glad you like the recipe enough to come back and share that with us! Happy preserving! BW

  76. Hi,
    I’m so happy to have found this site! My dear mother-in-law used to make these delicious preserves but she has gone on now. She always made enough to supply everyone. I kept telling her I needed to get the recipe but she just never got around to giving it to me. She was and still is a very precious part of my heart. I loved her dearly!

    I’m going to make a batch of the strawberry fig preserves and I’m going to try the raspberry fig preserves(hubby loves raspberry). I will let you know how they turn out. Thank you again for sharing the recipe!
    Hugs, Paula

    1. Hi Paula, and welcome to the bayou. Thank you for following the blog! I’m so glad that your having found this recipe will help you not only carry on her tradition of homemade goodness, but also her memory! That is something I love about canning and preserving–carrying on family traditions, keeping them alive, and sharing the labor of love and the work of our hands and hearts! Blessings, Paula! I hope everyone loves it and that you do, too! BW

  77. Hello from the Space Coast! I came across this recipe while searching for something to do with some mediocre figs that I bought on sale at the grocery store. Two of my five daughters helped me get a batch cooked and my two boys cleaned the pot and spoon! This is an amazing recipe! Thank you so much! Cheree

  78. Bayou Woman, July 17,2013
    Your my kind of gal easy to under stand your instructions. I will make mine today .
    Thank you

    1. Hi Ella, and welcome to the bayou. Well, thank you kindly! I hope you and yours love the end result! Easy breezy, too!
      PS Are you kin to Art Rainwater of Farmerville, LA?

  79. thanks for the step by step instructions. like most men ive always left the canning to mom i have lots of her recipies but just recipies dont tell you how to do it ive read lots of them this morning and i was fixing to go try som of them out if i woulnt have seen yours i would have probly messed it up i would have mixed the jello with water like it says on the box .thanks mark vick LA

    1. Well, I’m happy you found me, too, before you messed up a batch of beautiful figs, LOL! Welcome to this bayou kitchen, and I wish you the best of luck and great enjoyment and fulfillment from canning, just like we gals enjoy! It would be great if you would come back here and let us know how things worked out for you and if you like the results!

  80. I am making mine tonight! And for some reason this one seems easier than the ones I have done in the past. And I have been using my same jar funnel for over 30 years, and it works just as good when I bought it along time ago! Just not as shiny anymore!!

    Thank you and God Bless!

    1. Hi there, Esther, and welcome to the bayou. Well, I guess our jar funnels look exactly like then, don’t they? I’m glad you are finding this recipe easier, and I wish you the most fun and enjoyment from makes preserves for you family! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us! BW

  81. OH MY GOODNESS! This jam recipe is to die for….we have a HUGE over 25 year old fig tree right outside the kitchen and have made plain fig jam for years, but not anymore, except for just one batch maybe…..this year was a bumper crop year and we’ve put up 30 jars so far and given away tons of figs and there’s still more to come……tried the strawberry and it was EXCELLENT, then the raspberry……YUMMMMMO……so last night did “peach” flavored jell-o……..all I can say is WOW……had the little bit left in the pan on waffles this morning and I am IN LOVE! Thank you so much…..we will never do jam the old way again. By the way, my hubby does all the work as I am a paraplegic and your step-by-step photos helped him visualize what I was telling him to do. Try the peach, it is just wonderful.
    God bless from Arkansas.


    1. Hey Jenny from Arkansas and welcome to the bayou! Wish I was there to help you pick your figs and make preserves because we didn’t have many figs this year. Kind of sad, really. But it makes me so happy that you found the recipe, tried it, and LOVE it! I’m sorry but the peach isn’t our favorite, but if y’all keep bragging on it I might have to try it again next year! Thanks so much for coming back by and letting us know about your experience. Tell hubby a big thumbs up!!! Take care and come back and visit any time, Jenny! BW

  82. Last Friday night eight of us brought our figs together to follow the Bayou Woman recipe we printed out. We put on a few pounds of crawfish from the Basin to boil while working on the preserves. It is much more fun to be working with a room full of people

    1. Oh, now this takes the cake for most unique preserve party! Boiled crawfish? Sure wish I had been there! So, how did they turn out? The preserves, I mean.

  83. Gwen , well i made whole figs with lemon and the raspberry fig preserves. They are really GOOD ! Now do you have a good bisquite recipe to put these on ? thanks!

