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Sisters, swamp dwellers and surprises!
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CONTEST: You finish the story!
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A tour to remember!
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Windy Weekend, Day 1
Three years ago, a writer friend of mine who works for the Baton Rouge Advocate was pressed for time on a deadline and asked me to help him out. I wasn’t sure I could handle it–I was not a journalist. At that time, I had written a couple outdoor magazine articles but nothing for a…

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What would you do if . . .
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I thought it was Earl Grey……to go with Lady Grey!
Yes, the liberated hen and her partner: Early and Lady Grey!
I’m sorry, but although everything sounds good, I’m still stuck on Earl. Kind of quirky.
Looks like you might have a 3-way tie.
A handsome fella! Deserving of a good French-ish name 🙂