    1. Well, Gwen, there is a post with a pic of some beautiful, tasty biscuits, but I have a confession to make. Even after trying old fashioned buttermilk and Crisco recipes, the easiest “homemade” biscuits are from either a Pioneer Biscuit mix or Bisquick. Roll them out on a floured surface, cut them to size, and watch them rise up golden in your oven. Mmmmmm goood. What I like to call “quick and dirty biscuits” because they’re quick and using a box mix is my dirty little secret! Shhhh, nobody has to know! Carry on, Gwen!!!

  84. 5 stars
    Growing up in Houston TX, we had a huge fig ‘tree’ but I never connected the two.. My grandmother made the BEST Strawberry preserves! Yes you guessed it they were figs cooked with Jello! She had us all fooled for many many years. Thanks for posting this, brought a chuckle to the memories of eating toast and ‘strawberry jam’ on the back porch!

  85. 5 stars
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post this recipe. I lost mine and my mother is in heaven and her sister, from whom we originally got the recipe lives in Georgia and I could not contact her.
    Your recipe is the closest I can find to the one she gave to us at least 25 years ago.
    Merci Bouquet!!
    Darlene Cade Freeman
    Osyka, MS

    1. Hi Lucy and welcome to the bayou. Your comment did my heart some much-needed good today! I’m so thrilled that you were able to replace your mother’s recipe. how special is that? Appreciate your leaving a comment, and I hope the preserves are delicious for you and the family! Come back anytime and be part of our bayou adventure here on the blog! BW (PS This might be a little personal and you might want to email me via one of the many contact boxes, but my sweet daughter-in-law is from your hometown . . . . .!!!!)

      1. Our camp has an Osyka mailing address, but the property is actually in Gillsburg.
        BW, I forgot you D-I-L was from Osyka. Small world!

  86. 4 stars
    Excellent nice and simple – not tangy enough for me so I add 1 packet of Koolaid blue raspberry lemonade and squeezed a fresh lemon in as well. Perfect!

  87. 2 stars
    I had never tasted fresh figs until my boss brought in to work and told me i could come and pick what i wanted. i believe i will go over there in next couple days and get some to try this recipe. i understand you prepare the figs by washing them but do i cut off ends or just leave them? also, i didnt see in the recipe when they rready to eat or do they need to cure a while? do they need to be stored in fridge before they r opened?

    1. Hi Karen, and welcome to the bayou. We typically rinse them in a sink with a little baking soda to kill any tiny bugs. I do cut off the stem end slightly for this recipe, because it makes them easier to mash. I use a potato masher to do this. They are ready to cook as soon as you pick them. The preserves are ready to eat as soon as they have gone through the granny bath and cooled off. After a jar is opened, however, store them in the refrigerator. The others can be stored in a cool, dark cabinet for future use for a couple of years! Happy canning! Bayou Woman

  88. Just curious if you can use the sugar-free jello with this recipe! I’d like to cut back on the sugar…prefer not too sweet, and I know figs are really sweet to begin with. And can you cut back on the sugar? Will that affect the outcome? Thanks a bunch! Can’t wait to try this!

    — in your neck of the woods, Des Allemands, Louisiana

    1. Hi neighbor! I am no expert on this and if you have time, scroll through previous comments and look for others who have tried reducing sugar. I’m pretty sure you can use the sugar free jello, and I would try reducing the sugar by 1/2 cup at a time to see how they turn out. If nothing else, they will still be delicious but maybe a little runny!!! Good luck and please come back and let us know the proportions you used and how they turned out, won’t you? Bayou Woman

      1. Mom made them using Splenda and they turned out great. Or at least everyone said they were. I don’t eat them, just the figs.

  89. 5 stars
    This is the same recipe that my grandma had.. lol.. It is super yummy and easy.. Thank you for sharing.. I love your blog! Your photos are great and make your recipes easy to follow! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Celeste! It’s mighty nice of you to say so!!! Glad to have you here with us down the bayou! Bayou Woman

  90. I lost my old recipe I’ve used for a hundred years and looked all over the internet and people are doing some horrible things to figs. I am thankful I found your recipe. Juat like my old one!! I made gallons of the stuff. I used to have two huge fig trees but the TROLL got the house when I left him so now I’m begging everywhere like a stray cat. Thank You!

    1. Hi DebRuth, and welcome to the bayou. So glad you landed here in search of your 100 year old recipe!!! I certainly hope you find some figs. Some of the readers here have more than they can pick. Too bad y’all could not have gotten together to solve your fig-less problem! i invite you to subscribe to this blog and come back so we might get to know you! Bayou Woman

  91. Criminy…. forgot to do the math and backed up too many times. Lost my post.

    Just wanted to say ‘hello.’ Now I want to go to the store and get a container of figs. Sure wish I had, or know someone with, a fig tree. I LOVE figs.

  92. It isn’t figs but, I am making jelly tomorrow from some of the plums I was given at the food pantry. Love good, plum jelly and the juice is so thick already. I do have to strain it again though. I had cheesecloth over a container with the plums dripping into it for about 4 hours. Got a lot of nice thick juice but, I didn’t have enough hands to remove the cheesecloth and one side dropped back into the juice along with some of the pulp and skins!! Oh well, I’ll strain it again and any pulp left will be considered extra fiber. 🙂
    Now I just need to make jelly or preserves from some of the multiple gallons of blackberries and blueberries in the freezer! Any volunteers???

    1. Did you say multiple gallons? Hmmmmm home made blackberry brandy? Dang I hate being stuck up here in the cornfields.

        1. Yep Blu, multiple gallons. I have one basket in my big upright that is blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, mangos & peaches. Sangria anyone???:) I have to jump back every time I open the door because the gallon bags of blueberries that won’t fit in the basket fall out on my feet.

          I wish some of you were near too. We could make a run to the store for some 25 lb bags of sugar, extra pectin and really have a big jam fest. I got 9 jelly jars (1 cup each) of some great tasting plum jelly today. One jar didn’t seal so it will go from my fridge to my sons this weekend. They love plum jelly.

  93. Oh this is a great recipe. I do this every year but I always have to go online to remind myself of the recipe.. I did this a few years ago and took some to church.. the choir has bagels and cream cheese on their “breakfast” table for between services… and they were RAVING about my “strawberry” jam.. so I broke the news to them.. I mean.. we WERE a church after all.. and there were a couple of folks actually irate at me for the deception because they “hated” fig preserves! Our figs were a little late but PLENTIOUS! I can do this about every three days if I can beat off the beetles!

  94. Thank you so much for posting the strawberry figs. my mom used to make these and i couldnt find her recipe. I made these, the peach, and the old fashioned. all to die for. nom nom!

    1. Yay! Another great success story! This makes me so happy, you don’t even know!! Thanks so much for taking the time to come back here and let me know you are enjoying the recipes! How rewarding! Please come back anytime and hang out with this here! BW

  95. Thanks Bayou for a great recipe. Turned out great. BTW, my wife and I have canning items that look just “as used” as your funnel. At least this means your using them and I’m sure your family appreciates it when they are eating.

    1. Yes, so true! I find canning for my family very rewarding, and always have, even as a young mother of five. Not many women my age, back then, were doing this, as it was much easier just to pay for store-bought strawberry jelly. To each her own, I say. Thanks for leaving a comment! Come back any time. BW

  96. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. My husband wanted me to make the fig jam with strawberry jello and your recipe came up with my search! Our moms used to make it this way. What wonderful memories eating these preserves will bring. Such an easy…no fuss process! I know I’ll use this for years to come.
    Thanks again.
    Chef Donna ?

    1. Chef Donna? Did I see you recently visited my BW Facebook page? Well, welcome, and I’m so glad you found this recipe and that it brings you good memories. I love that! Brings me great ones, too! Enjoy and come back any time, Chef Donna!

  97. I live in England on the south coast and have a fig tree loaded with ripening figs. Unfortunately the Starlings are having a feast on them so I want to try your fig strawberry recipe. My problem is we don’t measure anything in cups here. Would it be possible for you to be so kind as to give me the weight of figs and weight of Sugar to use? I will be moving to Spain soon and will likely have lots of fig trees so this recipe would be of enormous help. Thank you.

    1. I’m traveling right now but wanted to leave a quick reply. Since you are internet savvy, try doing a google search for converting cups to pounds, and I’m sure a little calculator will come right up! Best of luck to you with your fig preserves!

  98. Just found your site, and due to a shortage of time didn’t read all of the comments. (Popular site!) However, just wanted to share that last year I used peach jello and added chopped peaches from a local orchard. Added equal amounts of sugar for all added fruit. You can make them as “peachy” as you like. Also, found a caramel syrup recipe online and added a little salt and made SALTED CARAMEL FIG JAM. Added no jello to this one. It’s fun experimenting with all the different tastes! It’s all trial and error, as each one has a different cooking time, but I’ve not had any to “ruin” on me. Like you said, just make sure all jars, lids, etc. are HOT and do the water bath. My grandmother used to take me in her pantry and show off all her canning — how I wish she were here to see mine! Thankfully, I can pass this love on to my girls.

    1. Oh, what a wonderful comment! Now, you’ve got me intrigued with this salted caramel fig jam. Maybe you could reply to this and share at least the basics of that recipe? Sounds divine, and I think it would be so good on fresh-baked bread with some kind of goat cheese!!! Your creativity impresses me, too! I know our grandmother would be so proud of you. I love the way all the jars looked lined up on the shelves, don’t you? All the colors and textures . . . gleaming . . . represent hours of hot work, dedicated to family and friends. As I’ve said many times before, you are passing on a legacy to your girls, which is all but lost in our generation. I hope they will carry it on to their girls, as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and share your preserving experiences with us, Angela! Please, come back anytime!

  99. My Momma made these every year because we had 3 fig trees in our back yard. There is absolutely nothing better than a still-hot jar of these with homemade Southern biscuits. Thanks for the recipe. We never really had one after Momma made them a couple of times so I haven’t had one for years. Now that I’m back in the South (Texas), I gonna buy me two fig trees for my back yard and make me some strawberry fix preserves. That is, I’ll make the preserves if the deer don’t get my figs first. Thanks for blessing me with this memory.

    1. Hi Dena and welcome to the bayou and then back to your south Texas home. Your memories of this recipe are good ones from what I gather; so much so that you want to plant fig trees and carry on the tradition. Isn’t that wonderful? Canning and preserving is almost a lost art, so I commend you for carrying on the tradition in your family! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts and please come by anytime. BW

  100. Ok, I have just finished reading many of the comments and will be trying this recipe in the next day or two! I have a lot of figs and may try strawberry and raspberry! I will let you know how they turn out. My husband and I have made plain fig preserves for years and are excited to try something new!

    1. Yay, Shawna! So glad you found something you’d like to try. Everyone loves them!!! Good luck to your first foray away from plain fig preserves! Hope you enjoy making them as much as my family enjoys eating them! BW

    1. Wonderful! It’s definitely been around a long time and is tried and true! Thanks for stopping by! BW

  101. Thanks for the recipe – just moved and can’t seem to find mine. I also use the recipe as a starting place for making F.R.O.G jam, using raspberry jello, 2 jars of orange marmalade and ginger to taste. Wonderful Christmas gifts if you can part with it!!!

  102. I made this last year.. and will be making some this weekend. So easy… Our figs ripens up here in Seattle mid to late Sept. Thanks for sharing,

  103. This is exactly like my mom’s old recipe I had been searching everywhere for. Thanks for sharing. One question, I read in the comments that someone made it sugar free by using Splenda. Would love to make a batch for my diabetic sister. Do you used the exact same amount of Splenda as sugar?

    1. Hi Janis, and thank you for the sweet comment. Since I’ve never used Splenda, all I can recommend is reading on the Splenda bag their recommendation for the ratio of how much Splenda equals so much sugar. Does that make sense? Other than that, I’d do a Google search to see if someone else has figured that out exactly. Who knows? Maybe someone here will answer your question adequately! Glad you landed here! BW

  104. 5 stars
    Dear Bayou Woman, I am from Orange Texas and just discovered your site. I was looking for this strawberry fig recipe and plan to make it tomorrow. I really enjoyed the comments section. I don’t have a fig tree , so have been asking around until I was able to get a gallon to try. I am excited to get it going!! Thank you for the easy recipe. God bless, Barbara

  105. 5 stars
    Thanks so much for having this recipe. My Mother use to make these when I was little. Looked everywhere and found yours.Angin Thank you

    1. You are most welcome, Angela. Glad to part of keeping your mom’s memory alive through something lovingly time consuming as making preserves! I wish you many more fond memories as you make this recipe for your family. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment! BW

  106. Guy’s do cook also! Was cutting grass at our church parsonage a couple days ago, saw the fig tree was loaded down with figs ready for picking! Picked about three gallons! Haven’t made strawberry fig preserves in a while, couldn’t find recipe that I had used before! Googled up yours, it is so easy and taste so good! Better than the high fructose corn syrup stuff you get at the grocery!! Will be giving the kids some for themselves and grandchildren and will take some on our trip to Alabama and Florida next week! Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Hey Gary and welcome! I know guys do cook! All three of my sons that work in the tug industry are fabulous cook! But they leave the preserves to me! I didn’t get any figs this year, and I’m pretty bummed about that, so I shall live vicariously through your preserves!!! Glad you found me here and the recipe you needed! Thanks so much for stopping by. Come back anytime! BW

  107. 5 stars
    Thank you for showing the photo of your recipe card! Mine looked just like it. I can’t find it now so finding your handwritten card made me jump for joy! A cook after my own heart! THANKS,

    1. Hi Bev,
      This makes me happy, too! I hope it works out well for you again and again! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Come back any time, BW

  108. 5 stars
    Love your recipe. Made the fig with strawberry jello.. Gave some to my son in law…..said it was great but strawberries were too big. Had to convince him there were no strawberries in it but the flavor and he was trying to spread the figs! Today I made with peach jello and was delish. Going to try blackberry next. Putting acorn squash with Ilatian sausage on for dinner…added the peach fig preserves over top. Looking forward to yummy dinner. Thanks for recipe. Getting my creative juiciest flowing.

    1. Hi Dahlia and welcome. Love this! Did you mash the figs before cooking? Maybe he still thought they were too big! The peach is also good. And good luck with the blackberry. Your dinner sounds delicious! Thanks or taking the time to share your story with us! BW

    1. Hi Ralene and welcome. Sort of like strawberry pepper jelly? I guess you could, but I’m not sure what the consistency of the peppers would be like. Would they get soft enough in this amount of cook time? If you try it, please let us know how it turns out, okay? BW

  109. 5 stars
    Tried your recipe and it turned out great! I also had about a pound of fresh strawberries that I needed to use up so added them to the mixture. I am an inexperienced canner. I read the processing part too quickly and skipped the water bath part. I filled and capped the jars then turned them over on a towel for 20 minutes. Within a short time of turning them back over I heard the “popping” starting. All of the lids have sealed. Do you think I should water bath them anyway?

    1. Hi Sherri and welcome. No, it’s too late to do the bath once the jars have cooled because the bath is done when everything is piping hot. However, don’t be dismayed because some folks do exactly as you did with fine results. However, I would just advise you to check the seals once in a while to make sure they are holding and refrigerate any that appear to be coming unsealed. It is possible that they should also be consumed within two years to make sure nothing has spoiled over time. If you open a jar that doesn’t pop, please check for mold before eating. That’s the best advice I can offer. Thanks for trying the recipe. Glad you like it and good luck with your canning adventures! BW

    1. I think someone has asked in the past, but I never have. I think you might have to rehydrate them before the cooking process. If you try it, please let us know what you did and how they turned out, ok? Thanks!

  110. Hey I have this same recipe in my grandmothers hand writing and have her canning funnel! It looks a lot like yours! I am now living in her home that was built in 1834!I just made a batch and added lemmon peel and grated ginger root!!! We will see!!!

    1. Hi Mary and welcome! Wow! This is wonderful! Talk about carrying on traditions! What state are you in? I hope your fig preserves turn out well! Come back and let us know, please. BW

  111. 5 stars
    I almost missed the figs this year but remembered turkey fig get in Publix around the end of July or first of August and I managed to pick up a coupe of cartons yesterday and hopefuly will be able to get some more today. I was going to make some of the raspberry fig jam today and found out they’re turning off the water at the complex where I live so I threw the 4 cups I already have into a pan with a cup of sugar and par boiled them to be able to hold them in the fridge until I get some more today and the water gets turned back on.Forgive my grammar right now, I just woke up and was perusing the net to find my recipe instead of unpacking my cookbooks and ran across your blog. Have been enjoying reading all the comments and look forward to reading more of your recipes when I have more time. I’ve been making this jam for about 20 years now and a brother in Christ of mine from south Florida looks forward to receiving some every year. It and a Meyers Lemon Cheesecake I also make for him and his wife when they come to P’cola to visit.
    So glad I found your site! Deonia in Pensacola, Fl.

    1. Hi Deonia and welcome! I love reading your post! How did things turn out once the water was turned back on? Well, I hope! I’m so glad you found this blog, too, and I hope you do have some free time to do some reading here! Good luck with you fig preserving, and that Meyer Lemon cheesecake sounds to die for!!! Thanks again for stopping by! BW

  112. 5 stars
    Shame on me for not posting earlier! This is a wonderfully easy recipe and just as yummy! My friends & family enjoy these on everything from biscuits to chicken sandwiches. Even folks who “do not like figs” have been converted! Great recipe and much loved!

    1. Yay! Thanks makes me so happy! Hope you continue to cook them and your family continues to enjoy! Thanks for letting me know! BW

  113. If I double or triple this recipe would it still be good? I want to do more than 3 cups of figs … thank you in advance.

  114. I really love these dogs but I can’t remember if previously I used sugar free jello or the regular jello. Which is it…?

  115. How long will the preserves last once you open a jar? Looking forward to trying this recipe tomorrow. Thanks

  116. I love this recipe. Making them as i type. Have family that loves strawberry fig jam. I prefer plain fig jam though 😁That’s my next chore 🤪😊. Also I live in Louisiana and I have my own fig tree !!